
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U Board of Education met January 13


Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U Board of Education met Jan. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U met in regular session on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 6:05 P.M. in the Wilmington School District Boardroom. President Cragg called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Anderson, Dziuban, Moran, Southall, Stickel and Cragg. Kunz was absent.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Dziuban at 6:06 P.M. to discuss in closed session and to take action in open session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees/coaches; Litigation that is Probable or Imminent; and To make a semi-annual review of all closed meetings. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Southall to leave closed session at 6:17 P.M. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

Pledge to the Flag 6:30 P.M.

9 guests were present.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Stickel to approve the agenda and consent agenda for the Monday, January 13, 2020 meeting of the Wilmington Community Unit School District 209-U Board of Education as presented. All Aye. Motion carried.

Opportunity for Public Input:

Wilmington Coalition Cat Crew – Vaping Presentation

Administrator Reports:

Mrs. Beth Norman, Bruning Principal reported:

The Christmas Parties were held on 12/20 with an early dismissal of 1:35 PM. Bruning students will be benchmarked this month. The students will be tested in Literacy and Math. RTI Intervention groups will be adjusted accordingly after the results are documented. This month’s Homeschool Connection will take place 1/17. Career week will be held 1/27-1/31. Young Rembrandt’s begins 1/23. Pre-K screening was 1/10.

Mrs. Venita Dennis, L.J. Stevens Principal reported:

Penny Wars took place before Christmas Break, proceeds raised ($1,213.87) went to Kuzma Cottage. All staff participated in a professional development workshop on 1/6 to learn “Stop the Bleed” training and review CrisisGo. Career week will take place the week of 1/27. Second trimester progress reports will be sent out on 1/28. The next meeting of WE-PTO will take place 2/4. There will be no school on 1/20 to honor Martin Luther King Jr. day. The second trimester will end on 2/21. The dentist will visit on 1/31. The 4th grade will travel to Midewin on 1/13 and 1/21.Young Rembrandt’s begins on 2/26. The 4th grade patriotic program will be 2/20.

Mr. Adam Spicer, Wilmington Middle School Principal reported (in writing):

Second Trimester progress reports were mailed on 12/20. The 8th grade students had their promotion pictures taken on 1/8. Ms. Carey and Mrs. Georgeff organized a very successful Winter concert on 12/17. All teachers have completed the 5 Essentials survey, and students will complete the 5 Essentials Survey in February. WMS will participate in the Illinois Youth Survey in February. U.S. Fish and Wildlife will be in the 7th Grade science classes later in the month. The 7th and 8th grade boys’ basketball teams are finishing their respective seasons. We will be hosting the 8th grade boys basketball regional, and the 8th grade girls volleyball regional. Volleyball and wrestling matches have begun. Cheerleaders will compete at the IESA State cheer competition in Peoria on 1/25.

Mr. Scott Maupin, Wilmington High School Principal reported:

First semester grades were due in Guidance on 1/8. Report cards were sent home 1/10. Teachers attended a Teacher Institute on 1/6 to receive Stop the Bleed training and review the CrisisGo App. The Math Department is beginning to search for a new textbook series. WHS will host the ACT exam on 2/8. 15 students traveled to ISU for a theater workshop on 1/9-1/11. WHS cheerleaders will host the IC-8 cheer competition 1/15. They will compete at the IHSA Cheer Sectional at Joliet Central HS on 2/1. Speech team will compete on 1/25 at the IC-8 contest at Coal City HS. Wilmington will host the IC-8 wrestling tournament on 1/25. The IC-8 JV wrestling tournament will be at Coal City HS on 2/1. WHS will host the IHSA Regional Tournament on 2/8.Herscher HS will host the IC-8 Math Contest on 1/29. Practices have begun for the Spring musical “High School Musical”, which will be performed 3/12 – 3/15. December students of the month were Freshmen: Gwen Boyer and Veronica Weck; Sophomores: Brenna Roberts and Kaden Humphries; Juniors: Noah Wilkins and Jake Plese; Seniors: Katelyn Mack and John Urban.

Mr. Mike McCorminck, Technology Coordinator reported:

We have finished the intercom upgrade and are preparing to begin upgrading cameras at SIS and WMS.

