
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Frankfort Board of Trustees met Jan. 16

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Village of Frankfort Mayor and Board of Trustees | Village of Frankfort

Village of Frankfort Mayor and Board of Trustees | Village of Frankfort

Village of Frankfort Board of Trustees met Jan. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Keith Ogle called the regular meeting of the Frankfort Village Board to order on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 7:01 P.M., at the Village Administration Building, 432 W. Nebraska Street, Frankfort, Illinois.

Village Clerk Katie Schubert called the roll. In attendance were Mayor Keith Ogle, Clerk Katie Schubert, Trustees Adam Borrelli, Michael Leddin, Jessica Petrow, Maura Rigoni, Dan Rossi, and Gene Savaria. Also in attendance were Attorney Hannah Lamore, Village Administrator Rob Piscia, and Police Chief Leanne Chelepis.


Mayor Ogle led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Mayor Ogle administered the Oath of Office to Police Officer Owen Sieb and congratulated him on successfully completing his initial training and probationary period. Officer Sieb expressed his appreciation to his family, friends, and coworkers for their support.


All items on the Omnibus Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and are enacted in one motion. There is no separate discussion of these items unless a board member makes a request, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

A. Approval of Minutes

1. Regular Meeting (December 18, 2023)

B. Approval of Bills - $916,411.72

C. Plan Commission Report Summary

1. Thrift Home & Restoration - 21420 S. Harlem Avenue

a. Special Use Permit for Planned Unit Development- Ordinance

(Waive 1st and 2nd Readings)

Accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3427) GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (THE BRIDGE RE-SUBDIVISION/THRIFT HOME & RESTORATION, PINS: 19-09-24-401-021-0000; 19-09-24-401-022-0000; 19-09-24-401-019-0000; AND 19-09-24-401-020-0000), in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, conditioned upon final engineering approval and additionally subject to the following condition: Construction or a cash-in-lieu payment to the Village for the required 5' sidewalk along the frontage of the property along Harlem A venue, shall be the responsibility of the property owner, no later than one (1) year after the adjacent undeveloped property to the north (PIN 19-09-24-401-004-0000) is developed and issued a Certificate of Occupancy.

b. Special Use Permit for Indoor Retail Sales of Goods - Ordinance

(Waive 1st and 2nd Readings)

Accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3428) GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR INDOOR RETAIL SALES OF GOODS, BETWEEN 5,000 AND 10,000 SQUARE FEET, TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (THRIFT HOME & RESTORATION - 21420 S. HARLEM AVENUE), to permit the operation of Thrift Home & Restoration, a charitable thrift store, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, conditioned upon final engineering approval and additionally subject to the following conditions: 1) The donation drop-off area shall be cleaned at the end of business each day so that no items are stored overnight or when the retail store is closed; and 2) Parking lot lights and cupola lights shall be connected to a shutoff timer which automatically turns off the lights no later than one hour after the close of business each night.

c. Preliminary and Final PUD Development Plan - Approval

Accept the Plan Commission recommendation and approve the Preliminary and Final Development Plan for The Bridge Re-Subdivision (Thrift Home & Restoration), located at 21410, 21420, 21470 and 21500 S. Harlem Avenue, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, and conditioned upon final engineering approval.

d. Preliminary and Final Plat of the Bridge Re-Subdivision - Approval

Accept the Plan Commission recommendation and approve the Preliminary/Final Plat of The Bridge Re-Subdivision, prepared by DesignTek Engineering, Inc., dated 09/05/2023, in accordance with the reviewed plans, and subject to any necessary technical revisions prior to recording.

2. CNC Lawn Care, Inc. Special Use Permits for Landscape Company and Outdoor Storage: 165 Industry Avenue, Unit 3 - Ordinance (Waive 1st and 2nd Readings)

Accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3429) GRANTING SPECIAL USE PERMITS FOR A LANDSCAPE COMPANY AND OUTDOOR STORAGE OF UNCONTAINED BULK MATERIALS TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (CNC LAWN CARE, INC. - 165 INDUSTRY AVENUE, UNIT 3 -PINS: 19-09-34-103-009-1001; 19-09-34-902-000-0000; 19-09-34-100-071-0000), to permit the operation of CNC Lawn Care, Inc., in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, subject to conditions as enumerated in Section 1 of this Ordinance.

