
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Shorewood Village Board met July 13

Webp meeting240

Village of Shorewood Village Board met July 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


After the pledge of allegiance, the following answered to Roll Call: Mayor Clarence DeBold, Trustees: Stevan Brockman, Donald Carroll, Richard Chapman, Barbara Kirkland, Diane Lambert and Anthony Luciano. The number present constitutes a quorum.

Also present: Aaron Klima Interim Village Administrator, Noriel Noriega Public Works Director, Kelley Chrisse Economic Development Director, John Komorowski, Anne Burkholder Finance Director, Eric Allen Deputy Chief and Attorney Dave Silverman.


Mr. Brown of Shorewood Drive inquired about the signalization on Black Rd. at Shorewood Dr. We are waiting for ComEd to active the signals. He was concerned about an evergreen on his property with the digging that took place around it. The Mayor requested the possibly of restoration for his property take place soon to address the tree. Mr. Noriega will address the issue.

Approval of the regular meeting minutes June 22, 2021 Approval of the committee of the whole meeting minutes June 22, 2021 Approval of account payable in the amount of $571,613.75 Approval of payment in the amount of $20,293.07 to Dude Solutions for annual maintenance fee Approval of payment in the amount of $422,651.52 to PT Ferro Construction for work completed on the Black Rd. at Shorewood Dr. Signalization & Drainage Improvements Approval of payment in the amount of $43,122.23 to Tria Architecture for the n Facility Approval of payment in the amount of $55,755.00 to Grundfos CBS Inc. for River Road Lift Station Pump Replacement Approval of payment in the amount of $18,09 19 for Shorewood CARES Round 2 Reimbursement

Approval of payment no.1 in the amount of $204,133.00 to Integral Construction, Inc. for work completed on the Four Seasons Park Tennis Court Refurbishment

Trustee Luciano made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Trustee Kirkland. Roll Call: Yeas: Carroll, Chapman, Kirkland, Lambert, Luciano and Brockman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


The Mayor has no report.

Mayor DeBold announced Mr. McCoy was unable to attend the meeting and read the Resolution into the record.

Trustee Kirkland made the motion to approve the Resolution of the Village of Shorewood Honoring Gordon “Gordy”. Seconded by Trustee Luciano. Roll Call: Yeas: Chapman, Kirkland, Lambert, Luciano, Brockman, Carroll. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Mr. Noriega stated seven bids were received and opened on June 9, 2021. The bids ranged from $12.5 million to $14.6 million. Pacific Construction was the low bidder at $12,498,177. The project has a $15.3 million budget. Mr. Luciano asked if there was a penalty for the project coming in late. Mr. Noriega replied there is no penalty. If there was a penalty, a bonus would have to be paid if done early.

Trustee Lambert made the motion to approve the Accept the low bid of Pacific Construction Services LLC in the amount of $12,498,177.00 for the new Public Works Facility and authorize the Village President to execute the Contract with Pacific Construction Services LLC for the Public Works Facility. Seconded by Trustee Kirkland. Roll Call: Yeas: Kirkland, Lambert, Luciano, Brockman, Carroll, Chapman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Mr. Noriega stated we are requesting consideration for one mechanic bay to be added to the project. Based on the bid results, this will add an additional $800,000 in cost for the building, but the project remains $1 million under the budget. This additional area will allow for future growth.

Trustee Kirkland made the motion to approve Change Order No. 1 with Pacific Construction Services LLC not to exceed the amount of $800,000.00 for the Mechanic Bay Addition to the New Public Works Facility live the Public Bid Process. Seconded by Trustee Luciano. Roll Call: Yeas: Lambert, Luciano, Brockman, Carroll, Chapman, Kirkland. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Mr. Noriega stated the new Pubic Works facility is over 200,000 sq. ft, and sits on 30 acres. There is a significant amount of earth work to be done. This contract requires a number of different material testing services to ensure the building is built to standards of the contract. The funds are in the Public Works budget.

Trustee Luciano made the motion to approve a Professional Engineering Services with SEECO Consultants for Material Testing Services for the Village's Public Works Facility Pro $49,958.00. Seconded by Trustee Carroll. Roll Call: Yeas: Luciano, Brockman, Carroll, Chapman, Kirkland, Lambert. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Mr. Noriega stated this request is to replace a vehicle totaled in a recent accident. This was in the budget for replacement this year. Due to the vehicle being totaled, the Village will receive $12,000 from insurance. This is government pricing for the vehicle and it is being purchased from a Shorewood business. Due to supply chain issues, the delivery date is 16 weeks. After the vehicle is received, it will be outfitted with a standard computer and mounting hardware, radars, cameras, cargo truck storage and emergency lighting.

Trustee Lambert made the motion to approve a purchase in the amount of $38,811.84 for a 2021 Ford F-150 Police Responder (4x4) Pickup Truck from Tirapelli Ford. Seconded by Trustee Kirkland. Roll Call: Yeas: Brockman, Carroll, Chapman, Kirkland, Lambert, Luciano. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Mr. Noriega stated this request is a planned replacement of a vehicle and the cost is in the budget. This is government pricing for the vehicle and it is being purchased from a Shorewood business. Due to supply chain issues, the delivery date is 16 weeks. It will be outfitted with the standard equipment after it is received.

