
Will County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Bolingbrook Mayor and Board of Trustees met Oct. 22


Village of Bolingbrook Tuesday, Oct. 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bolingbrook was called to order at the hour of 8:00 p.m., October 22, 2019, in Bolingbrook, Illinois, by Mayor Roger C. Claar.

Pledge of Allegiance:

Mayor Roger C. Claar requested Billy Heath to lead the pledge to the Flag. Billy Hearth is a Bolingbrook resident, member of the Bolingbrook Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce and will be appointed later in the agenda as a member of the Firemen's Pension Board.

Roll Call:

Village Clerk, Carol S. Penning, called the roll:

Present were: Mayor Roger C. Claar, Trustees Maria A. Zarate, Michael T. Lawler, Mary Alexander Basta, Michael J. Carpanzano, Sheldon L. Watts, and Robert M. Jaskiewicz

Also present were: Village Clerk - Carol S. Penning, Village Attorney - James Boan, Public Safety Director – Ken Teppel, Finance Director - Rosa Cojulun and Director of Public Services & Development - Lucas Rickelman

Absent: None

Representing the press: No press attended the meeting.

Journal of Proceedings:This item was inadvertently missed on the agenda and will be voted on at the next Village Board meeting on Tuesday, November 12th.

Approval of Agenda/Additions:

Jim Boan, Village Attorney indicated that he had no additions for the agenda. He indicated that the reappointments for the Fire and Police Board members were removed from the agenda and will be voted on at a later date.

Motion Basta, second Lawler to approve the agenda as amended.

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Reports of Officers:

Mayor Claar

Dennis Meehan, a good friend of mine for many years, is no longer with us. He was on the Fire and Police Board for many years. His wife Pam still lives in Bolingbrook and their son Sean lives in Plainfield. Sean dropped off an item for the Historic Museum, an aluminum Old Chicago Bolingbrook Illinois plate. He added that he had never seen one of these plates. This is a classic museum piece and it is solid. It was laying on the counter and I thought that I better put this in my office for safekeeping, as it is a Bolingbrook historic treasure.

Jackie Randle brought in an article from the Joliet Times Weekly newspaper. It gave a history of how the Village acquired Lake Michigan water, which was a lengthy process. He shared the importance of planning to have enough water for the community and proper sewage treatment. He added that he felt comfortable about making these hard decisions because now we do not have to worry about the future for water availability. We took care of the problem early on and "I'm very proud of that". The headline reads as follows; "Joliet hikes water and sewer rates by 18.7 percent just through 2021". They do not even have an alternative yet for their water problem. That is a really big hike. He believes in the end, Bolingbrook residents do appreciate Lake Michigan water. When we went to Lake Michigan water, people were able to get rid of their water softeners. That cost of operation was offset by having Lake Michigan water.

Mayor Claar shared good news. A couple of years ago we had our bond rating lowered by what some people referred to as a tick one level. It is a complicated process, but we were notified this week that because of our financial situation and the way we handle things in this village, our bond rating is being increased by three ticks. We are now at an AA Bond rating, which is considered high grade. He read a few quotes from the Standard Reports. The following has been reported about our Village: Very strong operating surpluses during the past several fiscal years, which we expect will continue, strong economy in Bolingbrook, strong management, very strong budgetary performance, very strong budgetary flexibility and very strong liquidity. We consider Bolingbrook's economy very strong, really sticking to well-grounded assumptions when setting up the annual budget. This report points out that last year a half million dollars was transferred to the refuse and recycling fund from the surpluses.

Community Service Council (CSC) – Announcement

Robert Kalnicky, CSC Executive Director, mentioned that the month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. On Tuesday, October 29th, Community Service Council will be having their second annual "Take Back the Night" event at their offices in Bolingbrook at 440 Quadrangle Drive. The event is designed to bring the community out, bring them together and raise awareness regarding issues surrounding domestic violence. A number of partnering agencies will be available on site to provide helpful information, but this is also a family friendly event. The CSC is looking for kids to come out in costume as their favorite superhero. The thought is that every victim that goes through these terrible situations, ultimately becomes a hero in the end. The partnering agencies onsite will include the Bolingbrook Police and Fire Departments, Guardian Angels, Will County State's Attorney's office and many more.

