
Will County Gazette

Friday, September 13, 2024

Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees met July 22

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Trustee Katie Christopherson | Village of New Lenox Website

Trustee Katie Christopherson | Village of New Lenox Website

Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees met July 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Regular Meeting of the New Lenox Village Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. by Trustee Smith in the Council Chambers of the New Lenox Village Hall.



Upon Roll Call by the Clerk, the following members of the corporate authorities answered “Here” or “Present”:

Trustees Wilson, Christopherson, Gugliuzza, Smith, Madsen and Scalise and Mayor Baldermann


There being a sufficient number of members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.


Also, in attendance were the Village Administrator Kurt Carroll, Village Clerk Laura Zilinskas, Community Development Director/Assistant Village Administrator Robin Ellis, Civil Engineer Will Nash, Finance Director Kim Auchstetter and Village Attorney Chris Spesia

PRESENTATION – GFOA Distinguished Budget Award – Kim Auchstetter

Mayor Baldermann, on behalf of the Village Board, recognized Kim Auchstetter’ s efforts in receiving the GFOA Distinguished Budget Award.

PUBLIC HEARING – Annexation Agreement – Lakes Park Mayor Baldermann opened the public hearing at 7:03p.m., at that time Village Clerk Zilinskas provided proof of notice and swore in any speakers.

Ms. Ellis reported several years ago a similar proposal with the same name was before the Village Board for the annexation and zoning for single-family homes and duplexes, however the deal fell apart and the ordinances were never recorded.

Ms. Ellis went on to report, this proposal is for the annexation of just under 70- acres along Laraway Road directly east of Leigh Creek South. They are proposing three different zoning classifications – R-2 single-family for roughly 2/3 of the site, R-4 which would allow for duplexes and R-6, which are predominately 6-unit townhomes. The Comprehensive Plan recommends single-family for this property which does account for the single-family homes and duplexes. Because the townhomes are not recommended, we did ask for a market study which did show support for this. The findings of the market study are very similar to what Tracy Cross came back with the draft of the housing study that was done for the Village. Based on the demand for townhomes, Staff recommended approval of the three different zoning classifications. When this was before the Plan Commission, they also recommended approval.

Ms. Ellis reported attached is a preliminary P.U.D. plat with 91 single-family lots, 50 duplexes and 100 townhomes which comes out to just under 3.5 units per acre, which is the maximum density recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. There are also a number of stormwater detention facilities throughout the project. We are working through some comments on the preliminary landscaping plan. Along the north pond there will be a 6-foot-wide trail – staff is recommending that they add trash receptacles and maybe a detention overlook area to further justify the higher density range. She went on to say there will also be an 8-foot-tall PVC fence along the CN Railroad tracks which is to the north. In lieu of a tradition 3-foot berm along Laraway Road, because of grading and waterflow issues, they will be planting taller evergreen trees, especially behind the townhomes which are close to Laraway Road. They will also have a more decorative fence feature along Laraway Road as well.

The single-family portion will be developed by Lennar Homes. There are a couple of zoning deviations from the R-2. One is because some of the lots are larger, they have narrower street frontage. The subdivision code says larger lots require more frontage, but in this case, Staff recommends we do a subdivision code waiver so the homes can be at the setback as the remainder of the street frontage. Through the P.U.D. there is one lot in the NE corner, on a street curve that we want to be sure the driveway is located near the southern part for safety reasons.

The duplexes will be constructed by Cachey Builders. Staff is requesting that the anti-monotony provisions be included in the P.U.D. just so there are a variety of color schemes and different facades. There are a couple of larger lots that will require a larger frontage, so again, we are recommending a subdivision code waiver. Our subdivision code requires a wider street for multifamily areas. Because these are only duplexes, they are proposing to have a 66-foot-wide right-of-way with our typical residential street cross section, Staff does not object to that.

