
Will County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C Board met June 21.

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Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157C Board met June 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular Frankfort School District 157-C Board of Education meeting of June 20, 2018 was called to order by Board President Gina Briese at 7:00 p.m. The roll call was taken and a quorum was present. The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Board acknowledged two letters of correspondence. One letter was from Vincee Truesdale thanking Dr. Zinni and the Board of Education for the retirement gift she received. The other letter was from Jennifer Belitz thanking the Board members and Administration for the book donation to the Chelsea Library in honor of her mother.

The Board approved the Open and Closed Session minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2018.

One person signed up to speak during the Public Forum portion of the meeting. Tayo Hill, a parent in the district, said she is excited with the new administrators. She expressed a gap between parents and the Board regarding some decisions being made and specifically cited the District’s recent purchase of the social studies online techbook. She also expressed concern regarding transitions of teachers and the use of standardized tests to place students in programs. After hearing from Ms. Hill, Board President Gina Briese advised her that Superintendent Dr. Maura Zinni would contact her regarding her concerns.

Hickory Creek Middle School Principal Will Seidelmann reported on transition to the new school year. He reported that he has met with the Leadership Team, is working on professional development plans and will meet with English Language Arts and Math teachers and other teams soon. He said that plans are coming together well for the upcoming school year.

Grand Prairie Elementary School Principal for next year Kirsten Frankovich reported that she is working closely with Dr. Zinni and recently promoted Assistant Principal Barb Shanahan to prepare for the new school year. Mrs. Frankovich also reported that the summer bridge program is well underway, with 60 students signed up.

Chelsea Intermediate School incoming Principal Doug Wernet reported that he has participated in meetings with the outgoing principal, Leadership Team and members of the staff. His plan for Chelsea is to be dynamic and energetic. He said that he is excited to be at Chelsea and to meet the families. Board President Gina Briese stated, “Thank you for your dedication over the summer and enjoy the quiet building!”

Director of Human Resources Craig Schoppe reported that he and incoming Director Shayna Cole have been working together for a smooth transition. He also reported that the District only needs a few more staffing positions filled prior to the start of the new school year. He stated, “The principals did a really good job of starting the hiring process earlier.” Board President Gina Briese stated, “It was nice working with you and good luck in your new district.”

Director of Curriculum & Instruction Janet McClarence and Director of Special Services Jen Bajda provided the Board with a summary of the 2017-2018 Grants. A total of $671,537 was received last year. Ms. Bajda stated, “I am most excited about the ‘Preschool for All’ grant. The entire state had to reapply and it is based upon at-risk factors. Our district was at #11 for at-risk factors but we still received a $100,000 grant for the upcoming year. We are really happy with the good work we are doing.” She reported that overall the district is only looking at about $3,000 less than last year for grants.

Director of Building & Grounds Rodney Davis reported that summer projects are in full swing and going well. Some of the projects include new boilers for Chelsea, repair of the Hickory Creek parking lot, Grand Prairie roof repair, plastering, painting and putting things together in buildings. He stated, “Inspections are next and we are in a good spot.”

Director of Technology Jake Nelson reported that a recycling event was held at all three buildings on June 5. He reported that next week he and his team will begin putting new switches in at Chelsea and Hickory Creek as well as making PowerSchool software updates. Finally, he reported that in July he and his team will be moving laptops to Hickory Creek for 1:1 technology and updating Chelsea equipment.

The Board heard a report from Board Secretary Edie Adamski on the Lincoln-Way Area Special Education District 843 Advisory Committee meeting of May 14, 2018 and the Governing Board meeting of May 22, 2018.

Chorus Booster President Jennifer Bumba presented an update about her organization to the Board. She reported that as she leaves the District after fourteen years, she wanted to provide information on her interaction with a student who had never participated in a musical before this year. The student told her that he had “finally found his people.” Mrs. Bumba said that she brought this story to the board to show the impact that the District’s musical programs have on the community.

