
Will County Gazette

Friday, May 3, 2024

Will County Democratic Caucus Committee met April 19

Will County Democratic Caucus Committee met April 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:



Mr. Brooks led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Majority Leader Meta Mueller called the meeting to order at 6:06 PM

Attendee Name




Meta Mueller

Majority Leader


Sherry Newquist



Amanda Koch



Margaret Tyson

Majority Whip


Jacqueline Traynere



Joe VanDuyne



Herbert Brooks Jr.



Denise E. Winfrey



Rachel Ventura



Natalie Coleman



Tyler Marcum



Mimi Cowan



Mica Freeman



Saud Gazanfer

District 4 (D - Bolingbrook)


Also Present: N. Palmer.

Present from the State's Attorney's Office: M. Tatroe.


1. WC Democratic Caucus - Special Meeting - Jan 19, 2022 6:00 PM 


MOVER: Margaret Tyson, Majority Whip

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

AYES: Mueller, Tyson, VanDuyne, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Ventura, Cowan, Freeman

ABSENT: Newquist, Koch, Traynere, Coleman, Marcum, Gazanfer



1. Discussion of County Board Agenda 

Ms. Mueller stated I would like to discuss the proclamations, who do we have to read the National County Government Month Policy.

Mr. Van Duyne stated he would be happy to read it.

Ms. Ventura stated she would be reading the National Housing Month proclamation.

Land Use 

Ms. Mueller said today we found out that there is an objection on item #6.

Ms. Ventura stated item #3 goes back to some of my concerns about not having a zoning category for things like storage, and lawn. When this was brought up before I was told we don’t need to make changes because A-1 with special use can be used for what people wanted to have bees. Now we have another example going from a C-1 to R-4 where they can’t have a special use in that area; now the only category that is appropriate for them is an I-1. The minute they meet an I-1 you can’t control what the I-1 is going to be. Anything in I-1 is permissible at this point. Now you are going to put a warehouse on State Highway 171, which is State Street going into Lockport. It will block a diner, to the east is houses. Just south of this is a marble company, a junk yard, and the prison is just south of that. My concern is that they continue to make industrial into a residential area and it is going to be a problem. The way I see it just one case sets president for other warehouses to come in, it is already a truck route. I can understand that a lot of warehouses in the future would want to put a warehouse; it is quick to Rt. 355, quick into Joliet, this is not an area that I feel is best for a warehouse. Long term, we still have the problem of not having an appropriate zoning. I think that is important because what you vote on sets precedence for the future.

Mr. Brooks said I was at the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on Tuesday night. The lady from the diner was there, and whatever objections she had; she was told that they would overcome them. When it went to Land Use, and nobody showed or objected; it passed out of Planning and Zoning and out of Land Use. I am aware of the objections that Ms. Ventura raised, and the owner promised that he would rectify any issues.

Ms. Ventura said I don’t want to penalize the business; this is going to keep being an issue in our county; I feel for them because we have not provided any other option. The best solution would be to create another zoning category; and vote on it when we have an appropriate zoning category.

Ms. Mueller said for item #6 I received the objection; I think you may want to shed some light on it. This will take a three fourths vote; you will need 20 votes.

Mr. Brooks said I am surprised there was an objection on this, nobody showed up to Planning & Zoning Commission for this. My Church is right down the street; I sat with a group today and their objection is they don’t want this in their neighborhood, many who objected to it don’t live anywhere near the facility but still don’t want it there.

Ms. Tatroe stated there is an owner what surrounds three sides of the property that filed the objection. They didn’t set forth why they objected.

Ms. Ventura asked what happens if it is approved, what right does the objector have?

Ms. Tatroe stated it just makes it so there must be the 20 votes for it to pass.

Ms. Mueller said their objection is they just don’t want it but there is a huge need for this; it needs to be in an area where it can service people who need it. I am going to vote yes.

Ms. Winfrey stated nobody showed up for Planning and Zoning and Land Use to object; I have received many phone calls not to have it. Dr. Sharma has two other facilities, one at the old Certified Food Store. I have had no problems; the property is immaculate I’ve seen no trouble and I am able to see it firsthand; I am right there and have had no issues at all with anyone coming in or out of there. I think that’s a part that people don’t understand that. It is not a transient kind of place where people are standing around out front or hanging out. I know that Rocky’s objection is that at one time he wanted to buy that piece of property as well; and made a significant offer on that piece. Dr. Sharma was already in there, it used to be the old Eagles Club. There is also a primary care south of there which he is involved in as well.

