
Will County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Will County Executive Committee met June 7.

Will County Executive Committee met June 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call To Order/ Roll Call

Chair Jim Moustis called the meeting to order at 10:03 am

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Jim Moustis Chair Present

Charles E. Maher Vice Chair Absent

Darren Bennefield Member Absent

Herbert Brooks Jr. Member Present

Mike Fricilone Member Present

Donald Gould Member Present

Suzanne Hart Member Absent

Judy Ogalla Member Present

Annette Parker Member Present

Lauren Staley-Ferry Member Present

Ray Tuminello Member Present

Tom Weigel Member Present

Denise E. Winfrey Member Absent

Also Present: R. Freitag and M. Johannsen.

Present from State's Attorney's Office: M. Tatroe.

II. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Mr. Brooks led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

1. WC Executive Committee - Assignment Meeting - May 3, 2018 10:00 AM

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Maher, Bennefield, Hart, Winfrey

2. Executive Committee Executive Session Minutes May 3, 2018


Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, Member

Seconder: Judy Ogalla, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Maher, Bennefield, Hart, Winfrey

3. WC Construction Management Interview Committee - Regular Meeting - May 8, 2018 9:00 AM

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

Seconder: Ray Tuminello, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Maher, Bennefield, Hart, Winfrey

IV. Old Business

1.Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Addendum to the Professional Service Agreement with Joseph E. Meyer & Associates - Tabled at May 10, 2018 Executive Comm

(Julie Shetina)

Mrs. Tatroe asked to remove from the agenda until after the next tax sale.

Result: Withdrawn [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Mike Fricilone, Member

Seconder: Donald Gould, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Maher, Bennefield, Hart, Winfrey

2. Discussion Re: Burning Ordinance

(Discussion) Mr. Tim Anderson stated at the last meeting we discussed a complaint from the Gateway Mobile Home Park. I spoke with several fire departments regarding our current setbacks; Crete Township, Beecher, New Lenox and Frankfort. Frankfort has their own Ordinance, with no jurisdiction to enforce and rely on the Sheriff’s Department to enforce the Ordinance. Their Ordinance is very similar to the one we tried and failed to pass a couple of years ago. Crete Township, Beecher and New Lenox follow the County Ordinance and allow Land Use and Sheriff’s Department to enforce the Ordinance. All the fire districts stated in the mobile home parks they would like to see a setback from everyone’s structure on the property. Pheasant Lakes Estate, a 614 mobile home park in the Crete/Beecher area, has banned all portable wood burning pits. They allow propane, because it has less heat, no odors and can be flipped on or off with a switch.

Mr. Moustis stated it seems reasonable to prohibit wood burning. We need to do something in these manufactured home parks, the units are too close together.

Mrs. Tatroe stated I don’t think we can specify mobile home parks. We can do it based upon spacing, 15 feet away from any structure, rather than just neighboring structure. I want to look at how recreation fires are defined. We include charcoal, I don’t think you are looking to move grills 15 feet away; we would have to massage that. Perhaps we would ban certain materials from being burned less than 15 feet away.

Mr. Moustis indicated he liked both ideas and asked Mrs. Tatroe to bring something back prohibiting burning 10 to 15 feet from every structure.

Mrs. Tatroe stated some people want burn pits on their decks and in some cases their decks are not much more than 10 feet. That was part of the discussion we had when this Ordinance was adopted, we wanted people to have the small pits, but in the manufactured home parks it is causing an issue.

Mr. Moustis stated for recreational fires if we did 10 feet from every structure and 20 feet from all property lines, I think that would work better.

Mrs. Tatroe stated currently, it is 15 feet from neighboring structures. We could make it further from a neighboring structure rather than a property line and 10 feet from the property owner’s structure.

Mr. Moustis stated I think 10 feet from the property owner and 25 or 30 feet from any other neighboring structure. I think that would take care of single family homes in the more rural areas. I think we should look at the materials that can be burned.

Mr. Weigel stated I would suggest 15 feet from neighboring structure and 10 feet from an on-site structure; with a special provision for cooking grills, with no restrictions.

Mrs. Tatroe stated I think we would want it a few feet from your own structure.

Mr. Moustis asked are outdoor kitchen part of this?

Mrs. Tatroe stated we need to deal with this from a materials perspective. If it is charcoal, we will have no restrictions. People are not usually sitting around a charcoal fire on their decks.

Mrs. Ogalla asked all of the communities have HOAs, why don’t the HOA’s do something about burning. Can we encouraged HOA’s to pass something specific to their communities?

Mrs. Tatroe stated when new developments come forward, we can include as a condition, they ban this type of burning.

Mr. Gould stated they could amend their covenants and regulate themselves.

Mr. Fricilone stated most HOA’s are run by residents. They don’t want the aggravation of enforcing the rules and putting penalties on someone; they are looking for some type of law. If they do it in the covenants, the President becomes responsible and he could be the next door neighbor and it creates issues.

Mrs. Ogalla asked Mr. Anderson who he spoke to at the entities mentioned.

