
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Bolingbrook Village Board met Nov. 26

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Village of Bolingbrook met Nov. 26.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bolingbrook was called to order at the hour of 8:00 p.m., November 26, 2019, in Bolingbrook, Illinois, by Mayor Roger C. Claar.

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Roger C. Claar requested his five-year old granddaughter Samantha Joy Smith, assisted by his daughter Lindsey, to lead the pledge to the Flag.

Roll Call: Village Clerk, Carol S. Penning, called the roll: Present were: Mayor Roger C. Claar, Trustees Maria A. Zarate, Michael T. Lawler, Mary Alexander Basta, Michael J. Carpanzano, Sheldon L. Watts, and Robert M. Jaskiewicz

Also present were: Village Clerk – Carol S. Penning, Village Attorney - James Boan, Public Safety Director - Ken Teppel, Finance Director - Rosa Cojulun, Director of Public Services & Development - Lucas Rickelman, Deputy Police Chief - Michael Rompa

Absent: None

Representing the press: No press attended the meeting.

Mayor Claar commented that this evening is a special night in the history of Bolingbrook for several reasons, Jim Boan will be retiring at the end of this month after 22 years of service to the Village of Bolingbrook. He has done an outstanding job and he would share more about Jim's retirement later. Mayor Claar mentioned that he has served as mayor for 33 years as of November 25th. This will be his 34th year representing the Village of Bolingbrook. Thanksgiving is on Thursday, November 26th This is also his birthday.

Mayor Claar shared that his granddaughter, Samantha Joy, made a special present for him which she made all by herself. He showed to everyone the miniature Eagle that she painted. She chose to use blue and green matching the Village flag colors. He added that what made it really special is that on the bottom she wrote "to Papa". Thanks Samantha Joy. Tomorrow they are going to see the movie Frozen 2.

Mayor Claar mentioned that he had oral surgery last week and had a tremendous amount of bruising. He explained that it is not a result of a fistfight or anything. It was a part of the surgical process and he hoped the bruising would go away soon.

Mayor Claar cited, that for the past several years, people have mentioned to him that the Christmas decorations in the front of Village Hall needed to be updated. Perhaps they are not as nice as what it could be. This year, he asked Trustee Mary Basta, if she would work with Public Şervices, Lucas Rickelman and Ken Enda to improve the decorations. He thanked Mary Basta for her efforts along with Public Services and stated that they have done a magnificent job. This is probably the best Village grounds have looked for the past 15 or 20 years.

Mayor Claar shared that while Jim Boan is retiring, he will not be completely gone, as he is going to help the Village out on several projects that are in progress. He is part of our current law firm and will be available for consulting. Mayor Claar stated that Jim Boan is one of first people he met when came to the Bolingbrook area back in 1975. At that time, Jim was the Director of the Bolingbrook Park District. Mayor Claar added they were both members of the Bolingbrook Rotary for 20 or 30 years and they did many things together socially.

Later, Jim moved out to Kendall County because he and his wife liked horses and they bought a horse farm out in that area. Jim was a practicing attorney and got involved in County government serving two terms on the Kendall County Board. The Kendall County Board saw his leadership ability and made him County Board Chairman for five years. After that time, he chose to come back to Bolingbrook. He has always loved the community. He was part of the Bolingbrook Law Firm Kusta and Boan.

When Bolingbrook lost our Village Administrator who accepted a position in Missouri, Jim Boan was hired without even a second thought. Jim Boan's knowledge of County, Park and Village Government is unmatched by anyone. He is excellent working with people. Jim will be staying in the area and we look forward to seeing him socially and professionally.

Mayor Claar added that Jim Boan was all dressed up for his last meeting sitting at the dais. He invited those in attendance, and those watching the meeting, to stop over at Ashbury's and wished Jim well in his retirement. Jim and I have been partners at Village Hall for the past 22 years and we will miss him. He is one of one of the nicest, most intelligent, caring and sincere people you will ever meet.

Mayor Claar commented on the Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Promenade Bolingbrook that was held a few weeks ago. The lighting of the tree was videotaped when "Sammy" Samantha Yelenosky, a 7th grade student at Humphrey Middle School, turned on the lights. He posted it on his Facebook page and it already has received about 5,400 views in about a week. The event went well. It was a beautiful evening, and we had bigger crowds than ever before.