Speaker Cowan said I think the history as having similar facilities that are operating well are a good thing.

Ms. Winfrey stated but look at the other side for the residents, it is like what are we now, the dumping grounds.

Ms. Ventura said that continues to be a problem in Joliet; the City of Joliet is not cooperating with what is needed in the city, and it is being pushed out into the county.

Mr. Van Duyne said I also received a phone call on this from the President of the Will & Grundy Contractors Association. He told me that Councilman Terry Morris had an issue with this project, also the Joliet City Administrator. It was relayed to me; they said they were going to contact you, and I wanted to see where you guys were at. Their reasoning to me was they don’t want a facility like this for somebody to walk out on Rt. 53 because it is a very busy state highway.

Ms. Winfrey stated we have had deaths along that area, because there are no sidewalks, so that is an issue.

Ms. Ventura said I think that is a good time to also say to our county residents we have the Sugar Creek planning that is very nice to help prevent some of those things. So, if we want to use ARPA dollars on that it could go a long way in that area, I will support that.

Mr. Brooks said City Councilman were there at the Planning and Zoning meeting. They didn’t talk or say anything, nobody from the City of Joliet said anything but they were present.

Mr. Van Duyne said at our Executive Committee meeting I was made aware that Councilman Terry Morris was going to show up and speak; I did see him, but he did not join our meeting, nor did he speak. I am just being transparent; I guess I would lean on you two folks to find out where you are at with it.

Ms. Winfrey said at Executive Committee they could have made public comment, but the issue was not on the agenda so it wouldn’t be discussed at that meeting. I advised them to come on Thursday when it will be discussed.

Mr. Brooks stated I am supporting it.

Ms. Ventura asked Mrs. Tatroe to give a synopsis how the overlapping levels of government are causing issues.

Mrs. Tatroe stated the Fire Protection Districts can pass their own ordinances, but they generally don’t really have any enforcement mechanism. I remember them contacting them about this land use; asking if they could notify the Fire Departments when building permits were issued. Our advice was if you want to submit a FOIA and FOIA that every month they can; but we are not going to start providing services to every local government entity that wants information on a regular basis.

Mr. Palmer stated New Lenox and Manhattan Townships had the sprinkler requirements, they wanted to do the land inspections at the same time Land Use was doing theirs. The reason is if they have the walls opened and they are running the electric and plumbing, otherwise if they don’t get the notice and it is after the fact; the contractor has closed the walls and it can’t be inspected. This is the negotiated solution for it to give them a process besides a FOIA, and a way to work together. The taxing body that represented that area had passed it and they have the right to enforce it, but it is going difficult. When you are building you should know that there are these requirements.

Ms. Mueller stated this all started because the Township of New Lenox required this guy to have a sprinkler system, but the County didn’t require one. Now this guy has a house mostly done but he can’t afford a sprinkler system.

Mrs. Tatroe said that is correct because our building code does not require a sprinkler system. There should be a referral to the Fire Protection District before they even start building; because once you have started building you have already invested the money.

Ms. Mueller said a sprinkler system is a very costly thing to install in a home. Ms. Ventura said so this is all about us giving them data.

Mr. Palmer stated the Fire Protection District is a separate taxing body; it was created by a voter referendum years ago; they have the right to impose this regulation, it is just that the County didn’t want to hold up their process.


Ms. Tatroe said there are certain crimes where the Legislature has provided as a deterrent, that the money made from committing those crimes should be forfeited; otherwise for some it is worth going to jail or being on probation if they keep that money. That money is forfeited, and it goes to a variety of entities. State Police, County Police, Municipal Police, State’s Attorney’s Office, and the Attorney General’s Office. There has been a change that whoever the defendant is has engaged in money laundering. Otherwards, they have gotten money usually from drug deals and then funneled that money through a legitimate business, so it looks like legitimate money. It gets forfeited, it is a fund that the State’s Attorney has the sole discretion of how to spend it if it is conformance with state law that requires them to spend it on law enforcement purposes.

Public Works & Transportation

Ms. Ventura asked if we could get an update on Weber Rd. with the illumination of the street signs.

Mr. Van Duyne stated Crest Hill wanted illuminated signs and we just need to give them permission to do that; everything is very basic.

