
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Joliet City Council met March 18

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Joliet City Council | City of Joliet

Joliet City Council | City of Joliet

City of Joliet City Council met March 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:



Proclamation - Designating March 10-16, 2024 as AmeriCorps Week

Proclamation - Congratulating Eliana Paramo on Being an Exemplary Student Athlete



This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the City Council do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the Council shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.





Land Use & Legislative

Public Service


Approval of Minutes:

Pre-Council Meeting - March 4, 2024

Council Meeting - March 5, 2024

Invoices to be Paid

November 2023 - February 2024 Payrolls 117-24

Award a Contract for the 2024 Bluff Street Interceptor Rehabilitation to Insituform Technologies USA, LLC in the amount of $1,262,641.00

Award a Contract for the 2024 - 2026 City of Joliet Mosquito Abatement Program to Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management Inc. in the amounts of $35,772.00, $36,845.00, and $37,950.00 Respectively

Award of Professional Services Agreement for the 2024 Department of Public Utilities Asset Management Program to Cultivate Geospatial Solutions LLC in an amount not to exceed of $98,000.00

Purchase of GPS Survey Equipment from Seiler Instrument and Manufacturing Company Inc. (Seiler Geospatial) in the amount of $58,042.45

Purchase of Water Metering Equipment from Core & Main LP in the amount of $845,396.00

Request for Approval to Purchase a Linear Light Source for the Evidence Unit

Request for Authorization to Purchase Two (2) Polaris Crew XP Units for the Police Department for $61,497.42


2024 Streetlight Control Cabinet Purchase Order No. 1 to Excel Ltd., Inc. in the amount of $74,995.00

Amendment to the Current Sole Source Agreement with Blue Line Professional Consultants LLC

Amendment No. 1 for the Professional Engineering Services Contract for Phase II Engineering for Chicago Street (Jefferson - Webster) Streetscape Reconstruction - Section No. 21-00545-00-PV to Civiltech Engineering, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $291,471.00


Request for Authorization to Conduct Electric Auction and Award Electric Supply Agreement


Issuance of Class “B” Liquor License at 1104 Houbolt Road - China Kitchen

Issuance of Class “B” Liquor License at 113 Republic Avenue, Suite 105 - D’Amore Banquet Hall

Issuance of Class “C” Liquor License at 118 E. Jackson Street - El Guero Fresh Market

Resolution to Deny Issuance of Class “C” Liquor License at 861 N. Larkin Avenue - Family Dollar #26629

Resolution to Deny Issuance of Class “C” Liquor License at 454 E. Cass Street - Family Dollar #21442


All evidence and testimony will be presented under oath. The petitioner will be allowed to present first. After the petitioner is completed, interested parties will be allowed to present evidence and/or cross examine the petitioner. As this hearing is legislative in nature and not administrative, an interested party shall be defined as someone who either owns property within 600 feet of the proposed development site, or a member or official representative of an affected governmental body; the remainder of those who wish to be heard shall be classified as public speakers. Interested parties will present second. Once the interested parties have completed, public speakers will be heard. These individuals are public speakers, so the applicable public speaking rules shall be in effect: Speakers should try to address all comments to the council as a whole and not to any individual member, repetitive comments are discouraged, total comment time for any one person is 4 minutes, no speaker shall engage in a debate or make direct threats or personal attacks or be uncivil or abusive, disruptive behavior by the members of the public will not be tolerated, and the presiding officer may limit irrelevant, immaterial, or inappropriate comments or statements.

Public Hearing for an Ordinance Approving the Vacation of a 30-Foot-Wide Public Utility Easement Located at the Southeast Corner of McDonough Street and SE Frontage Road (V-7-23)



Ordinances Related to Timber Pointe Unit 2 Subdivision:

Ordinance Approving a Final Planned Unit Development of Timber Pointe Unit 2 Subdivision (PUD-5-23)

Ordinance Approving a Recording Plat of Timber Pointe Unit 2 Subdivision (RP-7-23)

Ordinance Approving a Variation of Use to Allow Continuation of a Three-Unit Residence in an R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, Located at 506 Manhattan Road (ZBA 2024-04)

Ordinance Approving a Preliminary Planned Unit Development of Lakewood Prairie Subdivision, Unit 3. (PUD-1-24)

Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Annual Budget of the City of Joliet for the 2024 Fiscal Year (2023 projects Funded in 2024)

Ordinances Related to Joliet Logistics Park Subdivision, Phase 3:

Ordinance Approving a Final Plat of Joliet Logistics Park Subdivision, Phase 3 (FP-1-24)

Ordinance Approving a Recording Plat of Joliet Logistics Park Subdivision, Phase 3 (RP-3-24)

Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Division 7, Sections 2-313.11 and 2-313.13, Arts Commission, of the City of Joliet Code of Ordinances (Amending Number of Members and Clarifying Attendance Requirement)

Resolution Accepting Grant of Permanent and Temporary Easements for 126 Iowa Avenue on the Hickory Creek East Water Main Improvement Project

Resolution to Approve a Community Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Joliet and the Will County Health Department Regarding the Integrated Referral and Intake System

Supplemental Resolution Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax Funds Associated with an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois Department of Transportation for the US Route 30 (I-55 - IL Route 59) Roadway Improvements Project - MFT Section No. 14-00476-00-PV in the amount of $447.56

Resolution Accepting Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Low Interest Loan L175747 for the Lead Water Service Line Replacement Program Phase V

Resolution Accepting Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Low Interest Loan L176075 for the 2024 Water Main Replacement Program

Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Second Amended Sales Tax Incentive Agreement for Supermercados El Guero Inc. at 118 E. Jackson Street


This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding non-agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the City Council do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the Council shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.

CLOSED SESSION to discuss the following subjects:

PERSONNEL: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific City employees (5 ILCS 5/120/2(c)(1)).

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Collective negotiating matters and salary schedules for one or more classes of City employees (5 ILCS 5/120/2(c)(2)).

LAND ACQUISITION or CONVEYANCE: The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the City, including whether a particular parcel should be acquired, or the setting of a price for the sale or lease of property owned by the City (5ILCS 5/120/2(c)(5,6)).

PENDING or THREATENED LITIGATION: A pending legal action against, affecting or on behalf of the City or a similar legal action that is probable or imminent (5 ILCS 5/120/2(c)(11)).

