City of Crest Hill City Council met Sept. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City of Crest Hill was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1610 Plainfield Road, Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.
Mayor Soliman asked that everyone remain standing for a moment of silence in memory of Danny Bandosz who passed away suddenly on Sunday evening. Dan is the son of Laurie Thrasher who is one of our long-time employees in the Clerk's Office. Dan also worked many summers for the City of Crest Hill as seasonal help. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.
Roll Call indicated the following present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Vicki Hackney, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman John Vershay, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderwoman Barb Sklare, Alderwoman Tina Oberlin, Alderman Marco Coladipietro and Alderman Nate Albert.
Absent were: Alderman Scott Dyke and Alderman Joe Kubal
Also present were: City Administrator Heather McGuire, Assistant City Administrator/HR Director Megan Fulara, Deputy City Clerk Jan Serdar, Police Chief Ed Clark, Community Development Director Scott McMaster and Public Works Director Tom Migatz.
Mayor Soliman announced that he received phone calls from both Alderman Dyke and Alderman Kubal that they were unable to attend tonight's meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the regular meeting held on August 19, 2019 for Council approval.
(#1) Motion by Alderman Coladipietro, seconded by Alderwoman Gazal to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on August 19, 2019 as presented.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Vershay, Sklare, Oberlin, Albert, Gazal and Coladipietro
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the work session held on August 26, 2019 for Council approval.
\(#2) Motion by Alderwoman Sklare, seconded by Alderman Coladipietro to approve the minutes from the work session held on August 26, 2019 as presented.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin, Albert, Coladipietro and Sklare
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Mayor Soliman asked Council to deviate from the regular agenda for a couple of presentations. The first presentation is from Angelique Barthel, who is representing the Variety of Children's Charities. Ms. Barthel will be addressing the Council to present a Community Award to the Siegel family for their contributions to children with special needs. Ms. Barthel informed Council that Variety of Children's Charities of Illinois is an organization that helps children with disabilities and their families to pay for things that insurance does not. Ms. Barthel stated that for the past seven years the Siegel family has opened their farm to families of children with disabilities on four separate days of the festival free of charge. Ms. Barthel presented the and Katie Siegel. Katie Siegel addressed the Council. She thanked Ms. Barthel for the award and stated that the Siegel family enjoys helping these children with disabilities and their families. Katie stated that the Siegel farm will also be having their military appreciation weekend which will be on their opening weekend. Mayor Soliman and the Council members thanked the Siegel family for everything they do for the community.
Mayor Soliman stated that the next presentation was for the Disabled Veterans. Crest Hill Events Chairwoman Tina Oberlin and Chairman Nate Albert presented a check in the amount of $1,500.00 to Dan Sisek and Ed Brookman with the Disabled Veterans. Mr. Sisek and Mr. Brookman presented Chairwoman Oberlin and Chairman Albert with a thank you plaque for the donation made to them from the Events Committee.
CITY ADMINISTRATOR: City Administrator Heather McGuire presented A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A GRANT OF PERMANENT EASEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CREST HILL AND THE ARBOR GLEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION - CREST HILL. Administrator McGuire reminded Council that on May 6th we passed an intergovernmental agreement with the Will County Forest Preserve to construct a sidewalk between Prairie Bluff Preserve and the Arbor Glen Subdivision. This agreement allows us to have easement that would be located on the homeowner's association property in order to construct the sidewalk. (#3) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal, seconded by Alderwoman Sklare to approve A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A GRANT OF PERMANENT EASEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CREST HILL AND THE ARBOR GLEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION - CREST HILL.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Oberlin, Coladipietro, Albert, Vershay, Gazal and Sklare
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
RESOLUTION #1054 503
Administrator McGuire informed Council that her information report was on enclosed in their packets. Also, there will be a work session on Monday, September 9th. The topics for discussion will be the potential Development in the HOBO Building, 1450 Theodore Street zoning, Jasmine Creek Special Service Area and the Memorial Garden Concept for the new City Hall.
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Public Works Director Tom Migatz informed Council that he was seeking approval for the rejection of bids on the 2019-2020 PCC Concrete Repair Program. The City received higher bids than anticipated at a lower bidder pool then desired. We would like to put this project back out to bid.
(#4) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Coladipietro to reject the bids on the 2019-2020 PCC Concrete Repair Program as presented.
AYES: Ald. Sklare, Gazal, Albert, Vershay, Oberlin and Coladipietro
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Alderman Coladipietro thanked the guys from Public Works that came out to repair the watermain break on Labor Day.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Community Development Director Scott McMaster informed Council that he had no agenda items. Director McMaster also informed Council that we have started to make plans for the Winter Event coming up in November.
POLICE DEPARTMENT: Police Chief Ed Clark informed Council that he is seeking approval to enter into a payment agreement with the Will County Child Advocacy Center in the amount of $5,119.00.
(#5) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Vershay to approve the payment agreement with the Will County Child Advocacy Center in the amount of $5,119.00 as presented.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Coladipietro, Albert, Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin and Vershay
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Chief Clark informed Council that he is seeking approval to hire a police officer for the replacement of an officer that will be retiring. Chief Clark stated that he would like to fill this position as soon as possible.