Diversity & Inclusion - Nothing to Report 

Public Health & Safety 

Ms. Venture said we had two standard items, and neither are of concern. I did bring up at Executive Committee something that is of more concern. That is holding our Executive accountable for the RFQ/P that we passed a year ago in April. We asked the County Executive to go out for a homelessness study for strategic solutions to that. There were a lot of delays, they did go out and post it and apply for it but last summer Ms. Parker and I were selected to be on that board, to select the people but those meetings never happened. In the fall there were some changes to the Continuum of Care, United Way took over in January of this year, but we are still not moving forward on this. More recently the City of Joliet has changed a lot of requirements for homes, they are shutting down properties where we have historically housed people. Because of COVID and other political decisions our shelters are no longer taking walk-ins. That is ridiculous because they don’t have a house, they don’t have a phone, or a computer to make an appointment, now they are forced to go to the agency to get the services that they need. This is making it harder for people to get homes. This study more than ever is important so we can make sure that we can do as a county to help the problem. Also, to maybe encourage places like the City of Joliet to make other decisions so we can really address homelessness. If I could get the support of our full County Board, I think this is an important endeavor.

Ms. Mueller said thanks for the reminder about that study.

Legislative & Judicial 

Speaker Cowan stated the bill that the Executive was pushing did not pass. It may come back in the fall; I know that issue of who is allowed to do the appointments is going to be heard by the Illinois Supreme Court.

Mrs. Tatroe stated we are not parties; so I don’t know that they have sent a docketing schedule yet.

Mr. Brophy said the new State Budget includes a change to the Sheriff’s salary. If that is clear, it is supposed to be 80% of the State’s Attorney’s salary, are you aware of this? The State is going to cover 2/3rds of salary. It may be an issue and I did inform Ms. Howard. The question I have is about the six-month rule; do you have to act so we can abide by the state law before he takes office.

Mrs. Tatroe stated if this is mandatory it doesn’t matter what you have it passed. I will have to look at the language to see how it is written. Especially if the State is paying for part of it.

Capital Improvements - Nothing to Report 


Speaker Cowan said item #1 providing electricity to the RNG Plant; we had two weeks of conversation and presentation about this, this is the electricity to run the RNG Plant. There were a couple of questions about who we were going to buy that from, and how much it was going to be, and the balance of renewables versus non-renewables. We had a conversation and what came out of committee we will go with Constellation Energy which is Exelon. We would require that 75% of that energy be renewables, the other 25% would be non-renewables. There was a question regarding a fixed price, verses market variable. We decided on that too. It is a complex issue and there is going to be some dissention on this, maybe within our caucus. It wasn’t a party line vote in Executive Committee.

Ms. Ventura said I was pushing for 100% renewable energy which means we are buying 100% REC (Renewal Energy Credits). We are still getting our energy from the nuclear plant to me this is about supporting the price of renewable energy. We will still get our electrons from the nuclear plant; because that is what provides most of the energy in our area. The State has already bailed out the nuclear plan for about the next 10 years; the State has already gave them $800 million, nobody is shutting down Braidwood. That is what the Republicans are going to say. I know where Mr. Van Duyne stands on this out of respect; we are going to fall on different areas on this, but we didn’t get the vote on 100% renewable energy. I am not sure if we can make an amendment to change it to 100%, we must vote it at 75%.

Speaker Cowan said you would have to make it a floor amendment, but I am going to warn you there is going to be a floor amendment to lower it.

Mr. Van Duyne said I wanted it to be 50%, the committee said 75%; I am okay with that. I made my statement. But if someone throws out 50% and they have the votes then I am going to go with it. Braidwood is involved and that is what I wanted.

Mr. Brophy asked why we can’t run this thing on natural gas, because we are producing natural gas.

Ms. Ventura said because the credits to pay for it are in the RINs; eventually we might be able to do that, but we get extra money to sell these RIN credits.

Speaker Cowan stated item #2 moving Will County Truck Routing, this is basically saying yes, we accept the results of the study. The kennel space was somewhat talked about, we will probably need a different long-term plan, there has been an influx of puppies, so they needed a place to house them.

Mr. Palmer said it is more that the private animal hospitals that we used to utilize can’t get staff, so they have stopped taking our animals. This is temporary, we may have to add on to the building. There is space there, but the argument has historically been we didn’t want to house animals due to the ongoing cost. When we had partners throughout the community that could do it, it was more cost effective. Animal Control is a fee-based entity, if we must spend more money, they will have to spend all their reserves and could end up in a fee increase; we have been pretty good about keeping those fees down.

