
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Fountaindale Public Library District Board met May 17

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Fountaindale Public Library District Board met May 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by President Margaret (Peggy) Danhof.

Roll Call

The roll was called by recorder, Juanita Lennon, and a quorum was established.


Present at roll call were Steven Prodehl, Robert Kalnicky, Kathryn Spindel, Ruth Newell,

Marcelo Valencia, Celeste Bermejo And Margaret (Peggy) Danhof.



Fountaindale Staff Present

The following staff was present: Paul Mills and Juanita Lennon.

Public Present

The following public was present: Jody Hargett.

Agenda Approval

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Danhof asked for a motion to approve the agenda. A motion was made by Kalnicky, seconded by Newell.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Minutes Of The Board Meeting – April 19, 2018

The minutes of the board meeting held April 19, 2018 were presented. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Spindel, seconded by Newell. Minutes were approved as read.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Minutes Of The Executive Session – April 19, 2018

The minutes of the Executive Session held April 19, 2018 were presented. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Valencia, seconded by Spindel. Minutes were approved as read.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

AbsenT: None

Comments From The Public

No comments were made.

Friends Of The Library

Jody Hargett thanked the library for the wonderful Friends Appreciation Dinner on April 24. The dinner was well attended. The Summer Adventure kickoff event will be on Wednesday, June 6 at the Annerino Center. The Friends will be selling candy. The Friends also wanted to thankDirector Mills for his help in resolving their recent banking issue. The bank has now credited a large portion of the stolen money back to the Friends’ account.

New Business

Approval of Health Insurance for Fiscal Year 2018/2019

A motion to fund the allocation for insurance at the $6,700 per eligible employee for those employees selecting health insurance and to fund an allocation of $500 for those employees who do not select insurance was made by Newell, seconded by Valencia.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Approval of Family and Medical Leave of Absence Policy Section for the Employee Handbook

A motion to repeal the existing Family and Medical Leave of Absence Policy section in the Employee Handbook and to approve the revised Family and Medical Leave of Absence Policy section in the Employee Handbook was made by Kalnicky, seconded by Bermejo.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Approval of Jury Duty or Responding to Subpoenas Section for the Employee Handbook

A motion to repeal the existing Jury Duty section in the Employee Handbook and to approve the revised Jury Duty and Responding to Subpoenas section for the Employee Handbook was made by Spindel, seconded by Valencia.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Approval of Military Leave and Family Military Leave Section for the Employee Handbook

A motion to repeal the existing Military Leave section in the Employee Handbook and to approve the revised Military Leave and Family Military Leave section for the Employee

Handbook was made by Prodehl, seconded by Newell.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

AbsenT: None

Approval of School Visitation Rights Act Section for the Employee Handbook

A motion to repeal the existing School Visitation Rights Act section in the Employee Handbook and to approve the revised School Visitation Rights Act section for the Employee Handbook was made by Kalnicky, seconded by Valencia.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Approval of Time Off to Vote Section for the Employee Handbook

A motion to repeal the existing Time Off to Vote section in the Employee Handbook and to approve the revised Time Off to Vote section for the Employee Handbook was made by Newell, seconded by Valencia.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Approval of Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) Section for the Employee


A motion to repeal the existing Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) section in the Employee Handbook and to approve the revised Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) section for the Employee Handbook was made by Newell, seconded by Valencia.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Library Projects



Tressler, Llp, the library’s legal counsel, provided each Trustee with an Open Meetings Act guide.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's Report for April, 2018 was presented by Treasurer Spindel and will be filed for audit.

Bills For Approval

Bills Paid Report – May, 2018

Bills paid for the month of May in the amount of $81,029.57 was presented for approval. Motion to approve was made by Newell, seconded by Valencia.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

Bills Payable Report – May, 2018

Bills payable for the month of May in the amount of $151,260.28 was presented for approval.

Director Mills noted that the header date was incorrect, but the bills were correct. Motion to approve was made by Newell, seconded by Spindel.

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

AbsenT: None

Director's Report – April, 2018

Director Mills reported that the Will County Health Department will be providing Narcan

training to the library’s Person-in-Charge team in July. The Health Department will also be

providing a community training event at the library in September. Mills also noted that we are

the first library in Will County to provide staff training and also a community training event.

Unfinished Business



Building – None.

Finance – Trustees Prodehl and Spindel reported on their meeting with the library’s Pma representative to discuss the library’s investments. The reports from the meeting were distributed as well.

Strategic Plan – None.

Personnel – None.

Executive Session

A motion was made by Newell, seconded by Bermejo, to enter Executive Session at 7:36 p.m. for Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1).

Ayes: Prodehl, Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: None

Absent: None

A motion was made by Valencia, seconded by Kalnicky, to return to Open Session at 8:28 p.m.

Open Session

Approval Of Executive Director Compensation Adjustment

A motion to approve a 3.5% increase for the Executive Director’s salary was made by Newell, seconded by Valencia.

Ayes: Kalnicky, Spindel, Newell, Valencia, Bermejo, Danhof

Nayes: Prodehl

Absent: None


On June 12, the library will host a joint town hall meeting featuring Illinois State Senators Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant and Pat McGuire along with Illinois State Representatives John Connor and Natalie Manley at 6:30 p.m. in Meeting Room A.

The June Board Meeting will take place on Monday, June 18 in the Board Room at 7 p.m.

The Heart Haven Outreach (H2O) Golf Gala Dinner will be on Thursday, July 12 at 7 p.m.

The library will once again partner with Valley View School District to provide summer lunches to children ages 18 and under.


A consensus was taken and the Board adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