The townhomes will be developed by Lennar Homes. Staff is suggesting that each unit be provided with a rear patio or a deck. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 20- foot-wide driveway to be maintained from the garage to the street and a couple of units do not have that so Staff’s suggestion is that they may have to reduce some of the 6-unit building to 4 or 5-unit buildings. There are a couple of units that are proposing to have shared driveways. Staff is not in support of this deviation so we would like the Village Board comments. Also, another concern of Staffs and the Plan Commission is there are areas that have a very tight turning radius. The Village has gone down to 150-feet in some subdivisions for center line radius, these are 90- feet. Through the fire truck turning study, it showed that if cars are parked on both sides of the street it would interfere with public safety. What is being proposed is to restrict parking on the inside of the curve which is where the fire hydrants would be located. In all of these areas there would be a prohibition of on-street parking. Within the townhome area there are other off-street parking areas to help compensate but Staff and the Plan Commission have a lot of concerns, one with enforcements and two, the single-family areas where people have parties or as kids get older and there are multiple cars it will become a potential problem. One of the things Staff suggested was running another north/south street to basically connect those areas.

Lastly, they are proposing two phases, each phase would include a portion of all three of the housing types. One other issue is the R-2 District allows a 1,500 square foot ranch and for the Leigh Creek annexation agreement the Board mandated a 1,600 square-foot ranch, so to be consistent Staff suggests that this should be for this annexation agreement as well.

Tom Cachey, TJ Cachey Builders, addressed the Village Board saying they had been before the Village Board years earlier with a project that never went through. He said there is a new development team and the finance is in place. With the help of Lennar Homes who are committed to the project.

Ms. Ellis stated the primary concerns are the streets.

Mr. Cachey said he has been working with the Village Staff and that his first attempt did have the north/south streets but was directed to figure out a way to separate the product types which is where they came up with the pods. The curves create a situation, instead of having a stop sign at a corner, there is just a soft corner. We are operating on the assumption that these corners will be almost acting as stop signs, and when we remove parking from both sides of street (indicated by signs as well as painting the curb- the HOA will also be responsible for managing this) turning radiuses work for garbage and fire trucks. There is still substantial on-street parking for any residents events

Ms. Ellis questioned the suggested amenities like patio’s and suggested benches by the north detention pond.

Mr. Cachey stated that is certainly manageable.

Mayor Baldermann stated in regards to the radiuses he asked if they are relying on people following the rules with parking.

Trustee Smith said that is not going to work. People don’t always follow the rules. The Village Board expressed their concerns with the no parking on streets.

Mayor Baldermann stated he appreciates that the initial plan showed something different but there maybe has to be a loss of density to take care of the streets. He said he can’t image the Village Board will approve something with the hope that people pay attention to the yellow paint on the curb.

Trustee Gugliuzza stated being in real estate and dealing with this on a daily basis the streets will be a logistical nightmare. She said with the 6-unit buildings and 2- car garages there will be nothing but cars lining the streets. A HOA ticket means

nothing to anybody. It will be a disaster and the homes will lose value because nobody wants to own in a subdivision where it’s just wall to wall street parking. Trustee Gugliuzza said she feels there is not enough parking and the streets are too narrow.

Mayor Baldermann stated he has no concerns with the building of the product. He said the streets are his major concern saying we do not mess around with public safety. If there is a way to address this beyond just potential enforcement and the hope that people will follow the rules the development will have to go down that road.

Mr. Cachey stated they are open to suggestions.

Mayor Baldermann said we don’t tell developers how to design their subdivision or layout but Ms. Ellis has made a couple of suggestions for them to consider.

Mr. Cachey said the original plan was the north/south street but the same density. Mayor Baldermann asked Ms. Ellis what was the issue with the original plan.

Ms. Ellis said she did not remember because it was submitted the way it’s being presented.

Mayor Baldermann said he likes the mix of units and according to the study there is an absolute need for townhomes. The biggest concern is the streets so if there is something that can be shown that will address these concerns.