Ms. Ellen Wandless, Business Manager reported:

Ms. Wandless stated that the State of Illinois is $226,380.45 behind in payments. Last year at this time, they owed us $488,674.57. Ms. Wandless informed the Board that the closing on the 2018-2019 Building Trades house is scheduled to take place on 1/24. Ms. Wandless informed the Board that they will be asked later in the meeting to approve three resolutions to allow us to transfer money out of retired bond funds and into existing bond funds. Ms. Wandless informed the Board that Industrial Appraisal will begin the five year comprehensive appraisal of our assets during the week of 1/27. Ms. Wandless informed the Board that she and Dr. Swick will be meeting with Jody Woodley from Healy Bender Architects to begin the bid process on the WMS flooring replacement project scheduled to take place in the Summer of 2020. Ms. Wandless informed the Board that they will be asked later in the meeting to approve the application for a $50,000 Matching Grant offered through the Illinois State Board of Education to assist with the WMS floor project.

Mr. Kevin Feeney, Curriculum Director reported:

The January 6th Teacher Institute about Stop the Bleed training and the Crisis Go App was successful. Teachers at WHS are beginning the review process for new math textbooks, and teachers at WMS are beginning the review process for new science textbooks. A textbook recommendation for each school will be made in April. At the February 10th Board meeting, we will recognize students who exceeded expectations on last year’s IAR exams. Congratulations to our 5 WHS Illinois State Scholars. There will be a TAB meeting on 1/16 to discuss the 2020/2021 calendar.

Dr. Matt Swick, Superintendent reported:

Illinois Freedom of Information Act Report: None.


January 6.Teacher Institute – No School

January 7.School Resumes

January 13.Board Meeting – 6:00 Closed Session; 6:30 Open Session 

January 20.Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No School

February 12.Staff Development:/Early Release: BRU 11:00; SIS/WMS 11:20; WHS 11:15

February 10.Board Meeting – 6:30 Closed Session; 7:30 Open Session

February 17.Presidents’ Day – No School

February 20.4th Grade Patriotic Music Program 6:30 PM @ WMS 

February 21.NHS Pulled Pork Dinner 4:00-8:00 p.m.

March 2.Pulaski Day – No School

The new IRS mileage rate starting January 2020 is.575 cents per mile.

The Administrators and I have been working on the school calendar for next year. We will have a recommendation ready to present at the February Board meeting.

The IASB Three Rivers Division Spring Breakfast Meeting is Saturday, February 8, 2020 at Renaissance Center, located at 214 N. Ottawa St, Joliet, IL 60432. There is a briefing at 10 a.m.; 9:30 registration, breakfast and program. There will be a sign-up sheet Monday night.

