
Will County Gazette

Monday, October 7, 2024

City of Crest Hill Plan Commission met June 27

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Ward 1 Alderman Scott Dyke | City of Crest Hill

Ward 1 Alderman Scott Dyke | City of Crest Hill

City of Crest Hill Plan Commission met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The June 27, 2024, Plan Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Thomas, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Center, 20600 City Center Boulevard, Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.

Roll call indicated the following present: Chairman Bill Thomas, Commissioner Ken Carroll, Commissioner Angelo Deserio, Commissioner Jeff Peterson, Commissioner John Stanton, Commissioner Cheryl Slabozeski.

Also present were: Interim Community Development Director Ron Mentzer City Attorney Mike Stiff, Administrative Clerk Samantha Tilley, Administrative Clerk Zoe Gates.

Absent were: Interim Planner Maura Rigoni.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Thomas asked for a motion to approve the amended minutes from the regular meeting held on May 9, 2024, for Commission approval.

(#1) Motion by Commissioner Deserio seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to approve the amended minutes from the regular meeting held on May 9, 2024, as amended.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Commissioner Deserio, Peterson, Stanton, Carroll, Chairman Thomas. NAYES: None.

ABSTAIN: Commissioner Slabozeski.


There being five (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Chairman Bill Thomas apologized to both applicants for having to postpone the original June meeting.

PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Bill Thomas presented case number V-24-2-6-1, which is a request of AB Shuttle/Amitoj Singh Mehta seeking approval of a variation from Section 8.3-9.1 of the Crest Hill Zoning Ordinance for the installation of bollards on the B-2 General Business District Zoned Property located at 2378 Plainfield Road, Crest Hill, Illinois. The necessary paperwork was in order.

Chairman Thomas asked for a motion to Open the Public Hearing on case number V-24-2-6-1.

(#2) Motion by Commissioner Carroll seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to open a public hearing on case number V-24-2-6-1.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Commissioner Carroll, Peterson, Stanton, Slabozeski, Deserio, Chairman Thomas.

NAYES: None.


There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The Public Hearing was opened at 7:06 p.m.

Chairman Thomas asked the Interim Community Development Director Ron Mentzer to present the specifics of this case. Interim Director Mentzer commented that Administrative Clerk Zoe Gates would be giving the specifics on this case.

Administrative Clerk Zoe Gates commented that this is a dental office located at 2378 Plainfield Road. There has been a vehicle vs. building incident and since then the owner has applied for a permit to place bollards around the building. The permit was approved to place bollards around the front and side of the building, however, along the Caton Farm Road side the bollards would be closer than what our zoning ordinance allows. The applicant is coming to the Plan Commission to ask to place the bollards closer to the property line.

The ordinance states a minimum setback of five feet, however, the building itself is closer than that and if they place them where they are applying to do so, they would be approximately a foot on one side and inches away on the other side.

Chairman Thomas asked for the owner, Amitoj Singh Mehta to approach the podium and be sworn in. Mr. Mehta approached the podium and was sworn in.

Mr. Amitoj Mehta introduced himself and stated that he is an orthodontist and has been practicing in Crest Hill. He explained that there was an incident last October where a car came into the building from the front side of the road, which now has bollards placed. Luckily, there were no injuries but considering it happened once they would like more bollards around the side, as well. It is closer to the building, but this would save the building and avoid any mishappen in the future, considering that cars travel at great speed on that road.

Chairman Thomas asked if any Commissioners have any questions.

Commissioner Peterson commented that he went out there to look at the bollards and he commented that Mr. Mehta did a really good job. He also stated that Mr. Mehta deserves to protect his building.

Commissioner Slabozeski asked what type of materials the bollards are made of. Amitoj commented that they are placed a few feet in the ground and are made of commercial grade cement and metal.

Chairman Thomas asked if these bollards would all be the same height. Amitoj commented that they are all the same height. Chairman Thomas commented that it appears to him the most significant one would be the one referred to as the clear zone. He then stated that the clear zone is the total roadside border starting at the edge of the traveled way available for safe use by vehicles and this describes the problem Mr. Mehta was having. According to the city engineer, it is outside the clear zone which is most important.

Chairman Thomas asked if there were any questions from city staff or the audience. There were none.

Chairman Thomas asked for a motion to close the public hearing on case number V-24-2-6-1.

(#3) Motion by Commissioner Deserio seconded by Commissioner Slabozeski, to close the public hearing on case number V-24-2-6-1.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Commissioner Deserio, Slabozeski, Carroll, Stanton, Peterson, Chairman Thomas.

NAYES: None.


There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:14 p.m.

Chairman Thomas asked for a motion to recommend approval of the request for case number V- 24-2-6-1, from AB Shuttle/Amitoj Singh Mehta for approval of a variation from Section 8.3-9.1 of the Crest Hill Zoning Ordinance for the installation of bollards on the B-2 General Business District Zoned Property located at 2378 Plainfield Road, Crest Hill, Illinois.