Mr. Cachey said he thinks the original plan had three north/west streets and the big deviation from this plan was the duplexes were directly on Laraway Road.

The design tech engineer addressed the Village Board saying they did land plan and engineering. He said right now the only narrow streets are the duplex streets.

Trustee Smith stated that is where you need the parking the most.

The design tech engineer stated they were told the this was considered residential single-family homes so we did not go to the wider streets. We were only asked to widen the streets in the townhome section. The original land plan basically connected the three streets on the east side that are now looped together. And along the west side as well.

Trustee Smith asked if they had the old plan.

Mayor Baldermann asked Ms. Ellis if the initial plan, which had the straighter roads, had the turning radius issue.

Ms. Ellis stated they try to encourage at least a slight curb in the street so it is not a straight shot because of speeding and the attractiveness of the subdivision.

Mayor Baldermann stated they need to soften up the radius coupled with the restriction of the on-street parking.

Mr. Carroll noted they said it was still the same densities with the straight roads.

Mayor Baldermann went on to thank the developer for taking Staffs comments to heart and changed their plan accordingly. He said they need to find a way to soften the radiuses and therefor they may lose a little bit of density.

Ms. Ellis stated the utility extensions that Public Works is recommending is included in the Annexation Agreement.

Trustee Smith said he also has an issue with any driveway’s being smaller. There is a reason we require a 20-foot driveway. He does not like deviating from the 20-foot driveway and density is not a good reason.

Mayor Baldermann said he agrees and it needs to be addressed. He asked Ms. Ellis if that had to do with the 6-unit townhomes.

Ms. Ellis stated it’s really only two buildings.

Mr. Cachey said it’s two buildings per their exhibit that would be able to have 6-cars for every unit in their driveway.

Trustee Smith expressed his concerns with what is going to happen in 5-10 years and what is it going to cost the Village of New Lenox.

Mr. Cachey asked if there is a middle ground. If they straighten the street out to where the townhomes and duplexes met each other.

Trustee Gugliuzza asked why make the townhomes and duplexes their own individual pods when he can just merge them together. There will be fewer corners and might be able to add some additional parking areas.

Mr. Cachey stated that was the original plan and got direction from the Village.

Mayor Baldermann stated even with the widening of the street the duplexes are considered single-family and the townhomes are not. If it becomes one area there will be a wide road going to a narrower road.

Trustee Smith used Lake Street as an example. He noted we had to put a stop sign at Bentley Road and Lake Road because of the transition from a wide street to a narrow street.

Trustee Gugliuzza asked the developer why he decided to build both duplex and townhomes. She said she is finding that duplexes are selling much easier than townhomes.

Mr. Cachey said in terms of the market, right now there are no duplexes in New Lenox. He said they are going to be built all around New Lenox.

Mayor Baldermann said there is definitely a need for townhomes. He added he likes the mix. He noted he does not have an issue with the development but he does have an issue with the road. Mayor Baldermann stated he is confident in the developer and Staff to somehow make this work. He said he is comfortable, if the Board is comfortable, with the developer working with Staff and tweaking some of these issues and come back to the Board for second read.

The design tech engineer asked is the biggest concern that they will be imposing parking restrictions or is it the fire department.

Ms. Ellis said they are both related. The developer did submit a fire truck study that showed a fire truck can get in but that’s assuming everybody parks against the curb.

The design tech engineer said the opinion of the Fire Department, after they looked at the exhibit, said if they restrict the parking to one side, they would be ok. The developer came back with no parking on both sides to make sure there were no issues.

Mayor Baldermann stated it’s not just a parking issue. We can’t assume that people will park correctly so therefore the radius needs to be addressed. We appreciate that you want to develop in our community and this mix will be good for our town. You can work with Staff and come back for second read.

Trustee Christopherson stated we want to set up our residents and our Staff for the best chance of success.