There will be food trucks, a bouncy house for the kids and candy to give away. This is not a typical type of domestic violence event, but what CSC is doing is a little bit different by creating awareness and getting people out to learn more about this important issue.

Operation Christmas Bolingbrook - Announcement

Lee Bush, Jr., Chair of Operation Christmas thanked Mayor Claar and the Village for everything that they do for their program. This program has been located on the Performing Arts Center stage for the past 19 years. Last year, Operation Christmas was able to take care of 487 families which includes over 1200 children. He added that without the Village's support, they would not be able to help so many during the holiday season. This year, we plan on having the same amount of people that need assistance and maybe more. Each year they have an annual event to help raise the needed funds and create awareness. This is the fifth year organizing this event and it will be held at Tailgaters Sports Bar and Grill on Saturday, November 2nd. There will be a silent auction with Chicago Bears tickets, Blackhawk tickets and many other gift baskets that have been donated. All monies raised at this event will go back to help purchase new toys that will be given out this year.

Approval of Appointments - Boards and Commissions:

Motion Watts, second Zarate to approve the new appointments and reappointments to the following Commissions:

Beautification Commission:

New Appointment:

Debra Savage, Commissioner


Phyllis Ruggiero, Chair

Lola Fashina, Commissioner

Plan Commission:

New Appointment:

Barrington Tucker, Commissioner


Terri Bethune, Vice-Chair

Rick Campos, Commissioner

Margaret Hegber, Commissioner

Calvin Wright, Commissioner

Art Council Commission:


Hilary Rosenthal, Vice-Chair

Alliana Humphreys, Commissioner

Janice Kessl, Commissioner

Bolingbrook Community Television (BCT) Commission:


Jim Singer, Chair

Jerome Strickland, Vice-Chair

Firemen's Pension Board:

New Appointment:

Billy Hearth, Commissioner


Ricardo Morales, Commissioner

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Proclamations: None


Mayor Claar Administered the Oath of Office to the Following Individuals:

For those Commission Members listed below that were unable to attend the meeting, the Oath of Office will be administered at later date in the Mayor's Office.

Beautification Commission:

New Appointment: Debra Savage, Commissioner

Reappointments: Phyllis Ruggiero, Chair, Lola Fashina, Commissioner

Plan Commission:

New Appointment: Barrington Tucker, Commissioner

Reappointments: Terri Bethune, Vice-Chair, Rick Campos, Margaret Hegber, Calvin Wright, Commissioners

Art Council Commission:

Reappointments: Hilary Rosenthal, Vice-Chair, Alliana Humphreys, Janice Kessl, Commissioner

Bolingbrook Community Television Commission:

Reappointments: Jim Singer, Chair, Jerome Strickland, Vice-Chair

Firemen's Pension Board:

New Appointment: Billy Hearth, Commissioner

Reappointment: Ricardo Morales, Commissioner

Public Comments Regarding Items Before the Board this Evening: None

Bill Approval:

Motion Jaskiewicz second Carpanzano to approve expenditures submitted as Bill Listing A - Payables in the amount of $1,733,396.43 and Bill Listing B - Pre-Paids in the amount of $363,042.39 totaling $2,096,438.82. (Copies were made available in the Finance Department and the Village Clerk's Office.)

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Tax Receipts:

July 2019 State Income Tax - $ 436,533.99 (July 2018 State Income Tax $450,271.10) - 3.05% Decrease

August 2019 Sales Tax - $2,844,525.79 (August 2018 Sales Tax - $2,733,880.25) 4.0% Increase

August 2019 Motor Fuel Tax - $243,971.02 (August 2018 Motor Fuel Tax - $160,375.92) 52.1% Increase

August 2019 State Administrative Fee - $22,590.68

Mayor Claar explained that this fee is what the General Assembly in Springfield decided to steal from the local municipalities a couple of years ago. They are withholding 2 percent of our sales tax generated each month for a supposed collection fee cost. It is a large amount of money that they decided to keep each month, so they can balance their budget on our backs by keeping money that traditionally was what Bolingbrook received. They keep that amount, so the Village has to generate revenues to offset what they are taking.