(#6) Motion by Alderman Albert, seconded by Alderwoman Oberlin to approve the hiring of an additional police officer.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Vershay, Gazal, Sklare, Coladipietro, Oberlin and Albert
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Chief Clark announced that the Crest Hill Police Department will have their annual car show this Sunday, September gth, at Richland Grade School from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. All money raised from this event goes to Special Olympics.
Alderwoman Gazal thanked the police department for their help with the “Meet at the Park" event that was held last week.
MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Soliman informed Council of the Proclamation before them proclaiming September 22nd through September 28th as National Rail Safety Week. The proclamation was read by Mayor Soliman and the Council Members.
(#7) Motion by Alderman Albert, seconded by Alderwoman Gazal to approve the proclamation proclaiming September 22nd through September 28th as National Rail Safety Week.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Vershay, Sklare, Gazal, Oberlin, Coladipietro and Albert
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Mayor Soliman asked that everyone keep the Bandosz and Thrasher families in your thoughts and prayers.
CITY CLERK: City Clerk Vicki Hackney presented a request for a street closure for a block party to be held September 7, 2019. James Hernandez from 16153 Laurel Oak Drive is requesting to close Laurel Oak Drive and Laurel Oak Court from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Alderwoman Gazal informed Council that Mr. Hernandez asked her to announce that the entire Council is invited to the block party.
(#8) Motion by Alderwoman Sklare, seconded by Alderwoman Gazal to approve the closure of Laurel Oak Drive and Laurel Oak Court from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. for a block party to be held on September 7, 2019.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Oberlin, Coladipietro, Albert, Vershay, Gazal and Sklare
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Clerk Hackney stated that it was a very sad day for the Clerk's Office and our sympathy goes out to Laurie Thrasher and her family during this difficult time. We will all be here for her and will keep her in our thoughts.
CITY TREASURER: City Treasurer Glen Conklin presented the regular and overtime payroll from August 5, 2019 through August 18, 2019 in the amount of $228,532.80.
Treasurer Conklin presented the list of bills in the amount of $377,051.92 for Council approval.
(#9) Motion by Alderwoman Sklare, seconded by Alderman Oberlin to approve the list of bills in the amount of $377,051.92 as presented.
AYES: Ald. Coladipietro, Albert, Vershay, Sklare, Gazal and Oberlin
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business to report.
NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Soliman informed Council that they had a Plan Commission Case #RZ 19-3-8-1 before them for motion approval. The Field's is seeking approval for a zoning change from R-1 to B-3 at 1850 Caton Farm Road. Economic Development Director Scott McMaster explained that the rezoning request for a one-acre parcel which was part of a Settlement Agreement In Lieu of Condemnation which was agreed upon and signed on February 17, 2015. Jim Testin from Hamilton Engineers was present representing the owner of The Field's, Mr. Brian Neumann. Mr. Testin stated that he was present to answer any questions that Council may have. There were no questions from Council. Mayor Soliman asked if there was anyone in the audience that wanted to speak for or against the request of The Field's for a zoning change from R-1 to B-3 for the property located at 1850 Caton Farm Road. There were none.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Albert, Gazal, Sklare, Oberlin, Coladipietro and Vershay
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
ORDINANCE #1824 1056
COMMITTEE/LIAISON REORTS: There were no committee/liaison reports.
COUNCIL COMMENTS: Alderman Vershay had nothing to report. Alderwoman Sklare stated that the "Meet at the Park" event held on Zausa was very nice. There was a great attendance of residents that came. It was very nice to interact with the residents and looks forward to the next event. Alderwoman Gazal gave her condolences to Laurie and her family. Alderwoman Oberlin gave her condolences to Laurie and her family. Alderman Coladipietro expressed his condolences to Laurie and her family. Also, thank you to Public Works for coming out on Labor Day and congratulations to the Siegel family. Alderman Albert stated that on behalf of the Lion's Club he would like to thank everyone that attended their picnic last Sunday. Thank you to Laurie Thrasher who ran the car show along with the help of her son, Danny. He was a gentleman full of life and had a big heart. Alderman Albert expressed his condolences to Laurie.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one wishing to address the Council
Mayor Soliman informed Council that there was a need for an executive session on personnel (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
(#11) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Coladipietro to go into an executive session on personnel (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Albert, Vershay, Sklare, Gazal, Oberlin and Coladipietro
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Executive Session: 7:35 p.m.
(#12) Motion by Alderwoman Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Albert to reconvene from the executive session on personnel (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Vershay, Sklare, Gazal, Coladipietro, Oberlin and Albert
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
Reconvened at 7:51 p.m.
There being no further business before the Council and no action needed from the executive session, a motion for adjournment was in order.
(#13) Motion by Alderman Vershay, seconded by Alderman Albert to adjourn the September 3, 2019 City Council meeting.
On roll call, the vote was:
AYES: Ald. Sklare, Gazal, Oberlin, Coladipietro, Albert and Vershay
ABSENT: Ald. Dyke and Kubal
There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. day of September , 2019