Will County OPEB Committee met Jan. 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
I. Call To Order
Ii. Approval Of Minutes
Iii. Old Business
1. Revisions to Retiree Health Ins Trust Agreement
(Dan McGrath)
2. Approval of Meeting Calendar for FY2019
(Dan McGrath)
Iv. Old Business
V. New Business
1. On Boarding of New Trustees
2. Election of President
(Dan McGrath)
3. Election of Vice President
(Dan McGrath)
4. Election of Secretary
(Dan McGrath)
5. Market Update
6. Authorizing Investment Manager to Make Quarterly Investment Purchase
(Brian McDaniel)
Vi. Other New Business
Vii. Public Comment
Viii. Chairman's Report/Announcements
Ix. Executive Session
X. Adjournment