Crete Public Library District Board of Trustees met March 28.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
I. Call to order: Meeting called to order by President Boehner at 7:00 p.m. Those in attendance:
President Boehner, trustees: Beil, Monks, Noble, Sizemore, Van Zyl (7:20) & Williams. Also in
attendance: Executive Director Dienes, Asst. Director Amschl & Admin. Asst. Bonfiglio.
II. Introduction of Guests/Visitors: There were no guests/visitors.
III. Approval of minutes: Motion to approve regular minutes of February 21, 2018 by Monks,
second by Williams. Motion to approve minutes of Closed Session of February 21, 2018 by
Sizemore, second by Williams. Both motions passed. Ayes: Beil, Monks, Noble, Sizemore &
Williams. Nays: None.
IV. Correspondence: No correspondence.
V. Approval of Bills for Payment: Motion to approve all bills for payment by Monks, second by
Noble. Motion passed on voice vote. Ayes: Beil, Monks, Noble, Sizemore & Williams. Nays:
VI. Financial Report for February 2018: Treasurer Monks reported that the expenses for the year
are still below expected amounts. Motion to approve February 2018 Financial reports by Beil,
second by Noble. Motion passed on voice vote. Ayes: Beil, Monks, Noble, Sizemore & Williams.
Nays: None.
VII. Librarian’s Report: Ms. Dienes reported that after an assessment by ComEd, our maintenance
person has been replacing light bulbs with LED bulbs throughout the building. Some bulbs may
need a lift to replace them. Also the library is prepping for National Library Week in April. The
library will have a fine free week, coffee, cookies & mood pencils to give away.
VIII. Public Comment: No public comment.
IX. Community Outreach: The board received the community calendar for the next two months.
Ms. Monks attended the village board meeting. She mentioned that through the efforts of the
Crete Historical Society some areas of Crete are now recognized by the National Park Service as
part of the Underground Railroad.
X. Other Board Reports:
A. Friends of the Crete Library: The Friends have given money for Battle of the Books t-shirts and
for the senior day lunch. Tickets for a crocheted afghan will be sold starting in May.
B. Crete Library Foundation: The March meeting was cancelled. They will meet in April.
XI. Old Business:
A. Temperature Control Project Update: After techs from F.E. Moran viewed the building they
mentioned that some shelves & desks will have to be moved. There will be a storage container
in the parking lot starting next week. The container will be for the parts and tools needed for
the project.
XII. New Business:
A. Electronic Sign Upgrade: Ms. Dienes received three quotes for a new electronic sign. The new
sign would have full color and more bulbs which will make it easier to read. Since the dollar
amount is under the threshold, there is no need to go out for bid. Motion by Monks to accept
the quote from All Right Sign in the amount of $17658.39, second by Noble. Motion passed on
voice vote. Ayes: Beil, Monks, Noble, Sizemore, Van Zyl & Williams. Nays: None.
B. Library of Things: The library has posted a survey concerning adding non-traditional items that
can be checked out at the library. Cake pans, electronics & Santa suits are just some of the
different items that may be available.
C. Trustee Training Workshop: ATLAS is hosting a trustee workshop in May. Anyone interested in
attending should let Ms. Dienes know by the end of the month.
XIII. Closed Session to discuss “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,
performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the
public body.” 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1): The board did not go into closed session.
XIV. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 7:53 p.m. by Beil, second by Noble. Motion passed. Ayes:
Beil, Monks, Noble, Sizemore, Van Zyl & Williams. Nays: None.