Journal of Proceedings:

Motion Lawler, second Basta to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 2019 as submitted by the Village Clerk.

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Approval of Agenda/Additions:

Jim Boan, Village Attorney indicated that he had no additions or deletions for the agenda. Motion Watts, second Carpanzano to approve the agenda as presented.

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Approval of Appointments – Boards and Commissions: None

Reports of Officers:

Mayor Claar


AMERICAN LEGION POST 1288 GIFTS TO YANKS WHO GAVE - HOSPITALIZED VETERANS TAG DAYS, November 26, 2019: Mayor Claar proclaimed November 26th, 2019 as GIFTS TO YANKS WHO GAVE - HOSPITALIZED VETERANS TAG DAYS in the Village. The Hospitalized Veterans Tag Days program has enjoyed the co-operation of the American Legion Posts, Auxiliary Units and the public throughout the entire State of Illinois. Retired service members Herschel Nelson, Army; Greg Palmer, Navy; John Davin, Army; and Larry Shaver, Marines accepted the proclamation.

Herschel Nelson said a few words regarding the tag days and then the members collected donations from those that were in attendance.

Presentations: None

Promotions/Swearing In: None

Public Comments Regarding Items Before the Board This Evening: None

Bill Approval:

Motion Jaskiewicz, second Basta to approve expenditures submitted as Bill Listing A - Payables in the amount of $1,728,646.63 and Bill Listing B - Pre-Paids in the amount of $359,499.68 totaling $2,088.146.31. (Copies were made available in the Finance Department and the Village Clerk's Office.)

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Tax Receipts:

August 2019 State Income Tax - $778,857.04 (August 2018 State Income Tax - $699,804.34) – 11.30% Increase

September 2019 Sales Tax - $2,993,791.65 (September 2018 Sales Tax - $2,889,33.23) – 3.6% Increase

September 2019 Motor Fuel Tax - $265,002.57 (September 2018 Motor Fuel Tax - $175,768.89) - 50.8% Increase

September 2019 State Administrative Fee - $23,500.74


MOTION TO CONTINUE ORDINANCE (19-068) AUTHORIZING NOTICE OF CONTEMPLATED INVOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY (ED JAMES ANNEXATION) TO THE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2019 VILLAGE BOARD MEETING Motion Lawler, second Zarate to accept a motion to continue Ordinance (19-068) authorizing notice of contemplated involuntary annexation of certain unincorporated territory (Ed James Annexation) to the Tuesday, December 17, 2019 Village Board Meeting.

The Circuit Court in Will County put a “stay" on proceeding with this Ordinance. That decision has been appealed. Before continuing with consideration of the Ordinance, the Village is waiting for a ruling from the Third District Appellate Court.

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.


Resolution 19R-059


Motion Jaskiewicz, second Watts to adopt a resolution approving the proposal for Renewal of Workers' Compensation Insurance with Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust (ICRMT).

This Resolution renews the Village's Workmans' Compensation policy with the Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust (CRMT). The Village is self-insured for the first $100,000.00 of each claim. After which, the ICRMT "umbrella" kicks in. This year's premium is increasing by 10.3% $1,024,716.00 to $1,130,496.00 based on claim loss experience. The budgeted amount is $2,114,941.00. The difference between the premium and the budget is funds used to cover self insured retainage (SIR). The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommends accept

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-060


Motion Carpanzano, second Watts to adopt a resolution approving proposals from Alliant Mesirow Insurance Services for renewal of insurance and administrative contracts.

This Resolution accepts a renewal proposal from Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the Village's Employee Group Health and Life benefits. The Village is self-insured (SIR) for the first $90,000.00 per claim. All current policies expire on December 31, 2019. The total fixed annual Health Insurance cost is $1,201,492.68 which is a 1.1% reduction from the current cost. The annual anticipated claim liability is $7,657,988.40 which includes the SIR. This would be a 1.5% reduction over the current year. The annual fixed cost of the Dental Program is $19,785.60 and the expected annual claim liability including the SIR is $388,152.00 which would be a 1.3% increase. Fort Dearborn Life will continue to provide life, disability and accidental death and disability insurance coverages. The annual estimated premium is $97,625.91 which is a 3.9% increase over the current year. Total anticipated cost of the employee benefit program is $9,280,044.59. The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommends acceptance.

