
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met April 17.

Webp meeting 04

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met April 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Call To Order, Pledge, Roll Call:

Chairman Kiefer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the Pledge.

Roll Call: Commissioners Minnis, Seggebruch, Renzi, Heinen, Womack, and Chairman Kiefer were present. Commissioner Green was absent. Plainfield Fire Protection District was present. Plainfield Township Park District, Plainfield Public Library District and Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 were absent.

Others Present: Jonathan Proulx, Director of Planning; Kendra Kuehlem, Associate Planner; Yuchen Ding, Associate Planner; and Tracey Erickson, Recording Secretary

Approval Of Minutes:

The Plan Commission minutes dated April 3, 2018, were approved.

Public Comments:

No Comment.

Development Report:

Mr. Proulx provided an update on cases from the Village Board meeting on April 16, 2018, which included the following cases: Playa Vista, sale of property on Ridge Road, Impact Fees for School and Park District, and Traffic Impact Fees.

Old Business:

Case No. 1780-011718.SU.SPR 12729 S. Naperville Rd. The Farmhouse Plainfield

Ms. Kuehlem stated the applicants are seeking approval to utilize The Farmhouse, located at 12729 S. Naperville Road, as a special event venue. The requested special use approval would allow use of the property for a wide variety of events, such as wedding receptions and bridal showers, also including smaller-scale gatherings. The applicants have researched and revised their proposal to address many concerns raised by the commissioners and the public, from the previous meetings of the Plan Commission. As the plans now include a permanent structure (as discussed in the Staff Report) and expanded parking lot, the applicants are also seeking site plan review approval for the site plan improvements needed for the special event venue.

Ms. Kuehlem reviewed the findings of fact and additional considerations from the staff report dated April 12, 2018 and stated the applicant has provided additional information and modified the proposed plans to address a number of the comments and concerns raised at previous Plan Commission meetings.

Chairman Kiefer reminded Cynthia Payne and Glen Delarosa that they remain under oath. Ms. Payne stated how the changes made were in response to the concerns/concerns of the public and commissioners.

Chairman Kiefer summarized the concerns from previous meeting which include but not limited to; sound/noise, parking, traffic, location of building and fence. Chairman Kiefer stated most of the concerns are addressed in current staff report which include the building being built on the north side of the property. Chairman Kiefer clarified that the applicant is not requesting a sound variance.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Ms. Theresa Forthofer, resident. Ms. Forthofer stated her concerns are parking for guest and staff, noise from outdoor patio areas, police response to a complaint and property values decreasing.

Chairman Kiefer reminded Mr. Rodney Thill that he remains under oath. Mr. Thill asked if the Village of Bolingbrook does not approve the north parking exit, what is the plan. Mr. Thill stated his concerns are noise from patio and the fence. Mr. Thill asked what is the plan for events that have been schedule before the structure is complete.

Chairman Kiefer asked the applicant if there is a backup plan if the Village of Bolingbrook will not allow the north entrance to the parking lot. Ms. Payne described how the parking lot would be reconfigured to allow access through the “U” shaped driveway.

Chairman Kiefer reminded Ms. Brenda Kraft that she remains under oath. Ms. Kraft asked what events, if any, can be held at the property before the structure is built. Ms. Kraft questioned the type of events allowable, the number of stales in bathrooms, consequence for exceeding building occupancy, hours of operation, fence installation timeline, staff parking, overflow parking, garbage enclosure location, smoking area, how tall is the proposed building, square feet of building, how close to a residential area can liquor be distributed, and parking spaces.

Chairman Kiefer asked the applicant to clarify the square footage of building. Ms. Payne stated the open area for 150 people is 3,500 square feet, with the additional area added in it is 5,642 square feet. Chairman Kiefer asked if the applicant has a plan for overflow parking. Ms. Payne stated they would use the grass areas for overflow parking. Chairman Kiefer stated the Village is not supportive of using the grass for overflow parking. Ms. Payne stated they are not planning on providing caters and staff, the person renting the event space will have to bring their own caters and staff.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Mr. Jeff Kuntz, resident. Mr. Kuntz asked how snow removal will be handled so it will not cause low visibility. Mr. Kuntz stated his concerns about parking during large events.

Chairman Kiefer reminded Mr. Dan Forthofer that he remains under oath. Mr. Forthofer asked where the air condition units will be located because of noise.

