
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Romeoville Village Board met March 1

Village of Romeoville Village Board met March 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village Board - Workshop Meeting 

1. CALL TO ORDER-Roll Call

Present 7 - Trustee Jose Chavez, Trustee Dave Richards, Trustee Brian A. Clancy Sr., Mayor John Noak, Trustee Lourdes Aguirre, Trustee Linda Palmiter, and Trustee Ken Griffin



23-3113 A Presentation on the Village of Romeoville's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2022

Finance Director, Christi Jacobson, introduced Anthony Cervini from Sikich to make a short presentation regarding the Village's FY 2021-2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and audit results.

Trustee Chavez thanked Mr. Cervini and Sikich for their work on our financial report and audit and many thanks to the department heads and

Mayor. It is great to hear that we are financially sound.

ORD23-1823 An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development - Final Development Plan for Towneplace Suites at 1280 Windham Parkway

Sponsors: Joshua Potter

Community Development Director, Josh Potter, explained that before the board tonight are final development plans for the Towneplace at 1280 Windham Parkway. The site plan includes a 2.3 acre lot for the hotel and 0.7 acre out lot for future retail development. The hotel will have 103 rooms with 149 parking spaces including 7 handicap. The building will be 4 stories with a pool, fitness center, and a large lobby. The development plans asked for a 25 foot signage package, the Planning and Zoning Commission requested it be lowered to 10 feet but the developers are looking for 20 feet. They are estimated to open November 2024.

The Mayor commented that it has been great working with this team and the pandemic has slowed everyone down for projects but it is great that you have kept up this development.

Trustee Richards commented that Planning and Zoning loved the project.

Unfortunately there is a 10 foot tall monument sign for the industrial park that would block the 10 foot tall hotel sign but 20 feet is a reasonable request. There will be no banquet facility at this location.

The developer thanked the Mayor and Josh for all their work and support on the project.

ORD23-1824 An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development - Final Development Plan for Burger King at 431 S. Weber Road

Sponsors: Joshua Potter

Mr. Potter explained that final development plans have been submitted for a Burger King at 431 S Weber Road. The proposed building would be 3,500 square feet and have 30 parking spaces including 2 handicapped. It would also include a wrap around drive thru. There are minor code exceptions relating to the size of the burger on the side of the building. They plan to start construction this summer and plan to be open in the fall.

The Mayor commented that this is one of the two remaining lots in the Blain's lot.

RES23-3551 A Resolution Approving a First Amendment to the Preliminary Agreement Regarding Formation of a Regional Water Commission

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

Village Attorney, Rich Vogel, explained that the proposed resolution would approve an amendment to the preliminary intergovernmental agreement approved a little more than a year ago relating to the water commission for obtaining Lake Michigan water. As a result of multiple applications being submitted to IDNR from our water commission and other groups also applying there is a delay on the IDNR side. The amendment would provide an extension to the dates creating and entering into the final IGA to create the water commission, provide the use of alternate contracting methods, and allows for the consideration of a credit to member municipalities who incur increased cost in relocating a delivery point which saves money for the commission as a whole.

The Mayor commented that there are a lot of groups who are applying at this time.

RES23-3552 A Resolution Regarding the Lake Michigan Water Allocation Application

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

Mr. Vogel, Chris Drey, and Chris Ulm gave a brief presentation regarding the steps taken by the Village to investigate and evaluate alternate water sourcing options, discussed the economic cost aspects of Lake Michigan water sourcing, and noted the regulatory environment that will become applicable to the Village's water operations should we receive a Lake Michigan allocation.

The Mayor commented that this is a long process and highly regulated resource.

ORD23-1828 An Ordinance Authorizing a Loan Agreement (Water Pollution Control Loan Program -Village of Romeoville)

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

Mr. Vogel explained this ordinance would authorize the Village to apply for and receive a loan from the IEPA for necessary improvements to the Spangler lift station. The loan is available at a rate of 1.24% and would be for the amount necessary to complete the project up to a maximum of $5,000,000.

ORD23-1829 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 112.33A(B)—Class A. B. C License Off Premises Sale Endorsement

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

Mr. Vogel explained that the proposed ordinance will make some changes to off-premises liquor sale endorsements. These endorsements allow Class A, B, or C license holders to sell beer or wine to-go only in manufacturer sealed containers. Beer may be sold in prepackaged units of 4 or more of at least 12 ounces.Wine may be sold in 750mL bottles.

Revenues cannot be more than 5% of gross annual revenues and sales cannot be made from 10 PM to 10 AM at the establishment.

ORD23-1831 An Ordinance Establishing a Temporary Moratorium on the Review of Certain Development Applications for Properties within the PB Zoning District

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

Mr. Vogel explained that this ordinance proposes to do a three year moratorium on the receipt, review and processing of develop submittals for new buildings in PD zoning districts that exceed 200,000 square feet in the area. Completed submittals presently in the review process are excluded from the proposed moratorium.

ORD23-1832 An Ordinance Amending Section 81.10 of the Village Code of Ordinances—Towing Fees

Sponsors: Rich Vogel

Mr. Vogel explained that this ordinance revises and clarifies the towing fee provisions in the Village Code and provide for a $10 fee increase in the applicable light and medium duty tow fees to $175 and $190, allowing tow providers to charge fees for payments made by credit card in accordance with applicable law, clarifying that up to one evidentiary tow shall be provided at no charge to the vehicle owner or Village and prohibiting the charging of any fees not set forth in the ordinance or in applicable State law.


A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Clancy, that this

Meeting be Adjourned at 6:43 PM. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.