Mr. Anderson replied I spoke with the Fire Departments. Crete Township Fire District is unincorporated. Beecher does all of Washington Township. New Lenox does all of New Lenox. Frankfort does all of Frankfort. I spoke to the entities with jurisdiction in the unincorporated area.

Mr. Balich expressed concerns residents with 60 foot lot sizes would not be allowed to burn.

Mr. Anderson stated we cannot do lot lines in the Gateway Subdivision, it is one huge parcel. There are no property lines.

Mr. Moustis stated we are looking at structures, not property lines. I believe it is a small number of people doing burning in the pits.

Mrs. Ogalla stated because it is a small number of people burning and one person complaining at Gateway, we need to look closely at this. What is the typical distance for a homeowner to have a pit on their deck?

Mrs. Tatroe responded that is why a distance was not put for your own home, when initially passed. The issue was some people have smaller patios, but want to have a fire pit. We are now being asked to look at their own home and 10 feet from the structure. Otherwise, you are creating a hazard for your own home, which brings out the fire protection district if you have a fire. We will create exceptions for charcoal and gas grills, to allow that type of burning closer to your home.

Mr. Tuminello asked could Land Use look at a new zoning for manufactured home parks? The proper way to do this, would be through zoning. One rule covering all may not be appropriate.

Mr. Moustis stated we use a SUP for manufactured home parks and we can add anything. In the future, we need to bring these issues up as part of the special use.

Mr. Tuminello stated if it was a different zoning classification, it would cover it completely, without having to address this in the special use.

Ms. Novak reviewed the mobile homes statute. For any mobile home in a park, the underlying land is owned by the park owner. The people who have homes on the land, strictly own their home and have to follow the rules of the park owner puts in place. Mobile homes are not like a subdivision with an HOA where the homeowners get a vote. The landowner of the mobile home park calls the shots. The only time a mobile home is assessed as real property is if it was not in a park and was there prior to the statutory action of all mobile homes being assessed as mobile. You have a protection in a mobile home park.

Mr. Moustis asked do the fire districts have any standards for these mobile home parks?

Mrs. Tatroe responded they do not have the authority to pass Ordinances.

Mr. Moustis asked what is their standard?

Mrs. Tatroe stated in Mr. Anderson’s communications with them, they indicated a desire that our Ordinance reflect a distance from the property owners’ structures and the neighboring structures.

Mr. Moustis stated it does not make a difference to me if we put it as special use or we amend or create a zoning classification and say it is required that the standards be there.

Mrs. Ogalla asked have we reached out the mobile home park owners to see if this is something they would consider doing?

Mr. Anderson responded not yet.

Mrs. Ogalla stated that would be a good idea. I like the idea of having something specific to those communities.

Mr. Moustis stated you now have some direction. Bring something back for us to look at.

V. Other Old Business

VI. New Business

1. Replacement Hire Pre-posting for Supervisor of Assessments Office Department

(Rhonda R. Novak)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

To: Will County Board

Mover: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

Seconder: Mike Fricilone, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Maher, Bennefield, Hart, Winfrey

VII. Other New Business

VIII. Committee Assignment Requests

A. Land Use & Development Committee

T. Weigel, Chair

1. Amending Sections 155-14.110(A)(2) and 155-14.110(B)(5) of the Will County Zoning Ordinance - Outdoor Lighting

(Brian Radner)

2. Building Ordinance – Replacement of Deck Surface and Swimming Pool Definition

(Brian Radner)

B. Finance Committee

M. Fricilone, Chair

1. Committing Funds for University of Illinois Cooperative Extension

(Beth LaPlante)

2. Appropriating Grant Funds in Coroner's Budget

(Mary Baudino/Patrick O'Neil)

3. Designating Huntington National Bank as a County Depository

(Brian McDaniel)

C. Public Works & Transportation Committee

D. Gould, Chair

1. Adopting the Will County Transportation Improvement Program FY 2019- 2024

(Jeff Ronaldson)

2. Resolution Granting a Variance for the Nowell Park Community Center Water Main under Mills Road (CH 51), County Board District #8

(Jeff Ronaldson)

3. Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Will and the Village of New Lenox for Future Permitting Requirements on Laraway Road (CH 74), County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

4. Amending Will County Division of Transportation Oversize-Overweight Truck Permit Procedures

(Jeff Ronaldson)

5. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Right-of-Way Acquisition Services (Appraisals) with Hampton, Lenzini, and Renwick Inc., for Several Parcels of Property along Laraway Road (CH 74) from Cedar Road (CH 4) to Stonebridge Drive, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

6. Authorizing the Appropriation of MFT Funds ($150,000.00) for Right-of- Way Acquisition Services (Appraisals) by County Under the IL Highway Code for Several Parcels of Property along Laraway Road (CH 74) from Cedar Road (CH 4) to Stonebridge Drive, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

7. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Right-of-Way Acquisition Services (Negotiations) with Swanson and Brown, Ltd., for Several Parcels of Property along Laraway Road (CH 74) from Cedar Road (CH 4) to Stonebridge Drive, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