In the Superintendent’s report, Dr. Zinni provided the Board with updates on Staffing/Enrollment, Charitable Giving and Extra-Curricular Activities that took place over the past year at all three schools. Dr. Zinni reported that an uptick in enrollment of students means that the District will need to add an eleventh section of kindergarten. She reported that the students had a remarkable year, raising funds for a number of charities. To become a district-sponsored charity, there must also be a service piece and an educational piece for students. She reported that the extracurricular clubs went well this past year and had a great response. She stated, “We are happy we are able to offer these.”

Director of Business and Operational Services Kate Ambrosini provided the Board with the June 20, 2018 Treasurer's Report and Graphs. The total fund balance increased by $3,749,461 (from $39,163,514 to $42,912,975) primarily due to property tax receipts. Monthly revenue receipts totaled $6,006,553 primarily due to Will County property tax receipts. Monthly expense disbursements totaled $2,257,092 primarily due to payroll of $1,490,400 and accounts payable of $774,412.

There were no Freedom of Information requests.

In discussion, Director of Special Services Jennifer Bajda and Hickory Creek Middle School Principal Will Seidelmann provided the Board with a presentation highlighting the Second Step and Mawi Learning Social- Emotional Curriculum proposals for pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. They were joined by Grand Prairie Social Worker Nichole Reiser, Kindergarten teacher Amy Brandner, Chelsea Social Worker Kristen Gemmell, Hickory Creek Social Worker Diane Heimlich and Hickory Creek Math teacher Jackie Brendlinger. The programs provide tools to develop social emotional competence and promote student success in school. Over the past year Second Step was piloted in kindergarten and third grade. Kindergarten teacher Amy Brandner stated, “It was wonderful seeing students take what they learned and see them using the program. They are young kids with really big feelings. This is so valuable and it is great to see it in action. It helps them become more independent students.” Mr. Seidelmann said that Hickory Creek wanted something similar to the K-5 program but that would appeal to the older students. Math teachers and social workers co-teach the Mawi program to all general education students. Social Worker Diane Heimlich stated, “This shows the students that the social workers don’t only meet with kids with problems. The kids related to Mawi. It helps them to learn not to be taken advantage of which can become more complicated in teen years.” A trimester survey of the students after using the program showed significant impact and growth. Board President Gina Briese stated, “The Mawi program has been very successful in my household.”

In discussion, the Board went over the Board liaisons. Determinations for the 2018-2019 Board liaisons for Lincoln-Way Area Special Education 843, Frankfort Township Planning Commission, Board of Education Hearing Officer, District Insurance Committee, IASB Delegate and Emergency Planning Committee will be finalized in the near future.

The Board held the first reading of the following Board of Education policies. 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure 4:40, Incurring Debt 4:80, Accounting and Audits 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited, 6:60 Curriculum Content 6:135, Accelerated Placement Program 6:250, Community Resource Persons and Volunteers 7:50, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools, and 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students. These policies will be approved at the August meeting.

The Board took action to approve the request from Christine Meade for a leave of absence for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Board took action to approve the request from Lindsay Attanasio for a leave of absence for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Board took action to approve the District and out-of-District staff to service students for Extended School Year (ESY) which will be held from July 9 through August 9, 2018.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Victoria Bramlette as a full-time Kindergarten Teacher at Grand Prairie Elementary School (BA+21) at an annual salary of $50,892.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Abby Plackowski as a full-time Second Grade Teacher at Grand Prairie Elementary School (BA+0) at an annual salary of $48,012.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Simone Wilson as a full-time Social Worker at Grand Prairie Elementary School (MA+0) at an annual salary of $53,946.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Kari Averbeck as a full-time Fourth Grade Teacher at Chelsea Intermediate School (BA+0) at an annual salary of $50,950.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Michelle Fagan as a full-time one-year Fifth Grade Teacher at Chelsea Intermediate School (BA+21) at an annual salary of $48,432.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Alexandria Pierik as a full-time Reading Interventionist for third through fifth grade at Chelsea Intermediate School (MA+36) at an annual salary of $57,785.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Megan Drozd as a part-time Eighth Grade ELA Teacher at Hickory Creek Middle School (MA+2) at an annual salary of $36,705.95.00 with a start date of August 22, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Lauren Cibella as a full-time Sixth Grade Social Worker at Hickory Creek Middle School (MA+0) at an annual salary of $53,526.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Sheryl O'Rourke as a full-time Eighth Grade Special Education/Mathematics Teacher at Hickory Creek Middle School (BA+12) at an annual salary of $49,032.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve the employment of Cyle Ford as a full-time Sixth through Eighth Grade Physical Education Teacher at Hickory Creek Middle School (BA+0) at an annual salary of $49,273.00 with a start date of August 21, 2018, contingent upon the receipt and evaluation of employment documentation required by District 157-C and the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Board took action to approve Cynthia Grasso's increase to 1.17 FTE for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Board took action to approve a contract with Autism Home Supports for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Board took action to approve a contract with Sunbelt Staffing for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Board took action to approve the Public Relations Coordinator Contractual Services for FY 2018-2019 with Meredith Dobes to transition the responsibilities from Nancy Neuzil who is retiring.