Motion to Continue Ordinance (19-068) Authorizing Notice of Contemplated Involuntary Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Territory, to the November 26th Board Meeting:

Motion Basta, second Lawler to accept a motion to continue Ordinance (19-068) Authorizing Notice of Contemplated Involuntary Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Territory, to the November 26th Board Meeting.

Ordinance (19-068) is the involuntary annexation of 18.796 of property located south of 1-55 near Crossroads Parkway. The annexation was subject to a judicial "stay" issued prior to the September 24, 2019 Board Meeting. The Circuit Court order has been appealed and the Appellate Court has entered a "briefing" schedule that gives the landowner (Ed James) until November 8, 2019 to file a response. After which the court will issue a ruling. Therefore, consideration of the annexation needs to be continued to the November 26th Board Meeting.

Mayor Claar mentioned that this site is currently a very ugly junkyard with many vehicles rusted out on the property. You can see through the cars and through the sides of the semitrailers trucks. The property is weed infested and overgrown. It is horrible to look at and is located in the middle of our business park which is affecting property values. It is not active, nothing worth keeping and it is all total junk. The Village is working on annexing this property and we will hopefully get it cleaned up.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Motion to Accept the Annual Treasurer's Report of Receipts and Disbursements for Fiscal Year 2018-2019:

Watts, second Zarate to accept a motion to approve the Annual Treasurer's Report of Receipts and Disbursements for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.

This motion accepts the Treasurer's report for fiscal 2018-2019. Total receipts from all sources including inter-fund transfers was $146,978,055.00. Total expenses from all sources including transfers and capital expenditures was $137,027.000.00. The General Corporate Fund had revenues of $82,376,364.00 and expenditures with transfers of $73,932,655.00. The General Fund balance increased by $8,443,699.00. Upon acceptance, the report will be posted on the Village website and in the local paper.

Village Attorney, Jim Boan, added as Mayor Claar stated earlier regarding our bond rating, this shows that the $8 million surplus will be going into the General Fund balance and is proof of the Village's liquidity and how the Village Board is mindful of the budget and expenditures,

Mayor Claar stressed that a significant part of that surplus will be used to reduce our debt further as we have done in the last year. It shows good financial management on the part of staff and thanked them for their effort.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.


Resolution 19R-048 Agreement With Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc:

Motion Basta, second Zarate to adopt a resolution agreement with Nationwide Retirement Solutions Inc.

The Village retained Mesirow (R18-044) to investigate consolidating the 457 deferred compensation plans that were being offered to employees. Currently four firms offered plans. After looking at the four plans, the costs and the investment options, it was decided to request proposals to use one vendor. Nine firms responded to the Request for Proposal. After analyzing the proposals, four firms were interviewed by Mesirow and the staff. The four firms were reduced to two firms. The Finance Committee interviewed those two firms. Nationwide was the selected vendor. The employees (192 active participants) will save approximately $150,000.00 per year in fees and costs by consolidating the plans with one provider. The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommends approval of a five-year contract with Nationwide.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-049

Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Bolingbrook and the Department Of Healthcare And Family Services:

Motion Lawler, second Carpanzano to adopt a resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Bolingbrook and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.

This resolution approves an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Village of Bolingbrook (Fire Department) for reimbursement of ambulance services. The current Medicaid transport rate is $172.00. This agreement establishes the Village rate at $2,090.00 subject to a cost sharing (50%) with the State. The Villages' reimbursement rate will be $1,045.00 per transport. The current Village resident (non-Medicaid) transport rate is $804.25 (BCS) and $1,086.82 (ALS). The new IGA rate will bring Medicaid transports closer to being in line with the resident and insurance reimbursement rates. The Public Safety Committee has reviewed and recommends approval

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-050

Approving Change Orders for Third Party Building Inspection Service Contracts:

Motion Jaskiewicz, second Watts to adopt a resolution approving change orders for third party building inspection service contracts.