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-061


Motion Jaşkiewicz, second Basta to adopt a resolution approving purchase of three (3) replacement trucks from Currie Motors under the suburban purchasing cooperative.

This Resolution approves the purchase of three (3) replacement trucks from Currie Motors through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative. All three (3) vehicles are 2020 Ford F-250XL, 4 X 2 pickup trucks. The base cost for each vehicle is $29,731.00. One (1) unit will have a snowplow package added for $5,914.00. Total cost is $65,376.00 which is $17,690.00 under the budgeted amount of $83,066.00. The Public Services Committee has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.


PC 19.35

APPROVAL OF A OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, SPECTRUM NURSES TRAINING, 354 N. SCHMIDT ROAD, BERKO OWUSU; APPLICANT Motion Carpanzano, second Zarate to accept a Plan Commission Report PC 19.35 for approval of a of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development Spectrum Nurses Training, 354 N. Schmidt Road, Berko Owusu; Applicant.

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Ordinance 19-088


Motion Lawler, second Zarate to pass an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development (Spectrum Nurses Training) - 354 N. Schmidt Road.

Berko Owusu is seeking approval for a Special Use Permit to allow a professional office in 1,200 sq. ft. of tenant space at 354 N. Schmidt Road. The business would offer training to become a certified nursing assistant. The space is located in the Riverwoods Plaza which is zoned B-2 Community Retail. Non-sales tax generating businesses are required to obtain a SUP to operate in business zoned districts. The Plan Commission has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.



Motion Basta, Second Carpanzano to accept a Special Use Permit for commercial recreation facility, The Krav Gym, 485 W. Boughton Road, Michael Jozwiak; Applicant.

Applicant Michael Jozwiak gave a brief presentation regarding The Krav Gym and his teaching credentials.

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Ordinance 19-089

APPROVING SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR A COMMERCIAL RECREATION FACILITY (THE KRAV GYM) - 485 W. BOUGHTON ROAD: Motion Lawler, second Zarate to pass an ordinance approving Special Use Permit for a Planned Development for a commercial recreation facility (The Krav Gym) - 485 W. Boughton Road.

Michael Jozwiak, D/B/A The Kray Gym, is seeking approval of a Special Use Permit to open a fitness center in 4,000 sq. ft. of tenant space at 485 W. Boughton Road (Riverwood Plaza). The retail center is zoned B-2 Community Retail. To locate a non-sales tax business in business zoned districts requires a SUP. The Plan Commission has reviewed and recommends approval

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Ordinance 19-090


Motion Watts, second Zarate to pass an ordinance Levying Taxes for corporate purposes of the Village of Bolingbrook for the current fiscal year commencing on May 1, 2019 and ending on April 30, 2020.

This Ordinance approves the Village's 2019 Property Tax Levy. The proposed levy maintains the same tax rate as the 2018 levy. The total levy is $21,626,048.00. The property tax levy only covers public safety, pensions and debt service. The proposed levy will not cover the actual costs of these two items. The Village will use $1,590,282.00 of the existing fund balance (surplus) to pay the full cost. This levy will be a 4.2% increase from 2018 which will allow the Village to "pick up" taxes from new construction. The average home ($212,535.00 estimate) will pay the Village 1.69 for the year. The levy increase is under 5% so no truth in taxation public hearing is required.

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Ordinance 19-091


Motion Basta, second Zarate to pass an ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code decreasing Class "B-1" (Retail establishment that contains a licensed pharmacy) from two (2) to one (1) - Walgreens #09919.

Walgreens at the corner of Whitewater Drive and Boughton Road has closed. This Ordinance reduces the number of Class “B-1" liquor licenses from two (2) to one (1).

Roll Call:

Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Questions from Audience/Press:

Jackie Traynere commented that turkeys were delivered to those less fortunate. Some were shut ins at Greenleaf Apartments and individuals with lower incomes. Also passing out turkeys were members of the Bolingbrook Rotary Club and the Bolingbrook Police and Fire Departments. She commented on the Levy. It is expensive to the homeowners when they are looking at a 40 percent increase to live here in Bolingbrook on their village taxes.