The Board took action to approve the replacement of district phones at a total cost of $35,355.00.

The Board took action to approve the settlement of the tax rate objections pending against the District’s levies for the 2011 through 2016 tax years as proposed, that counsel be authorized to execute the settlement agreements, and that the treasurer be authorized to issue payments as provided in the agreements.

The Board took action to authorize the transfer of funds between the Operations & Maintenance Fund, Transportation Fund and Education Fund, as indicated and to allow the Director of Business and Operational Services to process said transfers effective June 2018.

The Board took action to approve the purchase of paper for FY 2019, from Midland Paper at a cost of $25.17 per case.

The Board took action to approve the electrical services contract be awarded to Correct Electric Inc., as presented.

The Board took action to approve a one year agreement with Forecast 5 Analytics, as presented.

The Board took action to approve the payment of bills for May 2018 as presented.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the Dean of Students job description as presented.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the worker's compensation insurance renewal with Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust (ICRMT) at a cost of $105,078 for policy year July 1, 2018 - July 1, 2019. This represents a 3% decrease in premium from FY 18.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved a Policy of the Community Consolidated School District 157-C, Will County, Illinois Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Workmen and Mechanics Employed on Public Works of Said School District. As required by law, the Board needs to approve the policy of Wages for Employment on Public Works and publish copy in a newspaper of general circulation. The Regional Office of Education will publish this policy on behalf of local districts. Each local district must first approve the publication of this policy.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the following depositories for District funds: Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund (ISDLAF), Harris Bank – Frankfort, First Midwest Bank – Joliet, Fifth/Third Bank – Mokena, Illinois Funds (US Bank - Springfield), First American Bank - Metro Southwest, N.A. – Joliet, PMA Financial Network Inc. – Aurora, Federated Investors - Boston, MA, First National Bank – Frankfort, First National Bank of Illinois – Mokena, Marquette Bank - New Lenox, Old Plank Trail Bank – Frankfort, Homestar Bank – Mokena, and FirstMerit Bank – Frankfort. According to the Illinois School Code, the Board of Education must designate the District depositories for the fiscal year.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the payoff of the outstanding inter-fund loan from the Capital Projects Fund to the Working Cash Fund in the amount of $925,000.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the Resolutions Authorizing the Prompt Payment of Bills, as well as for Employee Salaries, Recurring Benefits and Contractual Obligations for the time period from June 20, 2018 through August 15, 2018.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the Resolution declaring the list of various District, Hickory Creek and Grand Prairie items as surplus. The Board authorized the Director of Business and Operational Services to sell, trade or dispose of these surplus items, as appropriate, for their fair market value in accordance with established State statutes and the Illinois School Code.

In the Consent Agenda, the Board approved publishing legal notices with 22nd Century Media, LLC, Frankfort Station, Tribune Group, or the Southtown Star Publication newspapers.

The Board went into Closed Session at 8:40 p.m. to discuss appointment, employment compensation, discipline, performance and/or dismissal of specific employees; student discipline; student residency; student issue; reclassification of employees; and pending litigation.

The Board adjourned Closed Session at 8:59 p.m. and returned to Open Session.

The Board took action to approve specific administrators’ contracts.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting at 9:02 p.m.

The next regular District 157-C Board of Education meeting will be held on August 15, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office Board Room at Grand Prairie Elementary School, 10482 W. Nebraska Street, in Frankfort, Illinois.



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