There were no other comments or questions at this time.

Mayor Baldermann closed the public hearing at 7:37pm.


Motion to approve the 6 items of the #24-19 Consent Agenda was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Smith

A - Minutes of the Regular Meeting – June 24, 2024

B - Minutes of the Regular Meeting – July 8, 2024

C - Raffle License for 2024 – IGFOA Financial Officer Association

D - Ordinance #3123 Creating a Class TE Liquor License – IGFOA – Ruth Limpers Scholarship Fund

E - Surety Reduction – Kline Subdivision

F - Approval of Proposal – Asphalt Rejuvenation – 2023 MFT Areas Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried.


Consideration of Ordinance’s Authorizing the Execution of an Annexation Agreement, Annexing Certain Property, Rezoning Property and Granting a Special Use for a Preliminary P.U.D. Plat – Lakes Park – 1st Read

Ms. Ellis noted these ordinances repeal the ordinances from 2018. No other comments or questions at this time.

Consideration for Approval of a Request for a Waiver of Building Permit Fees – Lincolnway Christian Church

Ms. Ellis reported Pastor Steve Baker of Lincolnway Christian Church is requesting to waive the $400.00 permit fee for a covered patio project. Staff has reviewed their request and has no objection to waiving the permit fees for this project.

No comments or questions from the Village Board.

Motion to approve the waiver was made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor





The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Site Plan – 12450 Horseshoe Drive Ms. Ellis reported this site plan is for a proposed 18,000-square foot industrial building to be situated on the north side of Horseshoe Drive on Lot 23 in the Plank Trail Industrial Center. The subject warehouse building is proposed to be utilized for an individual’s personal storage/ family garage, but the building and site are designed to accommodate a future industrial tenant. Because the building does have some adjacency to the pond, they are proposing an outdoor deck area that would overlook the pond. The landscaping is in compliance with the Annexation Agreement terms. Staff has reviewed the plans and finds them in compliance with the Village Code.

Trustee Smith asked how they will maintain the grade on the east side which is next to the pond. How will they make sure that part of the slope doesn’t end up in the pond.

A representative for the petitioner addressed the Village Board saying they are proposing a retaining wall.

Trustee Smith said the grading plans do not show a retaining wall. He noted the slope will be difficult to maintain.

Chris Zabowski, Design House, stated the retaining wall is part of the foundation of the building.

Trustee Smith said the slope drops roughly 6-8– feet. This will be very hard to maintain. He said his opinion is to drop it down and so you have less of a slope.

Mr. Zabowski asked if the Board would like them to construct a retaining wall or drop down a separate retaining wall.

Mayor Baldermann said we like what they are proposing but Trustee Smith brings up a good point. We cannot tell you what to do.

The representative said they do have stepping retaining wall on the west side so they will do the same for the east side.

Trustee Smith was in agreement.

No other comments or questions.

Motion to approve the site plan contingent on retaining wall details being submitted with the building permit was made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Madsen

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried.

Consideration for Approval of a Setting of Surety – 12450 Horseshoe Drive

Mayor Baldermann reported the letter of credit for the public improvements for the site will be set at $52,225.00 with an expiration date of July 22, 2026.

Motion to approve the setting of surety was made by Trustee Gugliuzza and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of Proposal – Seal Coating – Various Locations

Mr. Brow reported the Village has numerous drives and bike paths that need crack filling and/or seal coating. Four (4) bids were opened on July 9th with the lowest responsible bidder being Tiles in Style in the amount of $47,005.50.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the proposal was made by Trustee Scalise and seconded by Trustee Wilson

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor





The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of Proposal – Well #5 Repair – Public Works

Mr. Brow requested Village Board approval of a proposal for Layne Christensen Company the company who installed and has serviced the pump in Well #5 which is located at Nelson Road and Meadow Ridge Lane. Staff is seeking authority to utilize the budgeted amount and will work to keep the project within the estimated cost from the contractor which is $75,000, but is requesting the $100,000 budgeted amount in case there are unexpected repairs needed.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to waive the formal bid process was made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Scalise. Upon voice vote, the motion carried.