(#4) Motion by Commissioner Peterson seconded by Commissioner Slabozeski, to recommend approval of the request for case number V-24-2-6-1, from AB Shuttle/Amitoj Singh Mehta for approval of a variation from Section 8.3-9.1 of the Crest Hill Zoning Ordinance for the installation of bollards on the B-2 General Business District Zoned Property located at 2378 Plainfield Road, Crest Hill, Illinois.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Commissioner Peterson, Slabozeski, Stanton, Carroll, Deserio, Chairman Thomas.

NAYES: None.


There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Chairman Thomas informed the petitioner that the Plan Commission is a recommendation body only. The City Council will hear the case on Monday, July 15, 2024.

Chairman Bill Thomas presented case number PUD-24-2-6-1, which is a request of Midwest Industrial Funds seeking Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Special Use Permit and Zoning Variation Approvals for a new speculative industrial/warehouse building on the vacant property (Lot 17 in the Crest Hill Industrial Park) located at the south termination of Advantage Avenue in Crest Hill, Illinois. The necessary paperwork was in order.

Chairman Thomas asked for a motion to Open the Public Hearing on case number PUD-24-2-6-1.

(#5) Motion by Commissioner Carroll seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to open a public hearing on case number PUD-24-2-6-1.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Commissioner Carroll, Peterson, Stanton, Slabozeski, Deserio, Chairman Thomas.

NAYES: None.


There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The Public Hearing was opened at 7:18 p.m.

Chairman Thomas asked the Interim Community Development Director Ron Mentzer to present the specifics of this case.

Interim Community Development Director Ron Mentzer commented that this property is zoned M-1, which is the zoning classification where this type of building and use is permitted. The property is large enough that the city's zoning ordinance requires it to be processed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD), and the applicant is requesting a special use permit for the planned unit development.

As part of the project, they are looking to build a 150,000 square foot speculative office warehouse distribution type facility that will be occupied by multiple tenants.

The applicant has submitted a request for two variations. The one variation would allow the building to have a reduced front yard setback along the Advantage Avenue frontage adjacent to the cul-de-sac. The second variation would be for a parking lot pavement drive aisle setback along the south property line which is the rear property line.

Although it is a large property it is relatively a narrow property, normally for this type of development, you would not create lots with this type of property, since it would make this very challenging, but they are trying to create a building footprint that will work efficiently in the marketplace. This would be a hardship and would warrant approval of the variations. Overall, this project would be a positive addition from the economic development standpoint and would be a high-quality use for this particular lot. The plans are all in order with the city's regulations.

The Staff Report did recommend six (6) conditions.

Chairman Thomas asked the representative of Midwest Industrial Fund (MIF) to approach the podium and be sworn in. Steve Gulden, Micheal Andowich, and Patrick Swizcz approached the podium and were sworn in.

Steve Gulden, a consultant with MIF, introduced himself and commented that they appreciate everyone coming tonight. He also introduced one of the Co-Owners of MIF, Mike Andowich, and Patrick Swizcz. He commented that this building is adjacent to the other 577,000 square foot property and this is 8.8 acres.

Patrick Swizcz, the development manager of MIF commented that they are seeking approval for 150,000 square foot building with two variances. The two variances are important to them since this site has a very tricky, long, and narrow configuration. These variances will allow them to meet an industry standard of two hundred feet. This site has been vacant since the creation of this business park due to this configuration. The uses that are targeted are manufacturing, food users, and warehouse. He commented that the building is catered to be multi-tenant, possibly three to four tenants. He stated that this is not the Amazon across the way, there is no trailer parking like the Amazon building. This will hopefully create a good tax base for the City of Crest Hill.

Chairman Thomas asked the Commissioners if they had any questions or comments.

Commissioner Carroll asked if the connection to Lidice Parkway had been started. Patrick commented that Interim City Planner Maura Rigoni had reached out to TLC and they are active in talking to MIF, which they will figure out some possible additional access on the northeast to connect to Churnovic. Commissioner Carroll commented that he would like to keep as much of the traffic as possible off Division Street.

Commissioner Slabozeski asked how long this will take to build the facility. Patrick commented that it would take about a year, their anticipated start time would be the fall of 2024 and completion is late summer of 2025.

Chairman Thomas commented that he was impressed with the traffic study. He then asked when a truck leaves the facility on Advantage Drive and goes east and approaches Weber Road, what way would they anticipate these trucks going. Patrick commented that since it is a speculative building in nature there is no way to foreshadow which direction they would be going. He commented that this lot is close to I-55, so they would believe most of the traffic would make a left on Advantage Avenue heading west towards I-55.

Chairman Thomas commented that the intersection of Division Street and Weber Road is a problem since there is a lot of traffic going straight and the city does not own the property southwest, so we can not put a right turn lane and there has been a lot of complaints from the Carillon Community.

Chairman Thomas asked if anyone in the audience has a question or comment. There were none.

Chairman Thomas asked for a motion to close the public hearing on case number PUD-24-2-6-1.

(#6) Motion by Commissioner Deserio seconded by Commissioner Slabozeski, to close the public hearing on case number PUD-24-2-6-1.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Commissioner Deserio, Slabozeski, Carroll, Stanton, Peterson, Chairman Thomas.

