
Will County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Village of Beecher Village Board met April 23.

Meeting 05

The Village of Beecher Village Board met April 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

All present joined in the Pledge to the Flag.

President Szymanski called the meeting to order.

Roll Call:

Present: President Szymanski and Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Absent: Trustee Wehling.

Staff Present: Clerk Janett Conner, Administrator Robert Barber, Public Works Crew Leader Matt Conner and Chief Greg Smith.

Guest: George Schuitema, Sherry Murray, Bill Alexander and Pastor Ron Rock.

President Szymanski asked for consideration of the minutes of the April 9, 2018 Board meeting. Trustee Meyer made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Trustee Basile seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Clerk's Report:

1) A report on income received since the last meeting was provided. 2) Clerk Conner read aloud a thank you note from the family of Noel Biery.

Recognition Of Audience:

Pastor Rock of Zion Lutheran Church addressed the Board regarding the Comcast public access channel. He learned the local Villages are considering discontinuing the channel and said his church airs their services on the channel along with other local churches. He asked the Board to be aware of this in making a decision on this channel, which is being discussed later in the meeting. The church pays $300 per year for airing on the channel. President Szymanski said it was changed from a public access channel to a government access channel which could increase the Village's liability on what is aired. He also said that with changing technology, the channel is not being used as widely. The Village has created a YouTube channel to put our meetings on to make the meetings more widely accessible at less cost since the Village was paying WPAL a yearly fee. Trustee Meyer commented that we have videotaped our meetings since approximately 2000 and make it available to the residents. Pastor Rock said their congregation has taken advantage of this channel over the years and asked that the Village take that into consideration. He also said many of those watching the channel are not tech savvy and don't have the internet.

A. Finance And Administration Committee

Trustee Basile made a motion to open a Public Hearing at 7:12 p.m. to consider a proposed budget and appropriation ordinance for the year beginning May 1, 2018 and ending April 30, 2019. Trustee Kraus seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

A Public Hearing was held to consider a proposed budget and appropriation ordinance for the year beginning May 1, 2018 and ending April 30, 2019. Administrator Barber provided a summary of the budget and explanation of the process.

Board members and the audience were asked if there were any questions or input.

When there was no further discussion, Trustee Kypuros made a motion to close the Public Hearing at 7:22 p.m. Trustee Mazurek seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Resolution #2018-04 – A Resolution adopting a budget for fiscal year 2018/2019. Trustee Basile made a motion to adopt Resolution #2018-04. Trustee Meyer seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Ordinance #1283 – An Ordinance of appropriation for fiscal year 2018/2019. Trustee Basile made a motion to approve Ordinance #1283. Trustee Meyer seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Resolution #2018-05 - A Resolution authorizing the expenditure of Motor Fuel Tax funds for fiscal year 2018/2019. Trustee Basile made a motion to adopt Resolution #2018-05. Trustee Mazurek seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Ordinance #1284 – An Ordinance of supplemental appropriation for fiscal year 2017/2018 (current year). It was explained that the supplemental appropriation was because during the course of last year the Village Board approved the purchase of a used dump truck for $45,000 and received $15,000 in unanticipated grant funds from CSX Railroad ($10,000) and IPRF ($5,000) for the installation of a portable generator to power the entire police station and this revenue was received this year. Trustee Basile made a motion to approve Ordinance #1284. Trustee Kypuros seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Trustee Basile reported that Lauterbach and Amen conducted a pre-audit conference with Village staff the previous week.

An Eastern Will County Benefits Council health insurance update was provided. Eastern Will County's pool fund balance is $888,281 and Beecher's portion of this balance is $104,725 -- $31,154 of which is unrestricted. Beecher's insurance rate dropped by 2.6% for the coming year.

B. Public Buildings And Properties, Parks And Recreation Committee

Trustee Kraus reported that Firemen's Park will be used extensively this year with activities planned in the Park.

An update on ballfield lights for Firemen's field #2 was provided. Beecher Recreation didn't let the Village know that the poles have been put up.

Trustee Kraus reported on the proposed tot lot for Firemen's Park. Crew Leader Conner said the equipment needs to be installed at a different location due to existing underground pipes and utilities.

The condition of Welton Stedt Park infield was provided. Crew Leader Conner said Public Works has the park looking pretty good and is going to do more work this week.

It was reported that a new generator for the police station was obtained from the U.S. Military Surplus Program. $10,000 was granted by the CSX Railroad and $5,000 from the Village's insurance carrier (IPRF) to have the necessary electrical work done to provide the entire building with back-up power. The Chief worked out a plan. Electrical work hasn't begun, but the generator has been mounted on a trailer.

C. Planning, Building And Zoning Committee

The Building Department monthly report was provided in the packet for review.

A Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 26, 2018. The Gould Vault has requested an expansion of a special use to extend their outdoor seating area further west. Another solar farm proposal from Community Power Group, LLC, has been received, which is in our 1.5 mile planning area. The solar farm is proposed for the north side of Corning Road, east of Dixie Highway, just east of the new church.