Motion to approve the proposal was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of Purchase – Vehicles – Police Department

Mayor Baldermann reported approval is requested for the purchase of three new police interceptor vehicles for patrol officers for $47,615.00 each, and two Ford Explorer 4x4 vehicles $43,380.00 each all from Currie Motors. Currie Motors is extending the state bid prices since the new state bid prices had not been approved for both style vehicles. The two administrative vehicles had been budgeted, but the three patrol vehicles had not been. Because of the increase in personnel and Staff also reassessed the replacement schedule from the market delays in production, these vehicles were not budgeted for this fiscal year. The purchases will rectify that situation. The purchases will be funded out of the state forfeiture fund and will not negatively impact the General fund.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the purchase was made by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Smith

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of a Budget Amendment to Purchase Truck Weight Scales – Police Department

Mayor Baldermann reported approval is requested for the purchase of a new truck weight scale in the amount of $16,118.00. Formal Board approval is sought because the budgeted amount was $10,700.00. The requested purchase meets the Police Departments requirements.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the purchase was made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Madsen

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval to Open an Institutional Brokerage Account with PMA Financial Network & IPRIME Account Ms. Auchstetter requested Board approval to open an Institutional Brokerage Account with PMA Financial Network & IPRIME with the purpose to invest the 2024 GO Bond proceeds during the sports complex project.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the opening of the Institutional Brokerage Account with PMA was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Christopherson

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of a Proposal – Asbestos Inspections – Route 30 & Cedar Road Development

Mayor Baldermann reported this proposal from Pekron Consulting is for asbestos inspection services for the buildings located at 100 E. Maple, 208 N. Cedar, 204 N. Cedar, and 250 E. Maple. The cost for these services is estimated to be $6,360 but slightly if more samples are necessitated.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the proposal was made by Trustee Scalise and seconded by Trustee Wilson

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of a Resolution #24-28 Authorizing the Execution of a Right of Entry Agreement with C.V.S.

Mayor Baldermann reported this resolution authorizes an agreement with CVS to gain access and usage of their property located at 115 E. Maple Street in order to perform soil testing and water monitoring in relation to the leaking underground storage tank site located at 100 E. Maple Street. CVS corporate office is requesting a $5,000 payment for this access which once paid will allow us to complete the testing so we can proceed with readying the property on the southeast corner of Rt. 30 & Cedar for demolition.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the resolution was made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of a Resolution #24-29 Authorizing Execution of a Loan Agreement with the IEPA - WRRF Mayor Baldermann reported this resolution authorizes the execution of a loan agreement with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Water, for the phase 1A of wastewater project. Phase 1A is for the construction of the new Waster Resource Recovery Facility, the sanitary conveyance from the existing wastewater plant #2, and the decommissioning of plant #2.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the resolution was made by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of a Contract for WRRF Support Construction Services – Tria Architecture

Mayor Baldermann reported this contract from Tria Architecture is to provide construction engineering services for the construction of the administration building at the wastewater project. This contract is for time and materials, but has a not to exceed cost of $200,000.

No comments or questions at this time.

Motion to approve the contract was made by Trustee Scalise and seconded by Trustee Madsen

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of a Resolution #24-30 Authorizing the Approving Execution of an Agreement for Parking and Entrance Modification between the Village of New Lenox and Meridian Investment Partners, LLC

Mayor Baldermann reported this Resolution authorizes and approves an agreement with Meridian Investment Partners, LLC and the Village. The proposed agreement would allow the Village to better configure the parking and align the parking entrances north and south, and also allow the Village to utilize Meridian’s spaces as overflow parking when they were not in use by Meridians tenants. In exchange for this parking and entrance modification, which the Village will pay for as part of the project, the Village agrees to take over the maintenance of Meridians parking lot.

