
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council met November 12

Webp meeting808

City of Crest Hill City Council met Nov. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The November 12, 2019 City Council work session was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1610 Plainfield Road Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.

The following Council members were present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderman John Vershay, Alderwoman Barbara Sklare, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderwoman Tina Oberlin, Alderman Marco Coladipietro, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also present were: City Administrator Heather McGuire, Assistant City Administrator/HR Director Megan Fulara, Deputy City Clerk Jan Serdar, Police Chief Ed Clark, Finance Supervisor Ashli Motyka.

Absent were: City Clerk Vicki Hackney, Community Development Director Scott McMaster, Director of Water/Wastewater Mark Siefert, Public Works Director Tom Migatz.

TOPIC: Chaney-Monge School-Addition Discussion 

Mayor Soliman presented a request for discussion on the Chaney-Monge School addition. Andy Siegfried from Chaney-Monge and Chuck Newman from Newman Architecture gave a presentation on the proposed addition to the existing school. Mr. Siegfried went over the background of the existing school. The new addition would be a 2000 square foot classroom for all day kindergarten. In the future they would like to add an additional 2000 square feet for a pre-school. The current enrollment at the school is between 450 and 475. Mayor Soliman explained that Richland School has just recently gone to a full day kindergarten. Mr. Siegfried invited the members of the Council to take a tour of the existing facility. Mr. Newman went over the plans for the new addition. There are several variations that the school will be seeking in order to construct this addition. They will need to get a variance to allow the addition because the building would cover more than 53% of the property. In an R-1 zoning you are only allowed to cover 50% of the property. They will also be seeking setback variances, a variance to allow two storage sheds on the property, and a variance to allow on-site parking. Mayor Soliman informed the Council that the Building Commissioner had a concern about vegetation and line of site and the need for the placement of bollards on another section of the property. Alderwoman Oberlin questioned the parking issue. Discussion followed. Mayor Soliman informed the Council that the school would like to get on the agenda for the December Plan Commission meeting.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on the Chaney-Monge School addition. All members present were in agreement.

TOPIC: Medication Disposal Bin 

Mayor Soliman presented the medication disposal bin request per the memo dated November 6, 2019. Police Chief Clark gave a presentation on the need to replace the existing medical receptacle that is located in the first foyer of the city building. The bin has been in use since 2010. We have had some issues since then. Many times, liquid medication will leak and get mixed into the contents. Residents have placed hypodermic needles in the bin. An instance occurred where the evidence custodian accidentally poked his finger while trying to empty the bin. The Chief went over the procedure to empty the bin and dispose of the medication. The Chief researched and found a company (Medsafe) that will provide a medical bin and remove the medication for us. The upfront cost to start the program is $3,409.00 which would include a 38-gallon bin and 13 liners. When the bin is full the evidence custodian removes the liner, seals it and contacts Medsafe. They will in turn pick up the medication. The cost after the first year would be $2,277.00 to replace the liners and continue the service. We have the ability to pay for this program using a safety grant. Alderwoman Oberlin went over the background of how we got the medicine bin that we currently have. Administrator McGuire explained the safety grant works. Alderman Vershay asked how much the current bin holds. Deputy Clerk Serdar explained that we are emptying the current bin several time a week. Administrator McGuire explained that we have had physicians' offices dumping medicine in the bin. It is actually supposed to be for residents, not medical offices.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on the replacement of the medical disposal bin. All members present were in agreement.

TOPIC: Tax Levy Presentation 

Mayor Soliman presented the tax levy for discussion. Administrator McGuire informed the Council that we got notification from S&P for the bond rating and our rating has gone up. Administrator McGuire commended Supervisor Motyka for the work she put into the presentation. Finance Supervisor Ashli Motyka gave a detailed presentation on the proposed property tax levy. Alderman Albert asked what the County preliminary value was. Supervisor Motyka explained this is all of the taxing bodies within the City. Administrator McGuire explained that we will announce and approve the figures as the next meeting and then adopt the official tax levy ordinance at the first meeting in December. Supervisor Motyka announced that we will be presenting the ordinance abating the taxes for the Build America fund at the meeting in December. Alderman Albert asked if we can publicly announce that our tax rate has gone down. Administrator McGuire said that we can do that.