This Resolution approves a change order to the contracts for third party building inspections. The rates will stay the same as in the original contract. This resolution increase the contract amounts for B&F Construction Code Services (19R-029) by $65,000.00, TPI Building Code Consultants (19R-031) by $40,000.00 and HR Green (19R-030) by $98,000.00. Total increase for inspection services is $203,000.00. This increase is due to the increase in permits as well as roof and siding permits, due to hail damage. The additional number of permits being issued will offset the additional costs. The Public Services Committee has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-051

Approving Various Vendor Proposals for Fall Tree Replacement:

Motion Carpanzano, second Zarate to adopt a resolution approving various vendor proposals for fall tree replacement.

The Village has removed over 10,000 ash trees due to infestation from the emerald ash borer. The Village has planted 9,000 trees. The replacements are a diverse variety of trees to prevent large future deforestation due to invasive insects or disease. The Resolution approves the Village's fall tree planting program. It authorizes the purchase of 500 trees from American Landscaping for $193,500.00 ($387.00/tree) and 500 trees from Sebert Landscape for $215,000.00 ($430.00/tree). Twenty-nine replacement evergreens for the 1-55/Route 53 interchange are also included for $29,000.00. Total cost is $437,500.00, which is $62,500.00 under the budgeted amount of $500,000.00. The Public Service Committee has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-052

Approving the Purchase of New Chlorination Equipment for Treatment Plant Effluent Disinfection At Water Reclamation Facility #2 From Sidener Environmental Services:

Motion Lawler, second Zarate to adopt a resolution approving the purchase of new chlorination equipment for treatment plant effluent disinfection at water reclamation facility #2 from Sidener Environmental Services.

The Resolution approves the purchase of chlorination equipment for effluent disinfection at STP 2 on West Boughton Road. The current equipment is in need of repair and no longer complies with IEPA and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards. The purchase is from Sidener Environmental Services in the amount of $27,450.00, which is $9,455.00 over the budget. Public Services Committee has reviewed and recommends approval

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-053

Approving a Memorandum of Understanding by and Between the Village of Bolingbrook and the Village of Thornton (Illinois Statewide Auto Theft Task Force):

Motion Carpanzano, second Jaskiewicz to adopt a resolution approving a memorandum of understanding by and between the Village of Bolingbrook and the Village of Thornton (Illinois Statewide Auto Theft Task Force).

The Illinois Secretary of State office has created an Auto Theft Task Force. They received a four year grant from the Auto Insurance industry to fund the task force. The local lead agency is the Village of Thornton. This Resolution approves an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Thornton. The Village will be assigning one officer to the task force. The Village will be fully reimbursed (salary, benefits, pension and overtime) for the cost of the officer. Insurance, vehicle and fuel are provided by the task force. The Village may withdraw the officer with 30 days' notice. The Public Safety Committee has reviewed and recommends acceptance.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-054

Approving Purchase of Thirteen (13) 2020 Ford Interception Utility Hybrid Vehicles Under the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative:

Motion Basta, second Lawler to adopt a resolution approving purchase of thirteen (13) 2020 Ford Interception Utility Hybrid Vehicles under the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative.