No comments questions at this time.

Motion to approve the resolution was made by Trustee Christopherson and seconded by Trustee Gugliuzza

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of a Master Services Agreement for a Website - Crossroads Sports Complex

Mayor Baldermann reported this agreement is to create and maintain a Website for the Crossroads Sports Complex with WMT Digital LLC. The Firm had been recommended by Sports Facilities Companies, our sports complex consultant. The cost of the design for the website will be $15,000. The ongoing maintenance costs will be $2,500.

No comments questions at this time.

Motion to approve the agreement was made by Trustee Gugliuzza and seconded by Trustee Scalise

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried

Consideration for Approval of a Resolution Demanding Payment of a Certain Letter of Credit – Leigh Creek South Right-of-Way No action was taken.


Mayor Baldermann wished Mark Brow a Happy Birthday.

Mayor Baldermann reported that Mr. Carroll and the Village Attorney are working on a request that deals with asphalt, fencing and landscaping, electric for ball field lights, natural gas lines, landscaping and shade structures for the Crossroad Sports Complex. This will be approved prior to our next Village Board meeting.

Mr. Carroll noted this falls within our budgeted amount.

No comments or questions from the Village Board.

Mayor Baldermann announced there will be a street dedication event honoring Ruth Colby.

Mayor Baldermann reported he has gotten calls from residents regarding wait times at Silver Cross Hospital. He stated that he is working with the new CEO of Silver Cross on this issue.


No report.


Mr. Carroll complimented the Public Works Department for doing such a great job on the storm clean up.

Mr. Carroll complimented the Staff and volunteers on doing a great job at the Food Fight, Taco Fest Event in the Commons

• Discussion of Gas Station Market Assessment & Recommendations

Ms. Ellis reported that we hired SB Friedman to do the study. We have 13 gas stations; Speed Trek is not opened yet. The number of gas stations has increased the overall sales tax generated but the sales per gas station is going down. Anytime a new gas station opens we do get an incremental increase in gas sales but the success of the new ones is coming at the expense of the older ones. The consultant thinks this is because the new gas stations have car washes and independent restaurants. The consultant also looked at comparing our gas stations to national averages. Up until 2022 we did have room for growth. Now we are right at the national average. The conclusion is that we have saturated the market especially along Laraway Road and Route 30 but there is opportunity for additional up on the north side. Staff has been working with the Village Attorney to start working on draft amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would grandfather what’s existing but limit any new gas stations to the Route 6 corridor. This will go to the Plan Commission and then to the Village Board.

Mayor Baldermann stated as the north side of town develops there will be a need.

No comments or questions.


Trustee Madsen made the motion to approve our bi-monthly disbursements in the amount of $3,707,722.71 and a disbursement in the amount of $7,827.70. In addition to these disbursements, approval is needed for a payroll in the amount of $533,273.19 paid on July 12, 2024.

Trustee Scalise seconded the motion.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 7 Trustees Wilson, Gugliuzza, Madsen, Smith, Christopherson, Scalise and Mayor Baldermann




The motion carried



Trustee Smith

Trustee Smith wished Mr. Brow a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Madsen

Trustee Madsen wished Mr. Brow a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Christopherson

Trustee Christopherson wished Mr. Brow a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Gugliuzza

Trustee Gugliuzza wished Mr. Brow a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Gugliuzza commented on Silver Cross Hospital.

Trustee Wilson

Trustee Wilson congratulated Ms. Auchstetter.

Trustee Wilson wished Mr. Brow a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Scalise

Trustee Scalise wished Mr. Brow a Happy Birthday and thank you to the Public Works Department.


No Executive Session


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Scalise. Upon voice vote, the motion carried. The Regular Meeting of the Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees held on July 22, 2024 adjourned at 8:26pm.