Trustee Lambert made the motion to approve a purchase in the amount of $43,757.92 for a 2021 Ford Interceptor AWD Utility from Tirapelli Ford. Seconded by Trustee Carroll. Roll Call: Yeas: Carroll, Chapman, Kirkland, Lambert, Luciano, Brockman. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Mr. Noriega stated this request is to replace a Ford Escape used by the Utility Locating staff. The vehicle will also be used for snowplowing. This is government pricing and being purchased from a Shorewood business. Due to supply chain issues, the delivery date is 30 weeks. This item was in the 2020 budget, but the purchase was halted and the current budget provides $60,000 for the replacement.

Trustee Luciano made the motion to approve a purchase in the amount of $38,494.68 for a 2022 Ford F-250 (4x4) Super Duty Crew Cab Pickup Truck from Tirapelli Ford. Seconded by Trustee Kirkland. Roll Call: Yeas: Chapman, Kirkland, Lambert, Luciano, Brockman, Carroll. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Mr. Noriega stated the MFT resurfacing budget is $1.275 million. The low bid was $973,079.26. We are able to extend the resurfacing on Shorewood Drive to Vertin and Westshore Drive between Picnic and Grove. These additional projects will be under the $1.275 million budget.

Trustee Kirkland made the motion to approve Change Order #1 to the 2021 MFT Resurfacing Project to allow PT Ferro Construction to extend the limits of construction along Shorewood Drive and Westshore Drive in an amount of $107,493.42 and Waive the Public Bid Process. Seconded by Trustee Carroll. Roll Call: Yeas: Chapman, Kirkland, Lambert, Luciano, Brockman, Carroll. Nays: None. Motion Carried.

Mr. Noriega stated the Hunt Club has no neighborhood parks. Over the years, inquiries have been received from residents. This is a budgeted item. The proposed area is on Buckingham Place in a small grass island. Staff will work with the HOA to solicit input. This is not a request for construction, it is a request for funding to do the scope.

Trustee Brockman asked why a tot lot could not be placed over a water line, since roads and sidewalks are placed over the water lines. Mr. Noriega replied if there is a break in the water line, the tot lot equipment would need to be moved and could not be used while the repair was taking place. Trustee Lambert asked what the expected costs for the tot lot would be. Mr. Noriega anticipated a budget of $125,000.

Trustee Luciano made the motion to approval a proposal from Hitchcock Design Group for the Hunt Club Subdivision Park Design in the amount not to exceed $14,650.00 and authorize execution of the agreement. Seconded by Trustee Lambert. Roll Call: Yeas: Lambert, Luciano, Brockman, Carroll, Chapman, Kirkland. Nays: None. Motion Carried.


Ms. Burkholder indicated this is a first read of the 2021 GO Bond sale to take place on July 27th. The bond proceeds will total $14.9 million. The exact amount will be fine tuned as we get closer to the bond sale. A sample Resolution and the maturity schedule are included in the agenda packet.

Mr. Brockman asked if there was a penalty for an early payoff.

Ms. Burkholder replied at the call date, there is no penalty.

Ordinance providing for the issuance of $14,900,000.00 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021, of the Village of Shorewood, Will County, Illinois, for the purpose of financing certain capital improvements within said Village and paying the expenses incident thereto, providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds.


Public Works Director Noriel Noriega reported crews have been checking storm sewers due to rain. They have cleaned two big box culverts in Kipling Estates and Devonshire. Continued traffic signal turn over from Joliet to Shorewood for Sharp & Black Rd. IDOT/Joliet interconnect project. Staff is working on preparations for the Crossroads Fest. Crack sealing and seal coating of the village hall and police dept. parking lots has been completed. The Black Rd. at Shorewood Dr, traffic signalization are awaiting for ComEd to initialize and restoration will take place. Pickleball, basketball and tennis court project is continuing and US Tennis has been onsite for leveling compound that requires dry weather and color coating of the courts. Then the wind screen will be installed along with the nets and also landscaping. IDOT continues with the northbound Rt. 59 bridge over I-55 on the east columns and piers and starting on the west side. The Black Rd. pedestrian bridge is going well and working on the center of 1-55 piers and abutment. The scheduled completed date at this time is August 6th. Hopefully the bridge will be delivered with 2 1/2 weeks.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new public works facility will be on Saturday July 24th at 10am.

Trustee Brockman reported the Planning & Zoning Commission did not meet in July and the next meeting is scheduled for August 4th.

Trustee Kirkland reported the next Party in the Park concert is July 22nd with the band Strung Out. Fishing Derby has been rescheduled to July 17th at Towne Center Park. Also on the 17th is the annual Cardboard Boat Regatta.

Trustee Luciano reported the Citizen Advisory committee is on summer break and they will meet again on September 23rd with a presentation from the Kiwanis Club. Anyone interested in joining can find his contact information on our website,


Trustee Kirkland made a motion to adjourn.