Chairman Kiefer swore in David Angelus, resident. Mr. Angelus asked what happens if the property goes into default who will be responsible for the maintenance of the property. Mr. Proulx stated the special use is tied to the current business and explained how the property maintenance codes.

Chairman Kiefer reminded Ms. Rebecca Tolrud that she remains under oath. Ms. Tolrud stated she would like to see the parking lot located on the property west on Naperville Road and asked what stipulations can be added to protect the neighborhood.

Commissioner Minnis recused himself stating he shares a professional relationship with the applicant.

Commissioner Renzi asked the applicant to explain why they decided to move the building to the north side of the property. Ms. Payne stated it was based on public and commissioner’s comments. Commissioner Renzi requested the south elevation of building to be provided before the Village Board meeting. Commissioner Renzi asked for clarification on the south and west elevation connection with the existing house. Mr. Delarosa described how the south and west elevations are attached to the existing house and patio. Commissioner Renzi suggested new elevation for the west showing how it is attached to the existing house.

Commissioner Renzi asked if there will be a buffer between the pavers and black top in the parking lot. Ms. Payne stated that they are still looking at options, since the parking lot is much larger they originally proposed. Commissioner Renzi reminded the applicant that drainage may be needed if the parking lot is all asphalt and asked if there are topographical engineering plans. Ms. Payne stated plans were submitted at the previous meeting but no engineering review has been completed for the plan proposed this evening. Ms. Payne stated they are aware they may be required to have retention. Chairman Kiefer stated that compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer is one of the stipulations. Commissioner Heinen explained how pavers reduce the water runoff.

Commissioner Renzi suggested using pavers to help with parking overflow. Chairman Kiefer asked staff if the parking is adequate for the use. Mr. Proulx stated additional parking would be helpful but the proposed parking does meet the minimum parking requirements per the zoning code and the property does have ample area for additional parking. Commissioner Heinen stated he requested a parking study but it was not completed. Commissioner Heinen stated the parking is not sufficient for the use and suggested land bank parking. Commissioner Heinen stated the parking lots do not function well together and suggest staff work with applicant to find a better location and solution for parking.

Chairman Kiefer asked the applicant if there will be Farmhouse staff on site to assist with any issues. Ms. Payne stated yes. Chairman Kiefer asked about security and traffic/noise enforcement. Ms. Payne stated they would have an independent party at the beginning to verify the noise decibels. Ms. Payne stated parking will be on the property so the police should not be needed for traffic control. Commissioner Heinen asked staff about their thoughts on parking. Mr. Proulx stated the recommendation for land bank parking was on point and explained other parking thoughts.

Commissioner Heinen asked if the applicant will be able to have events before the building is completed. Mr. Proulx stated the applicant has a couple of private events scheduled and able to host those events because they are private and not commercial events. Mr. Proulx stated he is not aware of the applicant having an interim plan before the building is completed, like having tents for events. Mr. Proulx stated the expectation is occupancy would not be given until building is complete. Chairman Kiefer asked if they need a liquor license. Mr. Proulx stated it depends on if the events will be catered by an outside vendor. Commissioner Heinen stated he has concerns for hosting events in a tent until the building is completed.

Commissioner Heinen asked if the code specifies a distance liquor can be served on a commercial property adjacent to a residential area. Mr. Proulx stated no there is not additional provisions. Commissioner Heinen asked what happens if an event is over 150 people. Mr. Proulx explained the enforcement of occupancy violations. Commissioner Heinen asked the applicant about moving the garbage enclosure. Ms. Payne stated the only other option would be the north parking lot. Commissioner Heinen asked the applicant about music on the outdoor patio. Ms. Payne stated the request they have received for music on the patio is ambient/back ground.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the size of the parcel is correct in the staff report. Ms. Kuehlem stated it is correct and the measurement given is how the GIS Department measures properties.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked for the history of the property, such as when it was zoned to B3. Mr. Proulx provided a brief history of the annexation and zoning of the parcel. Chairman Kiefer asked staff to provide examples of what is permitted in B3 zoning. Mr. Proulx stated B3 is Highway Business District, what is allowable Target, Walmart, restaurants, and general highway uses. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the annexation and zoning is public information. Mr. Proulx stated yes, it is identified in the annexation agreement.

