
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Marsha Viriginia Williams' campaign establishes a House committee


The campaign committee of Democratic Party candidate Marsha Viriginia Williams, Friends to Elect Marsha Williams, has established a House committee, according to data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Campaign finance committees are classified by the number of donations received, the number of donors, or the purpose of the committee.

The following table shows all Illinois-based campaign committees established for elections in 2022.

Candidate NameCommittee NameCommittee Type
Raleigh BowmanRaleigh Bowman for CongressHouse
Junaid CongressJunaid for CongressHouse
Michael A. SwansonSwanson for CongressHouse
David PalmerPalmer for IllinoisHouse
Jack Lombardi IIFriends of LombardiHouse
Jahmal ColeFriends of Jahmal ColeHouse
Catalina LaufCatalina for CongressHouse
Marsha Viriginia WilliamsFriends to Elect Marsha WilliamsHouse
Timothy C. ArviewArview for SenateSenate
Michael Anthony ThompsonCommittee to Elect Michael ThompsonHouse
Robert Rob CruzCruz for a CauseSenate
Christopher ButlerPeople to Elect Chris ButlerHouse
Khai-Hoan Dac HuynhCitizens for HoanHouse