3. Sauna Guard Wellness Center Special Use Permit for Massage Establishment: 11240 W. Laraway Road- Ordinance (Waive 1st and 2nd Readings)

Accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3430) GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (SAUNA GUARD WELLNESS CENTER - 11240 W. LARAWAY ROAD), to permit the operation of Sauna Guard Wellness Center, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, subject to the following conditions: 1) the applicant shall comply with Zoning Ordinance Article 5, Section C, Part 11.1, Use Regulations for Massage Establishments; and 2) the applicant shall obtain a Frankfort business license.


Trustee Savaria moved, seconded by Trustee Petrow, to approve the Unanimous Consent Agenda.

Following a motion to approve, Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Petrow, Rossi, and Savaria presented a brief overview of the consent agenda docket items under consideration for approval.

Clerk Schubert called the roll. Ayes: Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Petrow, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria. Nays: None. The motion carried.


• Mayor Ogle expressed his appreciation to Rob and Priscilla Steinmetz for their investment in the property located at 21420 S. Harlem Avenue which has been vacant since 1993. Mayor Ogle wished them great success.

• Mayor Ogle extended his congratulations to Sauna Guard Wellness Center which will be located at the newly constructed building at 11240 W. Laraway Road.

• Mayor Ogle invited residents to attend the 3rd Annual Fire and Ice Winter Social on Saturday, February 3, 2024, from Noon to 3:00 P.M. on Breidert Green. The event will feature a live ice carving demonstration, family-friendly ice games, a toasty bonfire, smores, hot chocolate, and a chili cook-off.

• Mayor Ogle reported year-round electronic recycling is available on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, from 5 :00 P .M. to 7 :00 P .M. at the Frankfort Township Building, 11000 W. Lincoln Highway. All electronics accepted. There is a limit of two televisions per vehicle and ID is required to prove Will County area residency.

• Mayor Ogle congratulated Officer Owen Sieb and thanked him for his dedication to the Frankfort Police Department and the community.

• Mayor Ogle thanked Deputy Chief Kevin Keegan for his 26 years of dedicated public service to the Village of Frankfort and wished him a happy and healthy retirement.

• Mayor Ogle commented on recent issues in the news regarding the influx of migrants transported to Illinois. He expressed his hope that state officials and the federal government would secure the borders to address this national crisis.


Clerk Schubert reported the next Village Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 5, at 7:00 P.M.

The Trustees expressed their gratitude to Deputy Chief Kevin Keegan for his 26 years of dedicated service with the Frankfort Police Department and extended their best wishes for a fulfilling retirement. Additionally, they offered congratulations to newly sworn-in Officer Sieb.

Trustee Rigoni welcomed Thrift Home & Restoration, CNC Lawn Care, and Sauna Guard Wellness Cener to Frankfort. She also thanked Village staff for their extra effort this past week during the inclement weather.

Trustee Petrow wished residents health and happiness in the upcoming year. She recognized the diligent efforts of the Public Works, Police Department, and the Fire Protection District, noting the challenging week in Frankfort marked by various rescues and inclement weather.

Trustee Borrelli thanked the Police Department, Frankfort Fire District, and all the supporting agencies who participated in the successful rescue of the contractor who fell, breaking his arm, while servicing an antenna at the Grainery tower in downtown Frankfort.

Trustee Rossi echoed the comments of Trustee Borrelli regarding the Grainery incident and the complexity of the rescue.


There were no other items of business.


No public comments were addressed to the Village Board.


Hearing no further business, Trustee Borrelli moved, seconded by Trustee Rossi, to adjourn the regular board meeting of Tuesday, January 16, 2024. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:24 P.M.
