
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met February 7.

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Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met February 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees, Village of Elwood, February 7, 2018, at 7:00 pm, was called to order by Village President Doug Jenco.

Present: Village Board Trustees: Don LaPaglia, Jasen Melahn, Mary Matichak, Dean Lowrance and Darryl P. Lab

Also, Present: Village Clerk Julie Friebele, Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson, Attorney Jordan Kielian, Police Chief Fred Hayes, Public Works Superintendent Larry Lohmar, Finance Director Roberta Day, Permit Technician Pat Winters, and Engineer Jim Sparber

The meeting opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Oath of K9 Sam:

Police canine “Sam” is a 20-month-old German Shepard and Belgian/Malinois mix who weighs in at a healthy 78 pounds. K9 “Sam” is partnered with his handler Officer Ed Wright an 11-year veteran of the Elwood Police Department. Village Clerk Julie Friebele administered the “Oath of Office” to police K9 Sam.

Building Code Amendments:

Richard A. Piccolo, President of B & F Technical Code Services Inc., gave a building code presentation. Mr. Piccolo talked about amending the Village building code to repeal the provisions of the current adopted code requiring automatic fire sprinkler systems for newly built one and two-family dwellings and adopting the 2018 Building Code.

May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019, Budget Public Hearing

• Proposed Annual Fiscal Year 2018 – 2019 Budget of the Village of Elwood.

a) Open Public Hearing

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to open the public hearing for the Proposed Annual Fiscal Year 2018 – 2019 Budget of the Village of Elwood. Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

I. Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson gave a slideshow presentation of the proposed 2018-2019 Annual Budget. Ms. Gibson reviewed the funds balances revenues and expenses that were budgeted for 2017-2018, the projected year- end 2017-2018 fund balances, and the proposed 2018-2019 budget. General Fund – Administration, Police, Streets

° Actual 2016-2017 $$2,365,172

° Budget 2017-2018 $4,431,971

° Projected 2017-2018 $3,611,895

° Budget 2018-2019 $4,473,324.

II. Village Board of Trustees Discussion

° Trustee Melahn requested clarification concerning the increase of the salaries fund of the streets department. Ms. Gibson noted that the increase was due to the possible addition of a new employee and reclassification of funds.

III. Public Comments

° Jenny Bertucci – Discussed the Capital Improvement Topics

a.Roof Replacement of the Village Hall – The Village Hall is not that old, what about a warranty when the roof was first installed.

b. Replacement of the Wooded Cove Street Lights

c. Wooded Cove Park Fund

° Michelle Peterson – Discussed the Following Topic

a. Consider/Assess Everything to Cut the Budget

b) Close Public Hearing

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to close the public hearing for the Proposed Annual Fiscal Year 2018 – 2019 Budget of the Village of Elwood. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Resolution Supporting Federal Funding for Add Lanes and Reconstruction of I-80 From Ridge Road to Harlem Avenue:

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to adopt the Resolution Supporting Federal Funding for Add Lanes and Reconstruction of I-80 from Ridge Road to Harlem Avenue. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab –yes. The motion carried.

Public Comments – Pertaining to Agenda Items

Members of the audience discussed the following topics:

• Resolution Manhattan and Elwood Boundary Line Agreement

• Resolution for infrastructure to add lanes and reconstruction of I-80 from Ridge Road to Harlem Avenue

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made by Trustee Matichak to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

• Presentation of Minutes – January 3, 2018

• Presentation of Closed Session Minutes – January 3, 2018 – Not For Release

• Presentation of Bills – Paid Invoice Report January 3, 2018, through February 6, 2018, in the amount of $88,784.89.

• Presentation of Bills – Unpaid Invoice Report in the amount of $1,314,699.00

Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Reports & Communications From Village Officials:

Administration – Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson

Monthly Administration Report – Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson-

The Administration Report listed several significant projects completed from December 1, 2017, through February 1, 2018.

December 2017 Financial Report:

The December 2017 Financial Report prepared by Finance Director Robbie Day was presented and reviewed. The report represents the Village of Elwood’s year to date revenues, expenses, and end of the month fund cash balances.

An Ordinance Approving the Annual Budget of the Village of Elwood Beginning May 1, 2018 and Ending April 30, 2019:

An Ordinance Approving the Annual Budget of the Village of Elwood Beginning May 1, 2018 and Ending April 30, 2019, was presented to the Village board and reviewed.

This was the first read; no action was taken.

An Ordinance Amending the Building Code Ordinance An Ordinance:

Amending the Building Code Ordinance to repeal the provisions requiring automatic fire sprinkler systems for newly built one and two-family dwelling, adopting the 2018 building code was presented to the Village board and reviewed.

This was the first read; no action was taken.

Intergovernmental agreement with Elwood Fire Protection District:

This agenda item is pending; no action was taken.

An Ordinance Amending the Village of Elwood Code of Ordinances With Respect to Licensing and Regulating Raffles:

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to forego the final reading and to adopt the Ordinance Amending the Village of Elwood Code of Ordinances With Respect to Licensing and Regulating Raffles. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Approving Water and Sewer Rates for the Village of Elwood:

Current water and sewer rates each escalate annually at a 3% rate for residents and businesses. The Village water fund is not able to support the operations of the water department. The Ordinance if adopted would increase the water charges 6% annually to support the operations of the water department and would maintain the sewer portion at 3% increases annually.

This was the first read; no action was taken.