This Resolution approves the purchase of (13) replacement patrol cars. The vehicle purchase is from Currie Motors through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative program. The vehicles are 2020 Ford Hybrid Interceptors. Each vehicle being replaced has over 80,000 miles. Vehicle Costs are:

Currie Motors 13 x $38,293.00/vehicle $497,809.00

Watch Guard (video) 13 x $5,605.00 $72,874.00

Fleet Safety (Light bar, siren) 13 x $6,855.00 $89,115.00

CAMZ (installation) 13 x $2,700.00 $35,100.00

Sign and Banner (exterior logos) 13 x $1,500.00 $19,500.00

CDW (computer)* 7 x $2,606.00 $18, 243.00

Kustom Signal (antenna)* 2 x $1,258.00 $2,156.00

Total: $735,157.50

*Balance of equipment is transferred from existing cars

The total cost is $735,157.50 which is $6,584.08 under budget. The Public Safety Committee has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Resolution 19R-055

Approving Purchase of a Video Camera Network System from Watch Guard:

Motion Basta, second Watts to adopt a resolution approving the purchase of a video camera network system from Watch Guard.

In conjunction with the purchase of (13) new patrol cars, the software for the in-car video "dash cams' need to be purchased. The Village is transitioning from locally storing data to "cloud based" storage, which this software enables. The purchase is from Watch Guard in the amount $37,150.00. The amount is $553.00 under budget. The Public Safety Committee has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.


PC 19.31

Approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development, Dazzle Nails & Spa, 128 E. Boughton Road, Sha Wu; Applicant:

Motion Watts, second Carpanzano to accept a Plan Commission Report PC 19.31 for approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development, Dazzle Nails & Spa, 128 E. Boughton Road, Sha Wu; Applicant.

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Oridnance 19-076

Approving Special Use Permit for a Planned Development for a Nail Salon and Spa Establishment (Dazzle Nails And Spa) - 128 E. Boughton Road:

Motion Basta, second Zarate to pass an ordinance approving Special Use Permit for a Planned Development for a Nail Salon and Spa Establishment (Dazzle Nails and Spa) - 128 E. Boughton Road.

Sha Wu D/B/A Dazzle Nails and Spa is seeking approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a nail salon and day spa in 1,837 sq. ft. of tenant space in the Julian's Plaza at the northeast corner of Route 53 and Boughton. The property is zoned B-2 Community Retail. Non-sales tax generating businesses are required to obtain a Special Use Permit to locate in the commercial zoned properties. This Ordinance approves the Special Use Permit. The Plan Commission has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

PC 19.32

Approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development, Zeda Nails & Spa, 333 N. Weber Road, Melinda Quach, Zeda Nails & Spa; Applicant:

Motion Basta, second Zarate to accept a Plan Commission Report PC 19.32 for approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development, Zeda Nails & Spa, 333 N. Weber Road, Melinda Quach, Zeda Nails & Spa; Applicant.

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Ordinance 19-077

Approving Special Use Permit for a Planned Development for a Nail Salon and Spa Establishment (Zeda Nails & Spa) - 333 N. Weber Road:

Motion Zarate, second Basta to pass an ordinance approving Special Use Permit for a Planned Development for a Nail Salon and Spa Establishment (Zeda Nails & Spa) - 333 N. Weber Road,

Melinda Quach D/B/A Zeda Nails & Spa is currently located in the Maple Park Plaza (321 N. Weber). She would like to expand her business and relocate to 333 Weber within the same retail center. The center is zoned B-2 Community Retail. Non-sales tax generating businesses are requested to obtain a Special Use Permit to locate in commercially zoned properties. This Ordinance approves the Special Use Permit. The Plan Commission has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

PC 19.34

Approval of a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Recreation Facility, F45 Fitness, 554 W. Boughton Road, Vanessa King, Fab Fit Fitness, LLC; Applicant:

Motion Lawler, second Watts to accept a Plan Commission Report PC 19.34 for approval of a Special Use Permit for a Commercial Recreation Facility, F45 Fitness, 554 W. Boughton Road, Vanessa King, Fab Fit Fitness, LLC; Applicant.

Voice vote. Motion carried.

Ordinance 19-078

Approving Special Use Permit for a Planned Development for a Commercial Recreation Facility (F45 Fitness) - 554 W. Boughton Road:

Motion Carpanzano, second Lawler to pass an ordinance approving Special Use Permit for a Planned Development for a Commercial Recreation Facility (F45 Fitness) – 554 W. Boughton Road.

