City of Joliet Zoning Board of Appeals met June 15.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
1. Call to Order:
2. Roll Call:
Present: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Ms. Denise Powers,
Mr. Jim Riggs, Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Absent: Mr. Ed Hennessy, Ms. Rebecca Darley.
3. New Business:
10. Petition 2017-18: A Variation of Use to allow continuation of a seven-unit and
single-family house, an R-4 (multi-family) use in an R-2 (single-family) zoning
district and a series of Variations to allow two primary structures on one lot and on
lot area per family from 2,500 square feet to 1,554 square feet, located at 209-211
N. Center Street.
Mr. Schwarz read the staff report into the record.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers, swore in attorney Mr. Carl Buck, Joliet,
Illinois, who appeared on behalf of the petitioners. Also sworn in were Ms. Susan
Reynolds, New Lenox, Illinois and Ms. Maureen Ferm, New Lenox, Illinois. Mr.
Buck briefly described the history of the property.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, requested an explanation for the calls for service to the
Joliet Police Department. Mr. Buck responded that the problem tenant has been
evicted. Sergeant Larry Collins and NOPT Officer Patrick Blatti also responded to
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers’ concern.
There was discussion regarding Ms. Reynolds screening tenants through the
Joliet Police Department and the eviction process.
Mr. Thompson, Jr. questioned future problems in the area. NOPT Officer Blatti
responded to the concern.
Mr. Graham asked if there is a representative from the CAPA Association. Mr.
Bob Nachtrieb, representative of Cathedral Area Preservation Association, was
sworn in. Mr. Nachtrieb commented that the eviction process is a long process
and he also suggested that tenant screening continue into the future and he
understands that this property was constructed as a 7-unit.
Motion to approve PETITION 2017-18: A Variation of Use to allow continuation of a
seven-unit and single-family house, an R-4 (multi-family) use in an R-2 (single-family)
zoning district and a series of Variations to allow two primary structures on one lot and
on lot area per family from 2,500 square feet to 1,554 square feet, located at 209-211 N.
Center Street subject to the conditions mentioned in the staff report and an added
condition that the landlord participate in the Joliet Police Department Tenant Screening
Program was made by Mr. Charles Graham.
Motion seconded by Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Mr. Jim Riggs, Leonard
Thompson, Jr.
Nays: Ms. Denise Powers.
4. Petition 2017-31: A Variation of Use to allow a beauty salon, a B-1
(neighborhood business) use within an R-3 (one and two family residential) zoning
district, located at 931 N. Broadway Street.
Mr. Schwarz read the staff report into the record.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Mr. Tadeusz Gawron, Joliet, Illinois,
who appeared on behalf of the petition. He briefly described the proposed project.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Ms. Chantae Tate, a potential tenant
who appeared in favor of this petition.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Mr. Rich Serdar, 919 N. Hickory
Street, Joliet, Illinois, who appeared in opposition of the petition because of the
parking issue in the area and the limited off-street parking for this property. Mr.
Gawron responded to the concerns.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Ms. Rachel Ventura and Ms. Patricia
McReynolds, 1001 N. Broadway Street, Joliet, Illinois, who appeared in opposition
of the petition because of the parking issue in the area and the limited off-street
parking for this property. Mr. Gawron responded to the concerns.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers, swore in Ms. Serdar, 919 N. Hickory Street,
who appeared in opposition of the petition because of density in the area.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Ms. Serdar, 919 N. Hickory Street,
Joliet, Illinois, who appeared in opposition because of density issues in the area
and for this property.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Mr. John Sheridan, President of the
Cunningham Neighborhood Council, who appeared in opposition of the petition
because of the parking and traffic in the area and for this property.
Mr. Graham requested that Ms. Tate briefly describe her business operation in
regard to the number of employees and possible customers.
Mr. Ferguson requested that a condition be added to address the parking issue on
the property. He suggested designated parking spaces for current tenants and
customers and employee(s) for the proposed beauty salon.
Ms. Ventura stated the parking and traffic issues are existing issues in the area.
Mr. Gawron responded to the concerns. Mr. Gawron stated he has owned this
property since 2006.
Motion to approve PETITION 2017-31: A Variation of Use to allow a beauty salon, a B-1
(neighborhood business) use within an R-3 (one and two family residential) zoning
district, located at 931 N. Broadway Street subject to the modification to condition #1
stated in the staff report to read as follows: That the property owner shall maintain 10
paved, off-street parking spaces, with 5 spaces designated and signed for residential
tenants and 5 spaces designated and signed for the commercial use was made by Mr.
Jim Riggs.
Motion seconded by Mr. Charles Graham.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Mr. Jim Riggs, Leonard
Thompson, Jr.
Nays: Ms. Denise Powers.