A CMAP Comprehensive Plan grant update was provided by Trustee Mazurek. Three proposals were received and interviews were held the previous week with the selection committee. Work will begin in May and full involvement by the PZC will begin this summer. Community involvement will begin in the fall, if not sooner. The project cost was estimated at around $130,000 with the Village's portion of the cost being 10% upon completion. Administrator Barber reported three firms were interviewed. PZC Commissioner Schuitema was present for the selection and felt Teska Associates provided the best presentation and would do the best job. CMAP agreed to select Teska Associates.

D. Public Safety Committee

The Police Department monthly report was provided for review.

The EMA monthly report was provided in the packet for review.

Trustee Kraus requested an executive session be held to discuss a list of candidates to be hired as full-time police officers.

E. Public Works Committee

The Water and Sewer Department monthly reports were included in the packet for review.

Trustee Kypuros provided a wastewater treatment plant rehab update. The pre-con meeting will be held on May 1st at 9 a.m. at the Village Hall. Baxter and Woodman will provide drawings and complete paperwork for the first draw on the loan.

A Dunbar Street watermain replacement project update was provided. All field work has been completed and design is in full swing. A permit is being applied for from both the IEPA and the Will County Highway Department. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 1 p.m. with Baxter and Woodman to discuss the project.

Trustee Kypuros reported that the Chestnut Street lights have been hooked up and are working. The residents are happy with the completion of the lighting.

Spring hydrant flushing occurred the previous week.

Street sweeping began on Friday and will be completed by this Friday.

Public Works is creating a list of repairs needed to curbs and sidewalks. Public Works Crew Leader Conner said Fox Hound Trail is first on the list. He is still working on a list for the rest of the repairs.

A report was provided on the Public Works part-time hiring process. Two part-timers were hired and will start working between now and around Memorial Day.

An update was provided on the Public Works full-time hiring process. Applications for both the MMI and Class 1 Operator positions are being taken until Friday, May 4th. The Committee and staff will then sift through the applications and decide how to proceed.

Trustee Kypuros made a motion authorizing the Village President to sign an agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) regarding improving sidewalk ramps at Pasadena and Dixie. Trustee Mazurek seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

The Board considered approval of payment for two tandem-axle trailers. One is for the new generator at the Police Department and the other will be used for a landscaping crew trailer for Public Works. Trustee Kypuros made a motion to approve payment for two tandem-axle trailers to Funk Trailers of Morris, IL, in the amount of $5,853.00. Trustee Kraus seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

F. Economic Development And Community Relations Committee

A draft of the spring newsletter was emailed to the Board on Friday and should be mailed to residents later in the week or early next week.

Trustee Meyer provided a Facebook page update. The page has 680 likes and 710 followers so far.

The Board discussed repealing Ordinance #1163 creating the Tri-Town Cable Commission. This Commission was never formed and the relevance of such a commission is no longer valid. Legal counsel has advised to repeal the ordinance to remove the Village from any future liability. Trustee Kypuros said that our meetings using WPAL only goes to Comcast customers and not people who use satellite, etc. He felt there was misinformation on the WPAL Facebook page regarding the costs to the Village of taking this over.

Ordinance #1285 – An Ordinance repealing Ordinance #1163 creating the Tri-Town Cable Commission. Trustee Meyer made a motion to approve Ordinance #1285. Trustee Kypuros seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

 Motion Carried.

The Board discussed the creation of a Sesquicentennial Book Committee to publish a new chapter for the quasquicentennial book covering the last 25 years and making it an insert into the back of the 1995 book. Funds would have to be raised to pay for the publishing and printing costs. Trustee Meyer would serve as the committee liaison. There were no objections by the Board.

Trustee Meyer made a motion to authorize an award of bid to Dralle Chevrolet in the amount of $24,826 for a 2018 Chevy Camaro as the Fourth of July raffle car. Trustee Kypuros seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

G. Village President's Report

President Szymanski read a paragraph of a proclamation declaring Village Clerk's week and recognizing Janett Conner as Village Clerk since May, 1993. Trustee Kraus made a motion in support of the Proclamation. Trustee Basile seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

President Szymanski reported that the Illinois Municipal League/Illinois Clerks/South Suburban Mayors and Managers Lobby Day is scheduled for Wednesday, April 25th in Springfield.

A Crete/CSX intermodal update was provided. Currently, there is no new information. All information has gone dark, according to President Szymanski.

The Board was reminded about the South Suburban Mayors and Managers dinner meeting to be held on May 17th at Bult Field, which Beecher is hosting.

Trustee Kypuros made a motion to cancel the May 28th Board meeting, due to the Memorial Day holiday. Trustee Meyer seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Trustee Kraus made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 7:56 p.m. to discuss the hiring of new police officers. Trustee Meyer seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Trustee Kraus made a motion to return from Executive Session at 8:19 p.m. Trustee Meyer seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Trustee Kraus made a motion to validate the Police Department full-timing hiring list dated November 28, 2017, which ends April 30, 2019. Trustee Basile seconded the motion

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

There being no further business, President Szymanski asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Meyer made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Basile seconded the motion.

Ayes: (5) Trustees Basile, Meyer, Kraus, Mazurek and Kypuros.

Nays: (0) None.

Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.




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