Recommended approval for the following consent agenda items as presented: Regular meeting minutes of December 9, 2019; Closed Meeting minutes of December 9, 2019; Special Meeting minutes of December 18, 2019; Closed Special Meeting minutes of December 18, 2019; Keep all closed minutes confidential and allow the re-use of all tapes that are older than 18 months; Approve the Building Principal’s Reports; Curriculum Director’s Report; Technology Coordinator’s Report; Business Manager’s Report and Superintendent’s Report; Approve Treasurer’s Reports for December; Approve January bills and January 15, 2020 payroll remittances in the amount of $2,403,929.35; Ratify Payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $294,178.907 for the December 13, 2019 payroll; Ratify payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $281,454.87 for the December 20, 2019 payroll; Ratify Payroll Direct Deposits in the amount of $282,553.62 for the January 15, 2020 payroll; Authorize the signing of the checks of the January 31, 2020 payroll; Approve the Imprest Fund Report for the month of December reimbursed in the amount of $4,154.26; Approve the Monthly Financial Report for December; Approve the Student Activity Fund Reports for December and authorize the continuance of investments of unencumbered funds; Authorize the seeking of bids for supplies for the 2020-2021 school year (Bread, garbage, farmland lease, gas, diesel fuel, cafeteria, etc.);Approve the additions to the Substitute Lists: None; Approve the Acceptable Use Policy 2020; Approve the disposal of property no longer needed: Non- working WHS photocopier, WHS baseball and track uniforms; Approve Seniority Lists as of December 12 2019 for the Support Staff and as of December 12, 2019 for the Certified Staff; Approve the following donations: Steel from NI Steel for the 2019/2020 Building Trades house; Approve the following fundraisers: WHS: LEAD, Volleyball Tournament, February 28, 2020, WHS: StuCo, Doughnut A Day, January 24 or 31, 2020, WHS: Boys’ Basketball Program, Basketball Camp, March 23,24,25, 2020, BR: Bruning School, Candy Grams, Feb 4-11, 2020; Approve the following building use forms: WHS: LEAD, Volleyball Tournament, February 28, 2020, 5 P.M. – 9 P.M., WHS: Jack Skole, Girls Open Gym, Jan. 77,9,14,16,23,30, and Feb. 4,6,11, 13,18,20,25,27, 2020, Tues. 5:15 PM- 6 PM, Thurs. 5:15 PM – 6:45 PM., WMS: Shamrock Shooters 4H Club, Intro to Archery 101 Class, Jan. 25, 2020, 12:30 PM – 3 PM, WMS: Coalition for a Healthy Community, Vaping Forum, March 18, 2020, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM., WMS: Wilmington Island Park District, Girls’ Basketball, Jan. 10,17,24 and 31, Feb. 7,14,21, and 28, 2020, 6 PM – 9 PM., WHS: Wilmington Bands 5th-12th, Band Concert, March 19, 2020, 5 PM-9 PM, WHS: Boys’ Basketball Program, Basketball Camp, March 23,24,25, 2020, 1 PM – 4 PM., SIS: Bobcats, Football and Cheer Registration, March 6 & 7, 2020, 5 PM- 9 PM on March 6th, and 8:30 AM – 12 PM on March 7th, SIS: WBSA, Softball Practice, Jan. 12 – April 19, 2020 (Sundays), 10-11:30 AM. Approve the second reading and Presented:

1. 2:20 Powers and Duties of the Board of Education; Indemnification

2. 2:70 Vacancies on the Board of Education-Filling Vacancies

3. 2:70-E Checklist for Filling Board Vacancies by Appointment

4. 2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

5. 2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban

6. 2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers

7. 2:140-E Guidance for Board Member Communications, Including Email Use

8. 2:200 Types of Board of Education Meetings

9. 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure

10. 2:220-E2 Motion to Enter Closed Minutes

11. 2:220-E6 Log of Closed Meeting Minutes

12. 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure

13. 4:15 Identity Protection

14. 4:30 Revenue and Investments

15. 4:60 Purchases and Contracts

16. 4:80 Accounting and Audits

17. 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs

18. 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment

19. 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited

20. 5:20-E Resolution to Prohibit Sexual Harassment

21. 5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria

22. 5:50 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition

23. 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

24. 5:100 Staff Development Program

25. 5:120 Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

26. 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

27. 5:220 Substitute Teachers

28. 5:250 Leaves of Absence

29. 5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions

30. 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves

31. 6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

32. 6:60 Curriculum Content

33. 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction

34. 6:300 Graduation Requirements

35. 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited

36. 7:150 Agency and Police Interviews

37. 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students

38. 8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

Approve Resolution 1-20 Transfer the fund balance in the 2009 Debt Service Fund to the 2017 Debt Service Fund; Approve Resolution 2-20: Transfer the fund balance in the 2010 Debt Service Fund to the 2017 Debt Service Fund.; Approve Resolution 3-20: Transfer the fund balance in the 2006 Debt Service Fund to the 2012A, 2015, 2017, and 2019 Debt Service Funds.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve the Consent agenda items as presented for the Monday, January 13, 2020 meeting of the Wilmington Community Unit School District 209-U Board of Education. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Dziuban to retroactively accept the letter of resignation submitted by Amanda Roge from the position of 2-hour Cashier, effective December 20, 2019. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-absent, Holman-absent, Kunz- absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall to accept the irrevocable notice of retirement submitted by Sonja Castillo from the position of 5.5-hour Food Service employee, effective December 13, 2020. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz- absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall to approve the irrevocable notice of retirement submitted by Tracy Smith, a Stevens Intermediate School Music teacher. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel- aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Stickel to approve the Retirement Contract for Tracy Smith, a Stevens Intermediate School Music Teacher, with annual salary increases of 6% for 2020-2021, 6% for 2021-2022, 5% for 2022-2023, and 5% for 2023-2024 school years. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Dziuban to approve the irrevocable notice of retirement submitted by Kelly Cavanaugh, a Stevens Intermediate 3rd grade teacher. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel- aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Stickel to approve the Retirement Contract for Kelly Cavanaugh, a Stevens Intermediate 3rd Grade teacher, with annual salary increases of 6% for 2020-2021, 6% for 2021-2022, 5% for 2022-2023, and 5% for 2023-2024 school years. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Dziuban to retroactively approve the FMLA request from Martha Swift, which began on December 11, 2019 with a return date to be determined by her doctor. FMLA will be carried out in concurrence with her accumulated sick leave days and any days used beyond exhaustion of sick days will be without pay. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Mr. Maupin’s recommendation to employ Kyle Meents as a Wilmington High School Volunteer Boys’ Baseball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. No stipend will be paid, and employment is contingent on completion of all paperwork, and meeting all local, state and federal guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel- aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Mr. Maupin’s recommendation to employ Nick Micetich as a Wilmington High School Volunteer Boys’ Baseball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. No stipend will be paid, and employment is contingent on completion of all paperwork, and meeting all local, state and federal guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel- aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Mr. Maupin’s recommendation to employ Stephanie Stickel as a Wilmington High School Co-Head Boys’ Track coach for the 2019-2020 school year at 1⁄2 of Step 3 in the salary schedule. Stipends are set by the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, and employment is contingent on completion of all paperwork, and meeting all local, state and federal guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel- abstain, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Mr. Maupin’s recommendation to employ Larry Readman as a Wilmington High School Co-Head Boys’ Track coach for the 2019-2020 school year at 1⁄2 of Step 3 in the salary schedule. Stipends are set by the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, and employment is contingent on completion of all paperwork, and meeting all local, state and federal guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel- aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Mr. Habing’s recommendation to employ Tyler Swisher as a full-time, non-union, Facility and Maintenance employee for the 2019-2020 school year, at a prorated annual salary of $31,200 ($14,520.00 for January 14, 2020- June 30, 2020). Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall to approve Ms. Brownlee’s recommendation to employ Alma Yanez as a three-hour Stevens Intermediate School Food Service Server for the 2019-2020 school year pending completion of all paperwork and meeting all local, state, and federal guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz- absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Dziuban to approve Dr. Swick’s recommendation for a new Wilmington High School-sanctioned fishing club that will begin in the 2020-2021 school year. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran- aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Dziuban to approve Dr. Swick’s recommendation to employ Loren Burkey as the volunteer sponsor for the new Wilmington High School-Sanctioned Fishing Club for the 2020-2021 school year. No stipend will be paid, and employment is contingent on completion of all paperwork, and meeting all local, state and federal guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz- absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Dr. Swick’s recommendation that you Adopt Resolution #4-20 regarding Board Policies 2:105, Ethics and Gift Ban, and 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall to Approve the Application for a $50,000 matching grant (Maintenance Grant) for Tile Replacement at Wilmington Middle School. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-absent, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

President’s Prerogative –

Board Policy – Stephanie Southall and C.J. Dziuban: Second reading tonight.

Facilities Update/Construction Committee – Terry Anderson and Ben Stickel: No report.

Foundation for Excellence – Tim Cragg: None.

Handbook Committee – Ben Stickel and Erin Moran: No report

IASB Delegate/Legislative Liaison – Peggy Kunz: No report

Negotiations Committee – Terry Anderson and Peggy Kunz: No report

TAB/Leadership Committee – Tim Cragg: A meeting will be held on 1/16/20.

Three Rivers Governing Board – Terry Anderson: No report

WILCO Board of Control – Peggy Kunz: No report

Correspondence: A Thank You card was received from the Swisher family for the District for the flower arrangement sent in memory of Michael Swisher Sr.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson at 7:16 P.M. to adjourn until the regular meeting on February 10, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Closed Session will be at 6:00 p.m. All Aye – Motion Carried.



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