Vanessa King D/B/A Fab and Fit Fitness is seeking approval of a Special Use Permit for 2,950 sq. ft. of tenant space in the Oak Square retail plaza at 554 W. Boughton. The center is zoned B 2 Community Retail. Non-sales tax generating businesses are required to obtain a Special Use Permit to locate in the retail zoned districts. This ordinance approves the Special Use Permit. The Plan Commission has reviewed and recommends approval.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Ordinance 19.079

Amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Increasing Class "C" from Nine (9) to Ten (10) Mariscos Mi Estilo La Perla LLC (222 N. Bolingbrook Dr.):

Motion Watts, second Lawler to pass an ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Increasing Class "C" from Nine (9) to Ten (10) Mariscos Mi Estilo La Perla LLC (222 N. Bolingbrook Dr.)

Mariscos Mi Estilo La Perla is opening at 222 N. Bolingbrook Dr. (former AAA auto). The restaurant would like to serve beer and wine. This Ordinance increases the number of Class C licenses from Nine (9) to Ten (10) to accommodate the request.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Ordinance 19-080

Amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code, Decreasing Class "C-1" from Five (5) to Four (4), Class "D-2" from Nineteen (19) to Eighteen (18) And Class "D-1" from Twenty-four (24) to Twenty-three (23) - The Beer Market (641 E. Boughton Rd.):

Motion Lawler, second Basta to pass an ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code, Decreasing Class "C-1" from Five (5) to Four (4), Class "D-2" from Nineteen (19) to Eighteen (18) and Class “D-1" from Twenty-Four (24) to Twenty-Three (23) - The Beer Market (641 E. Boughton Rd.).

The Beer Market Restaurant at the Promenade has been sold. This Ordinance reduces the number of Class C-1 licenses (retail sale of beer and wine) from Five (5) to Four (4), Class D-2 licenses (full service) from Nineteen (19) to Eighteen (18) and Class D-1 licenses (outdoor cafes) from Twenty-Four (24) to Twenty-Three (23) to reflect the business sale.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Ordinance 19-081

Amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Increasing Class "C-1" from (5), Class "D-2" from Eighteen (18) To Nineteen (19) And Class "D-1" From Twenty-three (23) To Twenty-four (24) Two Pints Lounge (641 E. Boughton Rd.):

Motion Jaskiewicz, second Basta to pass an ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Increasing Class "C-1" from Four (4) to Five (5), Class “D-2" from Eighteen (18) to Nineteen (19) and Class "D-1" from Twenty-Three (23) to Twenty-Four (24) Two Pints Lounge (641 E. Boughton Rd.).

The new owners of the Beer Market space are renaming the restaurant to Two Pints Lounge. They have requested the same liquor licenses that the previous owners had. This Ordinance increases the number of Class C-1 licenses (retail sale of beer and wine) from Four to Five, Class D-2 licenses (full service) from Eighteen (18) to Nineteen (19) and Class D-1 licenses (outdoor café) from Twenty-Three (23) to Twenty-Four (24), to accommodate the request.

Roll Call: Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.

Questions from Audience/Press:

Sidewalks - Mayor Claar mentioned that he received two requests regarding sidewalks.

The first question asked if the Village would change the rules to allow a car to park over the sidewalk from 11:00 p.m. until the next morning. Mayor Claar responded that residents go on walks with their children, walk their dogs, certainly not at 2:00 am., but how do you administer that? Also there are people that are in wheelchairs, using scooters, etc. At this time, you cannot park over the sidewalk and there will be no change to our current rules.

The second request was for sidewalks to be added on the east side of Weber Road from the Atria of River Trail, an assisted living facility for the senior community in Bolingbrook, to Naperville city limits. This type of project would cost a fortune. How many people literally want to walk from here to Naperville? He added that riding a bicycle on a sidewalk is prohibited. Again, we have limited resources. There are other places in Bolingbrook that would benefit from sidewalks than constructing a sidewalk a mile and a half long into Naperville city limits.

