
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lockport Committee of the Whole met November 20

Webp meeting 10

Lockport Committee of the Whole met Nov. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Mayor Steven Streit called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PLEDGE TO THE FLAG – Mayor, Steven Streit

INVOCATION – Bill Carroll, Police Chaplain


PRESENT: Mayor, Steven Streit

Alderwoman, Renee Saban

Alderman, Mark R. Lobes

Alderwoman, Christina Bergbower

Alderman, JR Gillogly

Alderman, Darren Deskin

Alderwoman, Joanne Bartelsen

Alderwoman, Catherine Perretta

ABSENT: Alderman, Larry Schreiber

ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator, Ben Benson

City Attorney, Sonni Choi Williams

City Clerk, Kathy Gentile

Finance Director, Lisa Heglund

Chief of Police, Terry Lemming

Director of Public Works, Brent Cann

Administration & Communications Manager, Amanda Pazdan


Cathy Wilker, LCTV

Jessie Malloy, Lockport Legend


1. Alderman Bartelsen

a. The Beautification Committee’s Property Recognition fall contest continues.

Residents are encouraged to submit applications. Recognition for the fall awards is tentatively scheduled for December 4, but if few entries are received, recognition will be held with the winter awards on January 15.

2. Alderman Perretta

a. Lockport Love is holding a fundraiser at the Roxy at December 8. Tickets are available online through Eventbrite. A festive movie will be shown and concessions available. Residents are encouraged to get tickets and invite their family and friends.


1. Mayor Streit recently received a draft report of the Star Makers Park Feasibility Study. The report will be sent to the City Council for review.


CA-1. DRAFT Strategic Plan

City Administrator Ben Benson presented the Draft Strategic Plan 2020-2022. Mr. Benson provided the background on the previous plans. The Strategic Planning process usually coincides with the budget process, and is a multi-year plan. The stages of the plan were presented.

The plan is intended to be a working document. Mr. Benson mentioned that for this plan, a resident survey was included.

Administration & Communications Manager Amanda Pazdan presented the details regarding the resident survey results. The key strategic planning priority areas included in the current plan as well as the framework of the plan in each strategic priority area including vision statements, goals, strategies, and actions were presented. Ms. Pazdan then sought feedback from the City Council on the proposed plan.

Alderwoman Perretta requested two changes. The terminology staff retreat to be updated to staff workshop and the list of alderperson’s names to be listed alphabetically. Discussion among the City Council ensued. Changes were noted by staff to be made in the final plan.

Mayor Streit requested the new CED Director, Lance Thies provide input. Mr. Benson requested that Council send any additional changes to him prior to the December 20th meeting.

Mayor Streit also directed staff to create a strategy to ensure that residents be informed of the progress of activities included in the plan and to keep the plan in front of residents.

DIRECTION: Add to the Action Agenda for the December 20th City Council meeting.

FN-1 Abatement of Julco LLC Property Taxes

Finance Director Lisa Heglund presented the Abatement of Julco LLC Property Taxes. Each year staff presents to Council seeking approval of the two property tax abatements the City has.

This abatement was approved a few years ago for a period of five years. This is the second abatement for Julco LLC. The amount received as abatements last year is included in the packet. The County provides the calculations.

DIRECTION: Add to the Consent Agenda for the December 4th City Council meeting.

FN-2 Abatement of Magenta LLC Property Taxes

Finance Director Lisa Heglund presented Abatement of Magenta LLC Property Taxes. Each year staff presents to Council for the approval of the two property tax abatements that the City has. This abatement was approved a few years ago for a period of five years. This is the third abatement for Magenta LLC. The amount received as abatements last year is included in the packet. The County provides the calculations.

DIRECTION: Add to the Consent Agenda for the December 4th City Council meeting.

AT-1 Amendment to an Easement Agreement with Chevron

City Attorney Sonni Williams presented an amendment to the easement agreement with Chevron. Ms. Williams provided background of the original agreement, made in 2017, through cooperation by the two parties, the City and Chevron. The agreement also included an exchange of property, and the City ended up receiving parcel that included Chevron trailers on the property. A copy of a survey that shows the location of the property was referenced.

The easement agreement that was entered into back in December 2017 allowed Chevron to have the trailers and fencing to protect the property. The primary use of the trailer is to mark the property to potential developers. When Chevron approached the City earlier this year to extend the City annexation agreement, the City found out that the Chamber of Commerce would like to use the property for Old Canal Days.

The proposed amendment to the annexation agreement would include allowing the City to use the occupied northern area for Old Canal Days. At all other times, Chevron would be able to use the trailer, area, and the roadway. A week before OCD, the City would be able to access the area including vendors, and then two business days after the event, items are to be removed.

The agreement would be extended to December 2024. If Chevron can terminate at any time providing 30 day notice such as if they end up leaving the area or selling the property. Chevron would be required to put the area back into acceptable condition at that time. The City would also be able to terminate the agreement providing 60 day notice.

DIRECTION: Add to the Consent Agenda for the December 4th City Council meeting.


1. Old Canal Days Location

A. Alderman Deskin noted his concern regarding the temporary use of the Chevron property for Old Canal Days in an area that holds water. Alderman Deskin referenced a business owner that was unable to use grindings for their parking lot per City Code.

B. Mayor Streit noted that the area is not intended to be used as a parking lot and instead to be used as a temporary location for the Old Canal Days’ craft show and carnival.

C. Public Works Director Brent Cann addressed the issue of using grindings in the area and said that the top soil would be removed, and grindings and/or clay would be used. Chevron has stone, which would be extended to the south, essentially the same material. Area would be surveyed ahead of time. Once we are done with the grindings, it would be put exactly how it is today. He stated he is familiar with the dirt and grading in the area, and the proposed plan is believed to be a sufficient surface for a rain event.