8. Authorizing the Appropriation of MFT Funds ($145,000.00) for Right-of- Way Acquisition Services (Negotiations) by County Under the IL Highway Code for Several Parcels of Property along Laraway Road (CH 74) from Cedar Road (CH 4) to Stonebridge Drive, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

9. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Right-of-Way Acquisition Services (Appraisals and Negotiations) with Mathewson Right of Way Company for Several Parcels of Property along Briggs Street (CH 54) from I-80 Westbound Ramps to Washington Street, County Board District #8

(Jeff Ronaldson)

10. Authorizing the Appropriation of MFT Funds ($155,000.00) for Right-of- Way Acquisition Services (Appraisals and Negotiations) by County Under the IL Highway Code for Several Parcels of Property along Briggs Street (CH 54) from I-80 Westbound Ramps to Washington Street, County Board District #8

(Jeff Ronaldson)

11. Authorizing the Will County's State's Attorney's Office to Proceed with Condemnation Cases Regarding the County's Improvements at the Intersection of Francis Road (CH 64) and Parker Road, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

12. Authorizing Approval of the Establishment of Altered Speed Zone 554, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

13. Authorizing Approval of the Establishment of Altered Speed Zone 555, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

14. Authorizing Approval of the Establishment of Altered Speed Zone 556, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

15. Confirming Award of Contract to "D" Construction Inc. ($49,524.73), let on May 16, 2018, Joliet Road District Overlay, County Board District #8

(Jeff Ronaldson)

16. Confirming Award of Contract to P.T. Ferro Construction Co. ($160,632.65), let on May 16, 2018, New Lenox Road District Overlay, County Board Districts #7, #8 & #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

17. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Supplemental Design Engineering Services Agreement with Willett, Hofmann & Associates Inc., for Roadway and Appurtenant Work on Cedar Road (CH 4) over Spring Creek, County Board District #7

(Jeff Ronaldson)

18. Authorizing the Appropriation of MFT Funds ($340,000.00) for Property Acquisition (Right of Way and Temporary Easements) by County Under the IL Highway Code for Several Parcels of Property at the Intersection of Francis Road (CH 64) and Parker Road, County Board District #12

(Jeff Ronaldson)

D. Judicial Committee

D. Bennefield, Chair

1. Awarding Bid for Food Service at River Valley Juvenile Center

(Deb Miklic)

E. Public Health & Safety Committee

J. Ogalla, Chair

1. Update on the YESS program at the Joliet Township High Schools

(Assistant Principal Jo Wooten from Joliet West)

F. Legislative & Policy Committee

S. Hart, Chair

G. Capital Improvements Committee

R. Tuminello, Chair

1.Discussion Re: Chicago Street/City Square Concept Plan & Gateway Transportation Center

(Kendall Jackson, Community Development, City of Joliet)

2. Discussion Re: Downtown Storm & Sanitary Improvements

(Allison Swisher, Public Utilities, City of Joliet)

H. Executive Committee

J. Moustis, Chair

1. Well Abandonment Demolition Approval

(Rebecca DeGroate)

2. Awarding Bid for Fairmont Central Drainage Improvements

(Kathy Pecora)

3. Awarding Bid for Sale of Surplus Vehicles

(Rita Weiss)

4. Authorizing County Executive to Executive a Contract with Ann L. Schneider & Associates, LLC

(Nick Palmer)

5. Authorizing County Executive to Negotiate a Professional Services Agreement for PrairieView Landfill Solar Development

(Samantha Bluemer, Dean Olson)

6. A Resolution of the County Board of Will County, Illinois, Providing for the Discharge of the Indentures Relating to the Will County Public Building Commission's Public Building Revenue Refunding Bonds (Will-Kankakee Juvenile Justice Center), Will County Series 2001 and the Public Building Revenue Refunding Bonds (Will-Kankakee Juvenile Justice Center), Kankakee County Series 2001, the Termination of the Lease Agreement, the Transfer of Certain Land to Will County and the Execution of Related Documents

(Nick Palmer/States Attorney)

7. IDOT Statewide Planning & Research Grant Application

(Nick Palmer)

8. Ascertaining 2018 Prevailing Wage Rates


IX. Request For State's Attorney's Opinion

X. Accept Committee Assignment Requests

Mr. Moustis asked to add two assignments to the Executive Committee agenda. The first, authorizing the County Executive to amend the contract with Leopardo for pre- construction phase services for the new Health Department Building. The second supporting Denise Winfrey for a NACo Board seat.

1. Motion to Accept Committee Assignment Requests as Amended

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, Member

Seconder: Donald Gould, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Maher, Bennefield, Hart, Winfrey

XI. Public Comments

XII. Chairman's Report/Announcements

XIII. Executive Session

XIV. Adjournment

1. Motion to Adjourn at 10:26 AM

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Member

Ayes: Moustis, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel

Absent: Maher, Bennefield, Hart, Winfrey

Next Meeting - June 14, 2018




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