Video Gaming - Roger Sahay

Requested that the Board reconsider their ruling on Video Gaming and allow it to be available at the truck stop in Bolingbrook. They will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary and this would allow them to be more competitive by adding Video gaming to their establishment. He shared that he is a resident of Bolingbrook since 1975.

Mayor Claar explained that the Village opted out of video gaming some years ago. We opted out of cannabis retail sales, We don't have tattoo parlors or hookah bars. We have just avoided all those things. He added that he has a real problem in balancing municipal budgets on gambling and drugs, and that is what we have come to in the State of Illinois between the new expansion of casinos, video poker and the sale of cannabis. We do not want this in Bolingbrook.

Mayor Claar asked the Board if they were interested in moving in the direction of voting for Video Gaming at the truck stop. All six members of the Board shared an informal voice vote that they are not interested in Video Gaming at this time.

Mayor Claar thanked Mr. Sahay for his presentation and reiterated that they are not interested in going in that direction at this time.

Rick Morales, Bolingbrook resident countered what Mr. Sahay mentioned.

I agree with the Mayor and the Board regarding video gaming in our town. I believe the business owners that he represents live out of town, so they most likely do not care too much about the culture of our town and the environment that we are setting. They are more interested in profits, which again, I understand they are business owners and that is expected. He read a quick paragraph of an article, which found in the six and a half years since 2019 when video gaming went live in September, 2012, some 30,000 videos slot and poker machines have been installed at 6,800 locations around Illinois. This is more than in any other state. Gamblers here have lost over $5 billion playing these machines, which have been described as electronic morphine and the crack cocaine of gambling. For these businesses to make money off these machines, somebody has to lose it. Statistics show that most of the people losing their money are people with limited means, which creates another problem. If anybody is thinking about it, please consider the source of these machines, where they come from, who is making the money, who is losing out, and what it would do to Bolingbrook.

Mayor Claar thanked Rick Morales for his comments. He then added, in addition to the monies lost, truck stops are for truckers traveling across country to rest. They can only drive so many hours at a time. It is very tightly restricted by transportation regulations. If we were to put in these machines instead of the truck drivers resting, as they are supposed to be doing, they could be playing video poker for a couple of hours and then getting back on the road.

Trustee Comments and Reports:

Trustee Zarate

Friends of the Levy Center will be hosting a spaghetti dinner on Friday, October 25th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at 251 Canterbury Lane. She reminded Bolingbrook residents that fall is here. It is now time to fallback and set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 3rd.

Trustee Lawler

Announced Fall Fest activities. One fest is at Highpoint Church (Bolingbrook Campus) which is located in Romeoville along Windham Parkway. Their event will be held Saturday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Several of our residents are members of that church and asked us to share the information about their family friendly activity. Bolingbrook High School will be presenting their 4th Annual “Evening of Honor". This event is held in honor of Bolingbrook's first responders, current military and veterans. This is a great musical event, showcasing the talents of our youth, the Bolingbrook High School and their music programs to be held on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00 p.m. There is free admission for all first responders, current military and veterans. General admission is $5. He provided information from the Public Services Committee meeting that was held prior to the Village Board meeting. The Village is looking for independent snowplow drivers for contract work. Qualified snowplow drivers with vehicles can earn $95 an hour. He pointed out that there is additional information on the Village's website and/or reach out to Public Services at (630) 226-8800 for more information,

Trustee Basta

Announced that Town Center will be closed on Monday, November 11th, 2019 in observance of Veterans Day and there will be no delays regarding garbage pickup for the holiday. If you have any situation that needs immediate attention, please contact the non-emergency line at (630) 226-8660. There will be a Veterans Day ceremony held at Village Hall on November 11th at 11:00 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial. Please join us if your schedule permits. Encouraged residents to attend "Coffee with the Chiefs" on Tuesday, November 5th. It will be held at Chick-Fil-A, 452 North Weber Road. This is always a fun and informative event held at 8:00 a.m.

