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VNA recognized as a vital community member for its part in Elgin-area pandemic response at Chamber’s annual meeting and awards reception
ELGIN, IL - VNA Health Care was awarded the 2022 Elgin Area Chamber Non-Profit Award from the Elgin Chamber of Commerce, during last week’s Elgin Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Meeting and Award Reception. In the recognition, the Chamber cited VNA’s role as a “vital organization that has made a difference in the past year with their community-wide response to the pandemic, producing outcomes that exemplify service excellence and added great value to the Greater Elgin area.”
“VNA Health Care provides high-quality care to those in need throughout the Elgin community, and we’re honored to receive this recognition from the Elgin Chamber of Commerce,” said Linnea Windel, President and CEO of VNA Health Care. “The Elgin Chamber of Commerce is such a strong partner in our work to expand access to care in the community, and we look forward to continuing our efforts together in the years to come.”
VNA is the largest Community Health Center in the Chicago suburbs, operating 16 clinics and serving more than 74,000 patients each year. VNA operates two locations in Elgin that provide family practice, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, behavioral health, mental health, and podiatry. To date, they have administered 53,000 COVID tests and given 95,000 COVID vaccines at clinics, community events, in homes, and at other locations across the Chicago suburbs. They also provide treatment for COVID with prescription oral medications for those in need. VNA has worked closely with employers throughout the region to conduct worksite vaccination clinics to help improve access to care and boost vaccination rates among the Elgin area workforce.
“VNA Health Care has been an essential resource for the Elgin community for years, and we are so grateful for the services they provide, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Carol Gieske, President and CEO of the Elgin Area Chamber. “Together, we work to keep our workforce healthy and safe, whether it’s through holding vaccination clinics across the region or spreading the word about the affordable, high-quality care VNA provides. VNA is a most deserving recipient of the 2022 Elgin Area Chamber Non-Profit Award.”
The Elgin Chamber of Commerce has hosted its Annual Meeting and Award reception for over 110 years to honor and recognize peers in the Elgin area who demonstrate excellence and stand out in ways the chamber feels are deserving of acknowledgement.
Caroline Wellford