
Will County Gazette

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Mokena Board of Trustees met November 11

Village of Mokena Board of Trustees met Nov. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Fleischer called the Regular Session of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 p.m.


The Board of Trustees and members of the audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Clerk Martini called the roll and the following Trustees were present:

Joseph E. Budzyn

Debbie Engler

Jillian Hersted

George Metanias

Jim Richmond

Joe Siwinski

Also present were: Clerk Melissa Martini; Village Administrator John Tomasoski; Assistant Village Administrator Kirk Zoellner; Police Chief Steve Vaccaro; Public Works Director Lou Tiberi; Assistant Public Works Director Mark Detloff; Civil Engineer Dan Peloquin; Community/Economic Development Director Alan Zordan; and Village Attorney Carl Buck.


Trustee Debbie Engler provided information on Christmas Fest activities scheduled for Saturday, November 23rd from 10am to 10pm.

June Graffy provided information on Curtain Call Theatre’s upcoming production of Arsenic and Old Lace.


Clerk Martini presented the Community Calendar.




Village Administrator John Tomasoski presented two (2) items on the Consent Agenda for Board approval. These items are strictly administrative in nature.

a. Motion to approve minutes from the October 21, 2019 Work Session. 

b. Motion to approve minutes from the October 28, 2019 Board Meeting

Trustee Engler made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 6 (a) and (b) as depicted in the November 7, 2019 Request for Board Action prepared by the Village Administrator. Trustee Siwinski seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried


Assistant Village Administrator Kirk Zoellner presented the accounts payable list for November totaling $3,183,369.75. He highlighted the following invoices to be paid.

• $983,462.51 Bank of New York Mellon – Principal and Interest for the Lake Water and Transportation Bonds

• $190,524.97 Village of Oak Lawn – Lake Water Debt

Trustee Engler made a motion to approve the monthly accounts payable in the amount of $3,183,369.75. Trustee Metanias seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried


Appointment of Amanda Gabler to Part-Time CSO Position

Chief Vaccaro presented the appointment of Amanda Gabler to the position of Community Service Officer.

The Police Department currently employs two regular Community Service Officers (CSO’s) and is authorized to employ a third CSO as a fill-in and as additional support to the records division. Miss Gabler is being recommended for the third CSO position.

This CSO position was advertised internally with no interest. It was subsequently advertised in the local media, with several applicants. Following interviews of qualified applicants, Miss Gabler is recommended to fill this vacancy.

Miss Gabler currently works as a Community Service Officer for the Crestwood Police Department, a position that she has held for eight years. Staff believes that this experience will enhance her ability to serve the Police Department and the Village.

Trustee Engler made a motion to approve the appointment of Amanda Gabler to the position of Part-time Community Service Officer at a CSO Step 7 effective November 12, 2019. Trustee Metanias seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried

Mayor Fleischer welcomed Ms. Gabler to the Village.

Ms. Gabler thanked the Board for this opportunity and stated she is looking forward to it.

Appointment of Peggy Turlay-Ill to Customer Service Position

Village Administrator John Tomasoski presented the appointment of Peggy Turlay-Ill to the Customer Service Position. As the result of a vacancy that occurred earlier in the year, staff advertised the position, interviewed and conducted skills tests to fill the open position.

As a result of the interviews and skills testing, it was determined that Peggy Turlay-Ill possessed the skills and qualities that would best address the Village’s needs. Staff feels Ms. Turlay-Ill will be an immediate asset to the Village team.

Trustee Engler made a motion to approve the employment of Peggy Turlay-Ill to the position of Customer Service Representative at a Grade 1, Step 5 effective November 18, 2019. Trustee Metanias seconded.

Mayor Fleischer welcomed Ms. Turlay-Ill to the Village.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried

Trustee Siwinski stepped out of the room.

Appointment of Jeff Puttkammer to the Meter Reader Position

Due to the recent promotion of Mike Lief to Maintenance Worker, there is a vacant position in the Utilities Department for a Meter Reader. The open position was advertised and approximately 50 applicants submitted resumes for the position. Staff conducted preliminary interviews and then conducted interviews with the top four potential candidates that were best suited for the position.

Based on the results of these interviews, it was determined that Jeff Puttkammer of Mokena was the best choice to fill this open position of Meter Reader in the Utilities Department. Jeff has gained valuable experience working with the Village of Mokena over the past two years as a part time employee installing radio read meters. He has also filled in for the Meter Reader position over the past few months after Mike Lief vacated the position due to his promotion.

