New Lenox Community Park District Board met June 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. General Functions
1. Call to Order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Roll Call:
4. Treasurer’s Report: April 30, 2018 (With Year-End Adjustments) & May 31, 2018
5. Payment of Bills:
6. Special Guests:
7. Communications:
II. Consent Agenda
1. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2018
III. Committee & Staff Reports
1. Business Services: A. Tentative Budget & Appropriations Ordinance #18-05-01 Status Update Committee & Staff Reports: Director of Business Services, Deputy Director of Executive Services
2. Facilities/Planning:
Committee & Staff Reports: Director of Parks-Maintenance & Director of Recreation
3. Golf Course: A. Operation & Financial Reports Month to Date & Year to Date
Committee & Staff Reports: Director of Golf
4. Parks/Development A. Development Projects Update
B. Leigh Creek OSLAD/IDNR Grant Application – Meeting Notes
C. Cedar Pointe (Otto Drive) Senior Living
Committee & Staff Reports: Director of Parks-Maintenance
5. Recreation: A. Community Support: Youth Programs Youth spend three or more hours per week in school, religious and or community clubs, organizations, youth groups or sports.
(“Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.”) - Josh Shipp
B. Special Recreation
a. Monthly Reports
1. Staff Reports
2. Monthly Financial Reports
3. LWSRA Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget
4. LWSF Golf Outing – Friday, August 10th
C. Proud American Days 2018 Planning Update
Committee & Staff Reports: Director of Recreation
IV. Unfinished Business
1. 2018-2019 Officer and Committee Assignments
V. New Business
1. Ordinance #18-06-01 An Ordinance on Prevailing Wages
2. Resolution #18-12 Execution of Lease with Pitney Bowes
3. Agenda Format Discussion
A. Commissioner Comments
B. Other Format Suggestions
VI. Questions and Comments from the floor (five-minute limit)
VII. Community Event Announcements
VIII. Executive Session
1. Closed Session for any lawful purpose including but not limited to
A. Section 2(c) (1) Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees;
B. Section 2(c)(2) Collective bargaining matters or consideration of salary schedules for one or more classes of employment;
C. Section 2(c) (3) Selection of person to fill a public office or discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office where authorized to appoint or remove the official;
D. Section 2(c) (5) The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body.
E. Section 2(c) (6) Purchase or lease of real property or setting of a price for sale or lease of municipal property.
F. Section 2(c) (21) Review of closed session minutes.
G. Section 2(c) (11) Litigation, pending or probable.
X. Adjournment