Mayor Claar responded to the above comments. He does not know where she came up with that number and does not even know if she could provide us with how she arrived at that percentage, but it is not true. There is no garbage tax. I know it sounds good. It is a great political message that she throws out there, but there is no garbage tax. The garbage used to be on property taxes and never to lower our levy. We took garbage off the levy for one year. We did not even collect for garbage. It came out of our surplus this past year and it was done by a unanimous vote of this board. Garbage went to direct billing, which is equitable across the board for Bolingbrook residents. When it is on the levy, if you have a half a million-dollar home, you would be paying five times more for garbage then a person that lives in a $100,000 home. By taking it off the taxes and doing direct billing, everybody pays the same. The direct billing cost is approximately $20 a month. In addition, we have one of the best garbage programs, which includes pick up of yard waste, recycling, large appliances, electronics and of course refuse collection. Please quit using the term garbage tax, as it is absolutely not correct.

Mayor Claar shared that he met with Pulte Homes. They are building Liberty Green on Essington Road. The project came to town to build 153 homes for seniors, a restricted age housing development. They are absolutely thrilled with building in Bolingbrook. They have sold 53 homes, averaging over $400,000 each. People are coming to Bolingbrook and a significant number of the people buying those homes now live in Naperville, but they are coming here to be next to the beautiful Bolingbrook Golf Club. He added that some of the homes paid $100,000 premium to have a lot on the golf course. It is a very successful project and people are flocking to move into Bolingbrook.

Trustee Comments and Reports:

All Trustees thanked Jim Boan for his 22 years of service to the Village and wished Mayor Claar a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Zarate

Reminded residents that Village Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th for Thanksgiving. She wished Bolingbrook residents a happy and safe holiday.

Trustee Lawler

Provided details on the Thanksgiving dinner to be held at the Bolingbrook Golf Club and on the free concert provided by the Bolingbrook Community Chorus, which will be held at the Bolingbrook Community Center. All donations will go to Operation Christmas. He wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Trustee Basta

Thanked Public Services for all their help and patience with the holiday Christmas lights for the Village Hall grounds. She provided details on the upcoming events to spend time with Santa. There will be activities at Ashbury's at Boughton Ridge and at the Bolingbrook Golf Club. She wished a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Trustee Watts

Provided details on the Community Mobile Pantry for December at New Hope Baptist Church. Mentioned that the Bolingbrook Christian clergy hosted their annual community Thanksgiving service and a good crowd was in attendance. Shared information that independent snowplow drivers are wanted by the Village of Bolingbrook. It pays $95 an hour. For additional information, you can go to the Village's website, call (630) 226-8800 or email publicworks@bolingbrook.com.

Trustee Carpanzano

Announced "Coffee with the Chiefs". This month it will be held at Charlie's Restaurant at Bolingbrook Clow's International airport. December 5th through the 21st are the official Operation Christmas dates. Operation Christmas has several drop off locations throughout the village. you see an Operation Christmas box, please feel free to donate personal items, toys, sports equipment, electronics, clothing, gloves, hats, etc. He added that one of the leaders of Operation Christmas is celebrating a very big day. Congratulations to Lee Bush, Jr. and Jackie Bush. Thomas James Bush was born today at 1:58 p.m. He was 20 inches and 8.5 pounds. He encouraged us to support small businesses. They are out there working incredibly hard. They are the backbone of our local economy.

Trustee Jaskiewicz

Announced that the Bolingbrook Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 2nd Charity Challenge. Last year's event was held at Tailgaters and was very successful. There are bartenders from local establishments that participate. There is a $30 fee to attend the event. There will be appetizers. It is a great way to raise money for a charity during the holidays. Each bartender gets to choose their own charity within the Village of Bolingbrook. He wished everybody a safe and happy Thanksgiving,

Mayor Claar acknowledged individuals that who were there to wish Jim Boan a happy retirement. Former Trustees Joe Morelli, Sandy Swinkunas and Margaret J. Peggy Danhof were in attendance. Peggy is the current President of the Board for the Fountaindale Public Library. He introduced his wife Pat who was sitting with their daughter Lindsey and granddaughter Samantha Joy. He added that these are the three women in my life. It is hard to get a word in edgewise as they are very aggressive, strong women.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: Motion Basta, second Zarate to adjourn the meeting.

Voice vote. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.