Jeff presents himself extremely well and has excellent communication skills. Staff feels that he possesses the skills and capability to perform the required tasks affiliated with this position, and he will be an immediate asset to the Utilities Department. Jeff does reside in Mokena and has excellent knowledge of the Mokena area.

Trustee Engler made a motion to approve the appointment of Jeff Puttkammer to the position of Meter Reader in the Utilities Department, at the starting scale and step for that position as delineated in the August 22, 2016 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150, effective November 12, 2019. Trustee Metanias seconded.

AYES: (5) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (1) Siwinski

Motion carried

Mayor Fleischer welcomed Mr. Puttkammer to the Village. Mr. Puttkammer thanked the Board for this opportunity. Trustee Siwinski re-entered the room.





Banking Services Bid Recommendation

Village Administrator John Tomasoski presented the banking services agreement recommendation. During 1997, it was determined the Village should evaluate its banking needs and seek proposals from the various financial institutions within the community to meet those needs. Every 4-5 years since 1997, staff has requested proposals for banking services. Last year, at the September 24, 2018 Board meeting, the Village Board approved an optional one-year extension with Old Plank Trail Bank which expires November 30, 2019. Therefore, over the past 90 days, staff has gone out to seek proposals for the Village’s banking services.

This process allows the local banks an opportunity to submit proposals to meet the Village’s financial needs and allows the Village to select the financial institution that can offer the highest quality service to the Village at a competitive price. This process also ensures that the Village continues to uphold its fiscal responsibilities to the community.

The RFP’s were delivered to 7 financial institutions with 2 submitting proposals. Staff evaluated the proposals using the criteria and procedures stated in the RFP. The summary of the net earnings from the two banks had the bank proposals been in place from July 2018 through June 2019, show the Village would have earned the highest return (interest earnings less service fees) on its cash balances from Old Plank Trail Community Bank.

Based on the review and evaluation of the proposals, it is staff’s recommendation to award the banking services agreement to Old Plank Trail Community Bank for the period of December 1, 2019 to November 30, 2023.

Trustee Engler made a motion to award the banking services agreement to Old Plank Trail Community Bank and to authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to execute the necessary documents to effectuate the same. Trustee Siwinski seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried


Village Administrator Tomasoski requested Community/Economic Development Director Alan Zordan update the Board on development and business activities. Mr. Zordan provided an update on pending development projects, new businesses and highlighted businesses providing services and products for Thanksgiving.

Village Administrator Tomasoski extending well wishes to recent Village retiree Tom Florey.


Trustee Budzyn thanked veterans for their sacrifices. He also congratulated Pop’s Italian Beef and Sausage Restaurant on their remodeling. He inquired about an IGA with a neighboring community to utilize a vacuum truck for leaves as opposed to bagging them.

Trustee Siwinski thanked veterans for their service and wished Tom Florey well in his retirement.

Trustee Metanias thanked veterans for their service. He attended today’s ceremony at the VFW.

Trustee Engler thanked veterans for their service and appreciates their sacrifices.

Trustee Richmond thanked veterans for their service. He requested that people acknowledge veterans year round not just on Veterans Day. He stated that the VFW conducts an annual donation drive for the Veterans Home in Manteno and requested everyone support them this holiday season.




Mayor Fleischer thanked veterans for their sacrifices. He stated that he would be distributing the proceeds from the golf outing on Tuesday and invited everyone to attend. He spoke about a letter he received from Chief Howard Stephen regarding their ISO rating. Mayor Fleischer announced the VFW is hosting an event for veterans and invited everyone to attend.


Trustee Budzyn made a motion to recess the regular meeting at 7:28 p.m. subject to recall of the Mayor and enter into work session. Trustee Richmond seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried


Trustee Engler made a motion to reconvene the regular meeting at 7:33 p.m. Trustee Richmond seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried


Trustee Siwinski made a motion at 7:34 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) and to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06 pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (21). Trustee Engler seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried

Trustee Engler made a motion to approve closed session minutes for the following closed session dates; January 8, 2018, January 22, 2018, February 26, 2018, March 26, 2018 and April 23, 2018 and destroy the verbatim records for said meetings. Trustee Metanias seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried

Trustee Engler made a motion to find that the necessity for confidentiality remains for all remaining closed session minutes. Trustee Metanias seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried


Trustee Siwinski made a motion to adjourn the Regular Session at 8:23 p.m. Trustee Engler seconded.

AYES: (6) Budzyn, Engler, Hersted, Metanias, Richmond, Siwinski 

NAYS: (0)

Absent: (0)

Motion carried