TOPIC: Disclosure Compliance Policy 

Mayor Soliman presented the disclosure compliance policy per the memo dated November 9, 2019. Administrator McGuire explained that Chapman and Cutler, our bond counsel is encouraging the adoption of disclosure policies in light of the increase by the Securities and Exchange Commission in enforcement actions in the public finance industry. It is recommended that the resolution drafted by Chapman & Cutler be passed before the bond sales. Administrator McGuire explained how this affects the City. This will be on the next Council agenda along with the next phase of the bond ordinance.

TOPIC: Work Session Holiday Schedule 

Administrator McGuire presented the holiday meeting schedule per the memo dated November 8, 2019. In past years the City Council meeting schedule has fallen on a few holidays and we have changed the meeting date or cancelled the work sessions. We are not going to run into this problem with the schedule for the remainder of this year and the beginning of next year. It is the decision of the Council as to whether they would like to cancel the work session on December 23 and December 30th and the regular Council meeting schedule for January 6th. The Council chose to cancel the work sessions, but to keep the meeting scheduled for January 6, 2020 as is. If a work session is needed in December, we can always reschedule it.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote to cancel the December 23rd and December 30th work sessions and reschedule them if needed. All members present were in agreement.

TOPIC: City Polos 

Mayor Soliman presented the request for City shirts per the memo dated November 8, 2019. Administrator McGuire informed the Council that we are in the process of ordering shirts for a new employee. The company that we deal with requires a minimum order of 15 shirts. We will be unable to order the new employee's shirts until we meet the minimum. Administrator McGuire feels that the City should be supplying the officials with at least one shirt per year or every other year. The Council can elect to get a polo shirt or a long sleeve track jacket. The price range for the shirts with embroidery would be roughly $600.00 if each official ordered one. Discussion followed on the various styles of jackets and shirt colors.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on City polos. All members present were in agreement. Administrator McGuire asked for confirmation from the Council as to whether they would like a shirt or jacket every year or every other year. Alderman Albert feels that we should choose a uniform color. Discussion followed. Administrator McGuire will get the samples for the Council to look at.

Mayor Soliman announced that there is a need for an executive session on 5 İLCS 120/2(c)(11) litigation. Alderwoman Oberlin asked that the Will County Governmental League Christmas party be placed on the next agenda. Administrator McGuire said that in the past the City has paid for the officials and spouses would be paid out of pocket.

(#1) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderwoman Gazal, to go into an executive session on 5 ILS 120/2(c)(11) litigation. 

On roll call, the vote was: 

AYES: Ald. Sklare, Oberlin, Coladipietro, Albert, Kubal, Vershay, Dyke, Gazal. 

NAYES: None. 

ABSENT: None. 

There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Executive session 7:53 p.m.

Reconvened from executive session at 7:57 p.m.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments.


Mayor Soliman informed the Council that there is an applicant interested in obtaining a liquor license for the former Gippers on Plainfield Road. Mayor Soliman announced that he is meeting with an applicant tomorrow who is interested in opening a craft beer brewery. The City would have to create a brewery license since we do not currently have one. Discussion followed.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on the creation of a craft beer brewery license.

All of the members present were in agreement.

COMMITTEE/LIAISON UPDATES: There were no committee/liaison updates.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR UPDATES: City Administrator McGuire announced that her last day prior to her maternity leave will be December 10, 2019.

City Administrator McGuire informed the Council that the ribbon cutting for the new Speedway will be Saturday November 16, 2019 and will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Administrator McGuire announced that the renderings for the new City facility will be on the next work session agenda.

Alderwoman Gazal asked for an update on the Sunnyland well. Administrator McGuire explained that the engineers are still working on the plans. Discussion followed. Alderwoman Gazal would like to see us sit down with the people who would be affected by the project. Mayor Soliman explained that a lot of the information that was given to the local reporter who did a story on the well was not put in the article.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