5. Petition 2017-32: A Variation on a minimum required front yard setback from 30
ft. to 14.8 ft. in order to allow the enclosure of an existing porch, located at 1306
Cora Street.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Mr. Antonio Lopez Saquicela, 1306
Cora Street, Joliet, Illinois, who appeared on behalf of the petition. He briefly
described the proposed project.
Motion to approve Petition 2017-32: A Variation on a minimum required front yard
setback from 30 ft. to 14.8 ft. in order to allow the enclosure of an existing porch, located
at 1306 Cora Street was made by Mr. William Ferguson.
Motion seconded by Mr. Charles Graham.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Ms. Denise Powers, Mr. Jim
Riggs, Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Nays: None.
6. Petition 2017-33: A Special Use Permit to allow the addition of 35 apartment
units and a Variation on lot area per family from 2,500 sq. ft. to 431 sq. ft. and on
waiver of P.U.D. requirement, located at 66-68 N. Chicago Street and 72-76 N.
Chicago Street.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Mr. Mike Petry, 960 Western
Avenue, Joliet, Illinois, who appeared on behalf of the petition. He briefly
described the proposed project.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers questioned who this product type will be
marketed to and Mr. Petry responded. Ms. Powers also questioned if he uses the
Joliet Police Department tenant screening for his other project and Mr. Petry
responded that he does not. Ms. Powers also questioned the parking situation.
Mr. Petry responded the site plan includes interior parking spaces and he is also
working with City staff to find additional parking for this project.
Mr. Graham questioned if renovations will be made to the first floor. Mr. Petry
Mr. Riggs questioned if Section 8 vouchers will be accepted from potential tenants
for this project. Mr. Petry responded.
Motion to approve Petition 2017-33: A Special Use Permit to allow the addition of 35
apartment units and a Variation on lot area per family from 2,500 sq. ft. to 431 sq. ft. and
on waiver of P.U.D. requirement, located at 66-68 N. Chicago Street and 72-76 N.
Chicago Street subject to conditions mentioned in the staff report and an added condition
that the landlord participate in the Joliet Police Tenant Screening Program was made by
Mr. Jim Riggs.
Motion seconded by Mr. Charles Graham.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Ms. Denise Powers, Mr. Jim
Riggs, Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Nays: None.
7. Petition 2017-34: A Variation to allow the addition of a new illuminated
monument sign with an L.E.D. electronic message center located within a
residential zoning district, located at 350 N. Midland Avenue.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Mr. Lou Kline, Shorewood, Illinois,
who appeared on behalf of the petition.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Mr. Kelly Fossberg, Grate Signs
Company, who appeared on behalf of the petition. He briefly described the
proposed project.
Mr. Graham asked Mr. Kline to describe the mission/purpose of the Lodge. Mr.
Kline responded.
Mr. Riggs questioned if the sign will have dimmers and Mr. Kline responded.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers asked Staff about the status of the moratorium
for L.E.D. signs. Mr. Schwarz responded.
Motion to approve Petition 2017-34: A Variation to allow the addition of a new
illuminated monument sign with an L.E.D. electronic message center located within a
residential zoning district, located at 350 N. Midland Avenue subject to the conditions
mentioned in the staff report was made by Mr. William Ferguson.
Motion seconded by Mr. Charles Graham.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Ms. Denise Powers, Mr. Jim
Riggs, Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Nays: None.
8. Old Business:
9. Petition 2017-28: A Special Use Permit to allow an appliance resale store,
located at 1301 N. Broadway Street.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Power swore in attorney Mr. Gary Mueller, Joliet,
Illinois, who appeared on behalf of the petition. Also sworn in were Mr. John & Ms.
Marcia Grabavoy, 10 Dinosaur Road, Wilmington, Illinois, who appeared on behalf
of the petition. Mr. Mueller briefly described the proposed project.
Chairwoman Pro-Tem, Ms. Powers swore in Mr. John Sheridan, President of the
Cunningham Neighborhood Association, who appeared in favor of the petition. Mr.
Sheridan suggested that the signage for the business be improved in appearance.
Motion to approve Petition 2017-28: A Special Use Permit to allow an appliance
resale store, located at 1301 N. Broadway Street subject to the conditions mentioned in
the staff report was made by Mr. William Ferguson.
Motion seconded by Mr. Jim Riggs.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Ms. Denise Powers, Mr. Jim
Riggs, Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Nays: None.
11. Approval of Minutes: Approval of the May 18, 2017 Zoning Board
of Appeals Minutes
Minutes Motion to approve The May 18, 2017 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes was
made by Mr. Charles Graham.
Motion seconded by Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Ms. Denise Powers, Mr. Jim
Riggs, Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Nays: None.
12. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Jim Riggs.
Motion seconded by Mr. Charles Graham.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. William Ferguson, Mr. Charles Graham, Ms. Denise Powers, Mr. Jim
Riggs, Leonard Thompson, Jr.
Nays: None.