
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Will County Forest Preserve District Finance Committee met May 2.

Webp meeting 11

Will County Forest Preserve District Finance Committee met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

A.Call To Order

Meeting was called to order at 8:47 am by Chair Ray Tuminello

B. Pledge Of Allegiance

Commissioner Weigel led the Pledge of Allegiance.

C. Roll Call

Attendee Name; Title; Status; Arrived:

Judy Ogalla Ex-Officio Present

Kenneth E. Harris District 4 (D - Bolingbrook) Present

Donald Gould District 6 (R - Shorewood) Present

Steve Balich District 7 (R - Homer Glen) Present

Mike Fricilone District 7 (R - Homer Glen) Present

Suzanne Hart Ex-Officio Present

Donald A. Moran District 3 (D - Romeoville) Present

Jim Moustis Ex-Officio Present

Tom Weigel Vice Chair Present

Darren Bennefield District 5 (R - Aurora) Absent

Lauren Staley-Ferry District 9 (D - Joliet) Absent

Annette Parker Ex-Officio Absent

Gretchen Fritz District 5 (R - Plainfield) Absent

Ray Tuminello Chair Present

Tim Kraulidis District 13 (R - Joliet) Absent

Tyler Marcum District 10 (D - Joliet) Present

Ralph Schultz Chief Operating Officer Present

John Gerl Chief Financial Officer Present

Andrew Hawkins Director of Planning and Development Present

Laura Kiran Director of Marketing and Communications Present

Dee Jaworski Staff Accountant Present

Lisa Lukasevich Director of Finance Present

Cindy Cain Public Information Officer Present

Tracy Chapman Chief of Police Present

Coleen Novander Real Estate Manangement Program Coordinator Present

Denise Steffen Director of Information Technology Present

Rose Scofield Customer Relations Specialist Present

Susan Lafferty Southtown Star Present

Keith Ogle Present

Frederick Lantz CPA, Sikich, LLP Present

Krisztina Dommer Senior Manager, Sikich, LLP Present

Richard Kavanagh Attorney Present

D. Schedule Of Bills

E. Approval Of Minutes

1. Minutes of April 4, 2018

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Seconder: Steve Balich, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Staley-Ferry, Parker, Fritz, Kraulidis

F. Old Business - None

G. New Business

1. Motion To Change Agenda Order

Chair Tuminello Motion to Change Agenda Order.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Steve Balich, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Staley-Ferry, Parker, Fritz, Kraulidis

2. Approval of Ordinance No. 519, Establishing the 2018/2019 Land Use Fees

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

To: Forest Preserve District Board Of Commissioners

Mover: Judy Ogalla, Ex-Officio

Seconder: Steve Balich, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Staley-Ferry, Parker, Fritz, Kraulidis

3. Approval of Ordinance No. 520, Authorizing a Second Amendment to the Annexation and Development Agreement between the Forest Preserve District of Will County and the Village of Homer Glen at Fiddyment Creek Preserve, Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to execute License Agreement No. 18-03 and Approval of Ordinance No. 521 Accepting Conveyance of two parcels from the Village of Homer Glen pending final Attorney review.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

To: Forest Preserve District Board Of Commissioners

Mover: Steve Balich, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Staley-Ferry, Parker, Fritz, Kraulidis

4. Accept and Place on File The Forest Preserve District of Will County's Comprehensive

Annual Financial Report For The Year Ended December 31, 2017.

Chair Tuminello speaks of the District's financial state.

Chair Tuminello wishes to thank the Commissioners and District Finance Staff for their continued hard work and dedication.

Chair Tuminello introduced Frederick Lantz, CPA, Partner in Charge and Krisztina Dommer, Senior Manager of Sikich LLP. Presentation followed.

Financial Highlights included:

• The District’s total net position increased by $16,349,503 from $188,369,654 at December 31, 2016 (restated), to $204,719,157 at December 31, 2017.

• The District’s governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $19,751,223 a decrease of $78,406 in comparison with the prior year.

• At the end of the current fiscal year, the unrestricted/unassigned fund balance for the General Fund was $8,068,438, a decrease of $317,606.

• The total cost of all District programs increased by $106,530 or.43% to $25,016,551 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2017.

Mr. Lantz stated that Sikich also performed an audit of the basic financial statements of the Retiree Health Insurance Trust Fund.

• Plan fiduciary net position as a percentage of the total liability in 2016 was 40.94% and in 2017 ended at 49.62%.

• Mr. Lantz stated that this retirement fund was one of the best funded in the State of Illinois.

Mr. Lantz stated that Sikich was pleased to present a clean, unmodified opinion of the financial statements for year-end December 31, 2017.

Mr. Lantz also presented a copy of the Auditor’s Management Letter.

Chief Financial Officer Gerl stated that the preparation of this report on a timely basis could not be accomplished without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire staff of the Finance Department.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

To: Forest Preserve District Board Of Commissioners

Mover: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Staley-Ferry, Parker, Fritz, Kraulidis

H. Executive Session

1. Motion to Enter into Executive Session for Purpose of Land Acquisition

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Mike Fricilone, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Bennefield, Staley-Ferry, Parker, Fritz, Tuminello, Kraulidis, Marcum

2. Motion to Exit out of Executive Session

Result: Approved [10 To 0]

Mover: Tom Weigel, Vice Chair

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Staley-Ferry, Parker, Fritz, Kraulidis

Away: Harris


1. Quote Approval Report - First Quarter 2018

2. Next Meeting Date - Wednesday, June 6, 2018 immediately following the Operations Committee meeting but not earlier than 8:45 am

J. Comments By Public

No comments were received.

K. Comments By Commissioners

No comments were received.

L. Adjournment

1. Meeting was Adjourned at 9:57 am

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Steve Balich, District 7 (R - Homer Glen)

Seconder: Donald A. Moran, District 3 (D - Romeoville)

Ayes: Ogalla, Harris, Gould, Balich, Fricilone, Hart, Moran, Moustis, Weigel, Tuminello, Marcum

Absent: Bennefield, Staley-Ferry, Parker, Fritz, Kraulidis