Ms. Freeman asked with more kennels would they need more staff.

Mr. Palmer stated the kennels are temporary, they may have to do something with staff in the short term. Post COVID they may get back to where they can go back to housing these animals. If not, then we may have to work with Capital Improvements Committee and expand. The plan was always to be able to add on to that building but we didn’t want to add on to the building. Once you build a building that is the cheap part, staffing the building is the hard part.

Ms. Ventura said the State did pass the puppy mill bill last year; making it so you couldn’t sell puppies anymore. That long term could decrease that; also, the Township of Joliet did put in for ARPA Funds to work with the animal control to expand their animal control building which we have an IGA with them.

Speaker Cowan stated jumping down to 9,10 and 11 they are all change orders on the RNG, and yes, this is increasing the overall cost of the long-term cost of the project. Obviously, that is not what we want. We are still pushing to get to what the budget for the project is so every time we get a change order how does that effect the very final last number; we are still trying to get a report on that. The fact of the matter is we are too far in, and we can’t not approve these change orders.

Ms. Ventura said it is profit generating long term.

Mr. Van Duyne said revenue, not profit.

Specker Cowan said number 12 is a scrivener’s error; this was our pillars for ARPA; we fixed it on the floor and talked about it, but it didn’t make it into the final resolution. We are just adjusting that number to what we all thought we were passing. I think Ms. Ventura wanted to ask about the vehicle purchases.

Ms. Ventura said yes, it was $85,000 for all three vehicles; and it didn’t look like any hybrids were looked at. Nothing came back in the report. I am guessing that they didn’t look at it.

Mr. Van Duyne stated I see a 2022 Ford Utility Interceptor Hybrid all-wheel drive. It does say that the hybrid motors are sold out.

Mr. Palmer stated I asked for Ms. Ventura, on Thursday we will more information. I am not sure that these historically came back to the board; sometimes they were paid out of contingency. The reason is because they weren’t available last year, but I don’t think that these historically came to the board, but we were just being transparent. The challenge is we are having an issue just even getting vehicles.

Mrs. Tatroe said to give a little history in the past when departments asked for vehicles, they would not put that money in their budget. They would wait until the end of the budget and if we had money left then they would use it to buy vehicles. That is why it was structured that way because; there is an argument to be made that County Board should not be controlling the internal operations of the Elected Officials, then that way they ought to put the money in the budget and let them buy them when they need it.

Mr. Palmer said that is a question if we could have bought these before then we would have put the money in the budget, and they could have bought them; but they just weren’t available.



1. Land Use & Development 

2. Finance 

3. Public Works & Transportation 

4. Diversity & Inclusion 

5. Public Health & Safety 

6. Legislative & Judicial 

7. Capital Improvements 

8. Executive 


1. Speakers Update 

Speaker Cowan said if you haven’t talked to Ms. Van Treeck about making a little video or statement, she will be able to help you with that. If you are doing something in your district, if it is not political, snap a few pictures and send them to Ms. Van Treeck she will post it on social media, we want to show that members

Mr. Van Dyne asked what social media we have.

Speaker Cowan replied Facebook and Twitter; she is going to get set up on TikTok. We will expand to the others eventually. All of you who are on social media try to help us share, be sure to like it to spread the word.

Mr. Palmer said the other thing that Ms. Van Treeck is doing; for example, we are in the season of Household Hazardous Waste events and the Forest Preserve stuff. We are going to be sharing that because that is the County Board on the other side of the house. Also, if it is in your district, we will feature things going on in your district.

Speaker Cowan said her other priorities are fixing up the website.

Mr. Palmer said the Clerk’s Office mailed out 400,000 voter registration cards and people were calling us about the map. We have fixed it on our website getting them to the new map as well; we are pushing people to the Clerk’s Office on voting items. The new maps don’t go into effect until December 5, 2022.




1. Motion to Adjourn @ 7:20 PM


MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member

SECONDER: Rachel Ventura, Member

AYES: Mueller, Tyson, VanDuyne, Brooks Jr., Winfrey, Ventura, Cowan, Freeman

ABSENT: Newquist, Koch, Traynere, Coleman, Marcum, Gazanfer




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