Kopec Waiver of Building Permit Fee Extension for 21348 oxbow Court – Lot 79 in Wooded Cove-

Ordinance 876 states “All permits shall be for a period of one (1) year, all extensions of permit time shall be calculated at 25% of the original total permit fee and shall extend the life of the permit for a six (6) month period.” The permit was issued January 18, 2017, and expired January 18, 2018. Mr. Kopec is requesting to waive the building permit fee extension in the amount of $3,369.09. He apologized and discussed the reasons it is taking so long for construction to be completed. Reviewing the reasons for the delay in construction the board discussed reducing the building permit fee extension to 1/3 of $3,369.09 and to extend the life of the permit for a 90 day period. If construction is not complete in 90 days, Mr. Kopec will have to pay the balance of the entire amount of $3,369.09 which will extend the permit 6 months from the expired date of January 18, 2018. A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to reduce the building permit fee extension by 1/3 of $3,369.09 and extending the life of the permit for a 90 day period. If construction is not complete in 90 days, Mr. Kopec will have to pay the balance of the entire amount of $3,369.09 which will extend the permit 6 months from the expired date of January 18, 2018. Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

A & A Attractions Contract to Supply Amusements-

A & A agrees to give and to pay the Village (the sponsor) a percent of gross income of all A & A Attractions rides as follows: A & A will retain guarantee of $7,000 for rides and anything over $7,000 A & A will pay the Village 20% of ride sales. A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to approve the A & A Attractions contract to Supply Amusements for Elwood Days August 24 – 26, 2018. Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Police Department – Chief Fred Hayes:

During the month of December 2017, the Elwood Police Department responded to 308 calls for service. To see additional details about the types of calls residents can visit the Village of Elwood website.

Police officers issued a total of 104 citations for the month of December 2017:

• Local Citations (O.V.) 2

• State Citations 102

• Overweight Violations (3)

Arrest Report Summary for the month of December 2017:

• Traffic Arrests 11

• Warrant Arrests 2

• Criminal 3

Training Hours in the month of December 2017 in the following category:

• Police Sergeant Andrew Anderson ILEAS SWAT WMD 40 hours

Public Works – Superintendent Larry Lohmar:

During January 2018, the Public Works Department completed multiple projects including but not limited to:

• Public Works Crews spent 176 hours clearing 327 snow miles of roads and placed 168 tons of specially treated Clearlane salt.

• Repaired the outlet catch basin in Meadowbrook on the north end of the subdivision.

• Water main repair between the north and south bound lanes of Route 53 for service to Shady Nook.

Village President Jenco said that the Public Works Department did a great job on the snow removal.

St. Louis Street Water Main Extension Replacement-

Public Works records indicate that the existing north-south 4” main, is currently the only water supply to Shady Nook, and is not in particularly good condition. The new 8” water main will provide two (2) times the capacity and is sufficient for the Shady Nook subdivision. A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to approve the St. Louis Street water main replacement contract with Baxter & Woodman for a cost not to exceed $14,790. Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Approving a Plat of Vacation Lot 5, Block 1 of CenterPoint Intermodal Center at Deer Run, Unit 6-

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to forego the final reading and adopt An Ordinance Approving a Plat of Vacation Lot 5, Block 1 of CenterPoint Intermodal Center at Deer Run, Unit 6. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Approving a Plat of Vacation Lot 13, Block 1 of CenterPoint Intermodal Center at Deer Run, Unit 7-

A motion was made by Trustee Melahn to forego the final reading and adopt An Ordinance Approving a Plat of Vacation Lot 13, Block 1 of CenterPoint Intermodal Center at Deer Run, Unit 7. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Village Clerk Julie Friebele:

The Village has multiple boxes of records that the State of Illinois would no longer require the Village to retain. In March of 2017, we contacted the State of Illinois concerning the records disposal procedure. We found out that it is a long and tedious process. Barb Hnetkovsky began going through the boxes of records and organized them as required by the state.

• Record Series Title

• Inclusive Dates

• Volumes or Boxes of Records

This process took 10 hours a week for 11 months. She went through and organized approximately 700 boxes of records. On Tuesday, 2/6/2018 the Village was finally able to submit the application to the State of Illinois, and we are waiting for a response.

Once the application is approved, then we will proceed with the process to obtain a records disposal certificate from the State of Illinois.

Upcoming Events-

Family Fun night at the Village Hall – February 9, 2018.

Parks Update-

The Parks Committee is working on further developing the parks. They are reviewing the possibility of implementing “disc” golf at Archer Park. The committee is also discussing plans for Gaga Ball and a dog park and the location these projects would be best suited.

Village President

Manhattan and Elwood Boundary Line Agreement Resolution-

The boundary line proposed in the Manhattan and Elwood Boundary Line Agreement Resolution would remain the same as the boundary line previously approved by the municipalities in 2006. The 2006 Manhattan and Elwood Boundary Line Agreement Resolution is a 20-year agreement and will not expire until 2026. The proposed Manhattan and Elwood Boundary Line Agreement Resolution would extend the current agreement an additional 20 years. A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to deny the proposed Manhattan and Elwood Boundary Line Agreement Resolution. Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak – yes, Trustee Lowrance – yes, Trustee Lab – no. The motion carried.

Other Business:

No other business was discussed.

Public Comments:

Members of the audience discussed the following items:

• Truck Drivers

• Gaga Ball

• Boundary Line Agreement

• Police Activity

• Health

• Vacant Trustee Seat


A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. All the Village Board Trustees present voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.