NAYES: None.


There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:34 p.m.

Chairman Thomas commented that there are six conditions, which are:

1. Loading Dock Restriction: The maximum number of loading docks permitted for the speculative industrial warehouse/office building shall not exceed thirty-four for the PUD. Any increase in the number of loading docks above 34 will require a new public hearing and approval of a PUD amendment.

2. Truck Route Monetary Contribution: Unless otherwise approved by the City Council, MIF shall make a monetary contribution to the city that the City can use for the design, construction, and/or land acquisition for the City's planned future truck route extension to Weber Road. The details of this monetary contribution shall be finalized in a Development Agreement reviewed and approved by the City Council.

3. Lidice Parkway Driveway Connection: MIF shall make contact and have meaningful communication with TLC ownership regarding what MIF is prepared to do to obtain TLC's approval for a driveway connection between the Subject Property and Lidice Parkway. MIF shall summarize the details of these communications in writing for City Council reference during its consideration and potential approval of the Plan Commission's recommendation on this project.

4. Final Design Documents Approval: Approval of the requested Preliminary and Final PUD Special Use Permit is subject to final civil engineering design plan, photometric/electrical plan, and associated platting approval by City staff and consultants.

5. Project Signage: All sign proposals shall comply with applicable sign code regulations of the Crest Hill Sign Code Regulations.

6. Compliance with Plans: The development, maintenance, and operation of the Project shall be in substantial compliance with the plans and documents included in the Project Submittal Checklist dated 06/05/2024, as may be revised to address City staff, City Attorney, and City consultant review comments and City Council Special Use Permit approval conditions.

Chairman Thomas commented how important the Lidice Parkway connection is and the result is so critical to finish this road. He then thanked MIF for the contribution to that road and their commitment to the City of Crest Hill.

Chairman Thomas asked for a motion to recommend approval of the request for case number PUD- 24-2-6-1 a request of Midwest Industrial Funds seeking Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Special Use Permit and Zoning Variation Approvals for a new speculative industrial/warehouse building on the vacant property (Lot 17 in the Crest Hill Industrial Park) located at the south termination of Advantage Avenue in Crest Hill, Illinois.

(#7) Motion by Commissioner Carroll seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to recommend approval of the request for case number PUD-24-2-6-1, of Midwest Industrial Funds seeking Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Special Use Permit and Zoning Variation Approvals for a new speculative industrial/warehouse building on the vacant property (Lot 17 in the Crest Hill Industrial Park) located at the south termination of Advantage Avenue in Crest Hill, Illinois.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Commissioner Carroll, Peterson, Stanton, Slabozeski, Deserio, Chairman Thomas.

NAYES: None.


There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Chairman Thomas commented that the Plan Commission has approved the request located at the south termination of Advantage Avenue and these approvals are for:

Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development Special Use Permit.

Zoning variation approval for a front yard building setback variation that would allow the building to be setback fifteen feet from the Advantage Avenue property line. Zoning variation approval for a rear yard parking setback that would allow the parking lot drive aisle pavement to have a zero setback from the south property line of the property.

Chairman Thomas informed the petitioner that the Plan Commission is a recommendation body only. The City Council will hear the case on Monday, July 15, 2024.

City Attorney Mike Stiff commented that the publications for the Public Hearings on both items tonight were originally published for June 13, 2024, because of a lack of a quorum both the website and the doors to our chambers were posted to notify that the Hearings were moved to Thursday, June 20, 2024. Due to a lack of quorum on Thursday, June 20, 2024, the same process was followed by posting on the doorway and website informing that the Hearings were moved to Thursday, June 27, 2024. He also commented that Mr. Gulden came to the Chambers both days to see if anyone showed up and for the period that he was at the Chambers no one had appeared for the Hearings. We believe the public has been properly notified and all the paperwork was in order for both Public Hearings.

OTHER BUSINESS: Attorney Mike Stiff stated that Chairman Bill Thomas brought to his attention that the Plan Commission Bylaws had the wrong meeting dates and address. He also commented that the secretary position should be eliminated since there are no duties for that position. He then stated that if we are going to do those changes the Bylaws should be completely looked over and do all corrections at once.

Currently the way the Bylaws are written the only way they can be amended is if three Commissioners would sign off on the proposed amendment and bring it to a regular meeting. At that meeting it can then be up for discussion but cannot be voted on until the next meeting. Attorney Stiff recommended that rather than three members bringing an amendment to the Plan Commission he would suggest changing it to any one member being able to bring it up at a regularly scheduled meeting and vote on it then.

Attorney Stiff asked for an additional two members to sign the amendment in order to discuss these changes at the next meeting and then they can vote on which changes they would like to make at the next meeting after the discussion.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments.

There being no further business before the Commission a motion for adjournment was in order.

(#8) Motion by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Deserio, to adjourn the June 27, 2024, Plan Commission meeting.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Commissioner Peterson, Deserio, Slabozeski, Carroll, Stanton, Chairman Thomas.

NAYES: None.


There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:52p.m.




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