
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met July 7

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Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met July 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Kiefer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag.

ROLL CALL: Commissioners Heinen, Minnis, Renzi, Ruane, Seggebruch, Womack, and Chairman Kiefer were present. Fire Protection District, Plainfield Public Library District, Plainfield Township Park District and Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 were absent.

OTHERS PRESENT: Jonathan Proulx, Director of Planning; and Jessica Gal, Associate Planner


The Minutes of the Plan Commission meeting held on May 5, 2020 and June 2, 2020 were approved as presented.


No Public Comments received via email.


Mr. Proulx provided updates on the following Planning case: Rod Baker Ford and Ballard Farms Residential Development.




SWC of Route 59 & Renwick Rd.

Pulte Homes

Chairman Kiefer stated that the applicant for Renwick Meadows Concept Plan has asked to be removed from the agenda.


SWC of Route 126 & Drauden Rd.

Kipling Group LLC

Ms. Gal stated the applicant, Kipling Group, is seeking feedback from the Plan Commission for a residential development located at the southwest corner of Illinois Route 126 and Drauden Road, behind Lenny’s Gas N Wash. Attached is the land plan designed on approximately 30 acres which includes a colored front elevation of the proposed multifamily product. In 2018, the Village Board considered a concept plan for a single-family detached development that would be age restricted, known as The Fields, on the subject property. Fields II calls for multi-family housing in lieu of the single-family detached product previously discussed. The applicant finds that there is a market demand for rental options in the area and the proposed product offers a townhome-like feeling with each unit having an attached garage.

Ms. Gal reviewed the staff report dated July 7, 2020. Ms. Gal concluded staff and the applicant are looking for input from the Plan Commission whether they support the general concept of this land plan. Although not in line with the proposed density identified in the Comprehensive Plan, Staff finds the proposed multi-family product to be an attractive and high-quality product that contributes to diversifying housing stock in the Village.

Chairman Kiefer swore in swore in Edward Mattox, applicant and Gene Kripak with Landmark Asset Partners. Mr. Kripak explained what is proposed for the site, described the townhome type product they are proposing, parking, pedestrian access, and clubhouse.

Commissioner Womack asked if the development will be age restricted. Mr. Mattox stated no. Commissioner Womack is concerned that that density may not be supported by the infrastructure. Commissioner Womack stated he is concerned that there is not enough parking for visitors and for the park. Commissioner Womack is also concerned about future connectivity to development to the south and with the Willow Tree development to the west. Commissioner Womack likes the design of the product. Commissioner Womack asked what the proposed curb to curb dimensions for the street. Mr. Kripak stated 27 feet. Commissioner Womack is concerned about where the snow removal will be placed.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the garages are two car or one car. Mr. Mattox stated one car. Commissioner Seggebruch agreed that the park needs a parking lot and additional guest parking is needed. Commissioner Seggebruch suggested aligning the access drive with the Willow Tree development and an access drive for the commercial to have a cross access to the commercial to the north. Commissioner Seggebruch indicated this would be good for future developments to the south and west.

Commissioner Ruane is concerned about the density, amount of traffic in the development, lack of storage, snow storage, vehicles encroaching the sidewalks for parking, and connectivity to possible development to the south. Commissioner Ruane likes the architecture, centralized detention, linear park, and the clubhouse. Commissioner Ruane stated the commercial will not be a good use where it is located because Drauden Rd. is a feeder which will limit access.

Commissioner Renzi also has concerns about the density of the site, parking, storage, snow removal, and delivery vehicles. Commissioner Renzi indicated this is a nice segue between commercial and residential and is a nice design but would like their concerns addressed. Commissioner Renzi suggested to remove the round-a-bout and two building. Commissioner Renzi agreed that the access on Druaden Rd. should be in line with the Willow Tree development. Commissioner Renzi stated he would like pedestrian connectivity, such as sidewalks and bike paths.

Commissioner Minnis agreed that the density is too high, and with the parking concerns. Commissioner Minnis suggested moving the commercial to Rt. 126 for better access. Commissioner Minnis asked applicant to explain how the proposed elevations are different. Mr. Maddox stated the main difference is there are some slight architecture changes and the color. Commissioner Minnis indicated that the product is very nice but would like to see the elevations for the other sides of the buildings. Commissioner Minnis added that the connectivity to the south needs to allow for future development, he agrees with enhancing the bike path, and would like more information on the features in the park.

Commissioner Heinen asked staff to provide an update on proposed developments in this area. Mr. Proulx provided an update on Redwood, Greenbriar, and Willow Tree. Commissioner Heinen is concerned that the product will not be approved, since the board has not favored multi-family in is area, he is also concerned about the density. Commissioner Heinen agrees with the comments regarding density, parking, and pedestrian connectivity. Commissioner Heinen wants to ensure that the rear elevations be included if they come back for site plan approval. Commissioner Heinen agrees that the commercial should be on Rt. 126, since Drauden Rd. is a feeder street.

Commissioner Renzi made a motion to forward a recommendation in support of the proposed concept plan for The Fields II.

Second by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Heinen, yes; Ruane, no; Seggebruch, yes; Minnis, yes; Womack, yes; Renzi, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-1.


Commissioner Seggebruch asked what the status on the extension of 143rd St. to Ridge Rd. Mr. Proulx stated it will most likely be a 2021 construction project.

Commissioner Renzi asked the status of 143rd St. to I55. Mr. Proulx stated it is anticipated the project will be out for bid in 2021 with construction between 2022-2025.

Commissioner Ruane asked is staff if there is a status on the Will County Case 26049 W. Lockport St., since there appears to be a new business occupying the property. Mr. Proulx stated he will follow up with Will County.

Chairman Kiefer read the reminders.


Plan Commission meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