Trustee Watts

Congratulated all the new appointees and reappointments to the various commissions. He expressed appreciation for those that stepped up to serve as you are the volunteer engine that helps the Village accomplish a lot of important tasks. Shared a few announcements: Encouraged residents to spread the word that Saturday, October 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. is Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Items accepted include expired prescription drugs, unwanted or unused over the counter prescription drugs, patches, vitamins, syrups, ointments and creams. The items that are not being accepted are things like syringes, Sharpies or sharps, injectable drugs, illicit drugs, oxygen containers, pressurized canisters and medical equipment. This is about preventing a public safety issue that can lead to accidental poisoning, overdose and abuse.

Ken Teppel, Public Safety Director, added that the Village is a hub for the surrounding Police Departments. Many of the other agencies are collecting these types of materials and then they bring them here and we turn over everything that is collected to the DEA. The Drug Enforcement Administration is a United States Federal Law Enforcement Agency under the United States Department of Justice, tasked with combating drug trafficking and distribution within the United States. Please do not flush any drugs down the toilet because the treatment plant process does not remove them and they wind up in the street. The drop off location is the Bolingbrook Police Department located at 375 W. Briarcliff Road

Trustee Watts announced that the Community Mobile Pantry for families in need of food will be taking place again at New Hope Baptist Church located at 509 E. Briarcliff Road. The dates are as follows: Monday November 4th and December 2nd from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by New Hope Baptist church, in partnership with the Northern Illinois Food Bank. Shared that the Bolingbrook IT Commission wants residents to know about their internet safety seminars to be held on Saturday, November 2nd 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It will take place at the Fountaindale Public Library meeting room B on the first floor. They will be presenting a series of seminars on computer and internet safety tailored for specific age groups. For any questions go to www.vobitc.org. They want you to register on that website, but walk-ins are welcome.

Trustee Carpanzano

Gave big kudos not only to the current Village Board, but also to previous Village Boards and Village staff regarding the upgraded credit rating, which is something that we should all celebrate. He especially acknowledged previous Village Board members for their foresight which is why we are where we are today as it relates to the Village's financial picture. Shared Halloween related events: Saturday, October 26th, the event is called, "This is Halloween" which is an event inspired by Jack Skellington and the "Nightmare before Christmas". The highli to be the costume parade and then the actual 60 foot Christmas tree is going to have a "Halloween" tree lighting theme. Everyone is welcome to come out. Every night thereafter through November 10th, the Halloween music and light show on the tree will go on the hour from 5:00 until 9:00 p.m. Trick or Treating hours for Halloween are 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 31st. He provided safety tips as follows: If you are interested in individuals knocking on your door, please keep your porch light on, encouraged everyone to use sidewalks and crosswalks when available and please be safe out there. If you encounter anything that you determine suspicious, you are welcome to bring it to the Bolingbrook Police Department. The "Spirit of Halloween" house judging is this weekend pm Friday, October 25th, Saturday, the 26th and Sunday, the 27th. The Beautification Commission awards those residents with the most festive Halloween decorations. Please make sure that your house number is visible and that your decorations are up. They drive by every street in town. On Halloween, October 31st from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at the Boardman Cemetery there will be a Halloween Open House. This is a free event. Tours are provided every 20 minutes and treats and refreshments are served. He shared a big thank you to the Bolingbrook Historic Preservation Commission for hosting this event.

Trustee Jaskiewicz

Reiterated information about the Friends of the Levy Center sponsoring the pasta dinner at a cost of $8 a person. He encouraged residents to come out and support the event, have a good time, enjoy some good food and save yourself from cooking on Friday night. He mentioned for residents to save the date on Saturday, November 16th for the Festival of Lights. It is one of our biggest Fall/Winter festivals that the Village sponsors. It is a full day of activities for your family. Various Village Commissions coordinate the event. You can see Santa and take part in lots of arts and crafts type activities. The tree lighting takes place at dusk. It is a tremendous experience to listen to the music for the first time celebrating the holiday season.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: Motion Basta, second Watts to adjourn the meeting.

Voice vote. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.




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