Commissioner Seggebruch stated the parking still needs to be reviewed and provided suggestions on how parking can be improved. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the fence will go to the north end of the north parking or stop before easement. Ms. Payne stated they are willing to take to the fence to end of the parking lot. Ms. Payne stated they have a down payment on a fence and would install in the next couple months if the special use is approved.

Commissioner Womack asked what is the timeline for the building construction if approved. Mr. Delarosa explained the process and stated construction could start end of September. Commissioner Womack asked staff if a special use permit can be revoked. Mr. Proulx stated that the Village would use proactive enforcement. Mr. Proulx stated conditions and provisions can be added to the special use. Commissioner Womack asked if the property is on Village water and sewer. Ms. Payne stated yes. Commissioner Womack stated the parking and stormwater need further review.

Commissioner Renzi asked if the 150 capacity is for the building or the property. Ms. Payne stated 150 is for the building capacity. Commissioner Renzi suggested changing stipulation 3 in the motion to read “Maximum capacity of 150 patrons per event at the structure.” Commissioner Womack stated he thought large markets were removed from the special use. Mr. Proulx clarified that applicant voluntary agreed to remove large market events from the special use, 150 per patron limit is for with the structure and events on the patio would not have an occupancy limit. Commissioner Renzi asked if there is an application process for the large market. Ms. Payne stated they originally requested to four markets this year but they decided to focus on the smaller events. Ms. Payne stated they are hoping in the future to have the market events again.

Commissioner Renzi asked staff to change the “should” in the following statement “.modifications to the initial plans that should enhance the compatibility.” item A in the staff report to “shall”. Mr. Proulx stated he agrees.

Commissioner Heinen stated the property is zoned B3 and is not a historical landmark so the applicant could demolish the house and build a strip center. Commissioner Heinen stated he feels this is a better use and less intensive use than what could be there and that is why he is recommending approval. Commissioner Heinen stated he would like a stipulation included stating applicant will work with staff to identify land bank parking.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked the applicants if they are only asking for the longer hours on Friday and Saturday. Ms. Payne stated correct. Commissioner Seggebruch stated the Sunday through Thursday morning open time of 9:00 a.m. seems early. Ms. Payne stated the weekday morning hours are not meant for a party but for something like a yoga class. Commissioner Seggebruch asked for clarification on the closing hours. Ms. Payne stated they would be amendable to saying the event needs to end at 11:00 p.m. so clean up can be completed by 12:00 a.m. Commissioner Seggebruch suggested a stipulation for hours of operation. Mr. Proulx stated the zoning code does not restrict hours of operation but for this case it could be a stipulation. Commissioner Seggebruch stated the stipulation for hours as indicated in the staff report.

Commissioner Heinen made a motion to adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Plan Commission and, furthermore, recommend approval of the special use to permit a special event venue known as The Farmhouse Plainfield at 12729 S. Naperville Rd., subject to the following four (4) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer;

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District; and

3. Maximum capacity of 150 patrons per event.

4. Hours of operation and backdown as referenced in staff report.

Second by Commissioner Seggebruch. Vote by roll call: Renzi, yes; Womack, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Heinen, Yes, Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 5-0

Commissioner Renzi made a motion to recommend approval of the site plan review for the special event venue known as The Farmhouse Plainfield at 12729 S. Naperville Rd., subject to the following four (4) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer;

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District; and

3. Access on 127th Street subject to approval by the Village of Bolingbrook.

4. Applicant work with staff to identify land bank parking plan.

Second by Commissioner Heinen. Vote by roll call: Seggebruch, yes; Womack, yes, Heinen, yes; Renzi, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 5-0

New Business:

Case No. 1783-032818.AA.SU.PP.FP North of 127th St., West of Van Dyke Rd, East of 248th Ave.

Pulte Home

Chairman Kiefer stated applicants have requested a continuance of their case to the next meeting of the Plan Commission, to prepare all the necessary plans.

Commissioner Minnis made a motion to continue this case to the next scheduled meeting of the Plan Commission on May 1, 2018.

Second by Commissioner Seggebruch. Vote by roll call: Heinen, yes; Renzi, yes; Womack, yes, Minnis, yes, Seggebruch, yes, Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0


Chairman Kiefer read the reminders.

Meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
